Same-sex marriages: Let it be!

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Nowhere did I mean to imply that I was in favor of gay sex; I’m not. Nor am I necessarily for gay marriage, I’m not. But get real and see that the gay agenda has a powerful force backing it. Same-sex marriage will become an acceptable norm worldwide.
So, we’re getting real and seeing that powerful force… and his name is Lucifer.

Calling St. Michael! Calling St. Michael! :knight2:

Saint Michael the Archangel,
Defend us in battle,
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil.

May God rebuke him we humbly pray;
And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God,
Thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

I will agree.
I have seen divorces destroy many more marriages that gay marriage/homosexuality did.
I agree. SSM is not going to destroy the family or procreation among heterosexuals. And if a Catholic Sacramental Marriage is in trouble, it’s certainly not because 2 gays get married in a civil ceremony somewhere. Or even if they do in a non Catholic faith community which is willing to perform SSM.
My personal opinion is that homosexuality is sin, and that they are under a strong spell of Satan; they’re victims of abuse.
When you believe homosexuality is a sin, how can you say “let it be”? Let people continue to live in sin is an indifferent attitude to their soul and eternity.This is not compassion but malice. What you are saying is to let them enjoy their sin now and go to hell later. You either don’t care for those people or you don’t believe in the Bible teaching.

Read this New Testament if you are not familiar with it:
Romans 1:25-27
25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
Christ did not go to the cross or take upon himself the crown of thorns because he was forced to under the law. He did so by choice. Once you start legislating religious values upon others, then you are no longer acting in accordance with the example of Christ.
Actually He was fulfilling the Law and the Prophets. Which are the books of the Hebrew bible. He said so. He also said he did not come to destroy the Law, and that the Jews were to observe all of the Law, just not the examples of the Sadducees and Pharisees. The modernist interpretation that Christ eliminated the Law is mistaken. If that were the case, then St. Paul would not have written Romans Chapter 1.
That is why the Catholic Church is the institution on the planet that is the most loving of homosexuals, and those who seek the legalization of homosexuality are the most hateful.
Unfortunately, most LGBT people do not experience the Catholic Church as the most loving institution when it comes to them. 🤷
=Robert Sock;12884247]I never stated whether I support same-sex marriages.
Why not? Do you think that will somehow provide your stance adequate cover fire?
All I wanted to do was to make people aware of what is likely down the road and as a warning not to despair or grow angry.
Well, the road is going to be difficult for the foreseeable future, especially since some Catholics won’t even stand up for our values on anonymous on-line forums. :rolleyes:

But there’s also good reason to see that so-called gay “marriage” will not last a cultural mainstream issue, even to the point of it eventually getting repealed in places where it’s now legal.

We can already see these cracks because gay rights in the West yields to Muslim objections and other minority interests, for starters. And their numbers and influence will only increase.
I will agree.
I have seen divorces destroy many more marriages that gay marriage/homosexuality did.
Heterosexual divorces came from legally and spiritually recognized marriages. A homosexual relationship is not a marriage. A homosexual relationship is not the same as a marriage, therefore the two cannot be compared.

A more interesting point would be to discover how many gay relationships that are defined as a marriage in some states have ended in divorce.
Originally Posted by Thorolfr View Post
Unfortunately, most LGBT people do not experience the Catholic Church as the most loving institution when it comes to them.
Where are the data that support this claim?
That seems like a fair estimate to me. Judging by demonstrations, writings and publications by the LGBT community bashing the Catholic Church…I would think that only a very few LGBTs would approach our Church.
Nowhere did I mean to imply that I was in favor of gay sex; I’m not. Nor am I necessarily for gay marriage, I’m not. But get real and see that the gay agenda has a powerful force backing it. Same-sex marriage will become an acceptable norm worldwide.
And therein lies the big problem IMO. If you don’t accept it as the norm, there will be dire consequences for you. This is what happens to those who hold onto firm convictions about marriage as defined by God, and then secular society decides to systematically dismantle and destroy traditional marriage as we’ve known it. And you’re seeing these consequences already first hand. For instance, the Indiana pizza shop owner who refuses to cater a gay wedding based on their religious convictions. Or the floral shop or bakery owners fined for refusing to provide cakes or flowers for a gay wedding to name just a few.

I believe that there is a deliberate deception that is being made by many activists. It’s to try to make the average person believe that discrimination against gays is rampant. They target known Christian business owners, knowing full well beforehand that they may refuse their services to them based on their religious beliefs They also know full well that they could go pretty much anywhere they please to get flowers or cakes or whatever services they seek without any problems. The vast majority of businesses simply care about making the sale and don’t care much about what your personal beliefs are. But this isn’t the goal. The goal is to target, and then to silence, pure and simple! Christian beliefs to them are the real evil; the real enemy. It’s nothing more than a “gotcha” victory. If a business refuses services, they take it to a “sympathetic” media and before you know it, the full weight of big brother is squeezing you.

*(You want to know what the dirty little secret in all of this is? It’s that you would have to go *way out of your way to find businesses who would refuse to provide services for a gay wedding based on their religious beliefs.)

Peace, Mark
Nowhere did I mean to imply that I was in favor of gay sex; I’m not. Nor am I necessarily for gay marriage, I’m not. But get real and see that the gay agenda has a powerful force backing it. Same-sex marriage will become an acceptable norm worldwide.
Therefore…it’s good??
My personal opinion is that homosexuality is sin, and that they are under a strong spell of Satan; they’re victims of abuse.
The homosexual sexual acts are sinful.

You can’t know this and then endorse SSM, for “marriage” is a sexual relationship.

You have to pick one of these.
The homosexual sexual acts are sinful.

You can’t know this and then endorse SSM, for “marriage” is a sexual relationship.

You have to pick one of these.
Who is endorsing SSM? All I said was “let it be.” I do not personally endorse it. What I find most tragic, however, is how this issue drains much spiritual energy, from both those pro and con. Let it be and maybe God will bring good out of it. (I would make a pitiful crusader, but I thank God that He wants me elsewhere.)
Who is endorsing SSM? All I said was “let it be.” I do not personally endorse it. What I find most tragic, however, is how this issue drains much spiritual energy, from both those pro and con. Let it be and maybe God will bring good out of it. (I would make a pitiful crusader, but I thank God that He wants me elsewhere.)
Is apathy a widely applicable approach? If not, then why on this issue?

To be “OK” with your government endorsing SSM is little different than endorsing it yourself.

God acts through people. You seem to be advocating that we step aside and say…“not me God, choose someone else”!
Is apathy a widely applicable approach? If not, then why on this issue?

To be “OK” with your government endorsing SSM is little different than endorsing it yourself.

God acts through people. You seem to be advocating that we step aside and say….“not me God, choose someone else”!
This is why I said I would make a terrible crusader. But there are many mansions in God’s Kingdom and I trust He has a mansion for me. We are all different, but there is a spiritual aspect within everyone that God will be pleased with.
This is why I said I would make a terrible crusader. But there are many mansions in God’s Kingdom and I trust He has a mansion for me. We are all different, but there is a spiritual aspect within everyone that God will be pleased with.
Indeed. But there is no reason to advocate for the abandonment of Crusades by all!
Indeed. But there is no reason to advocate for the abandonment of Crusades by all!
This is true, but I’m not confident that the majority of Catholics are being call by God to fight this evil.

Fighting evil is a very noble activity when it must be done. But it is not our mission in life. Our job is to bring in more light.
  • Tzvi Freeman
So too I believe most of us Catholics are called to bring more light into the world.
This is true, but I’m not confident that the majority of Catholics are being call by God to fight this evil.

Fighting evil is a very noble activity when it must be done. But it is not our mission in life. Our job is to bring in more light.
  • Tzvi Freeman
So too I believe most of us Catholics are called to bring more light into the world.
How does one bring more light when let the darkness be?
How does one bring more light when let the darkness be?
When people see the light, they will change. The light comes from within, and gays are perfectly able to experience this light as are we.
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