Here is the crux of the problem right here. You keep invoking Natural Law Theory without your willingness to admit it. Nevermind the fact that homosexuals are inclined biologically to be homosexual, so if anything, natural law theory can be used to justify it.
I am not unwilling to admit that my reasoning may be similar to natural law, but I have no particular need to give a name to the elements of my argument (nor do I see how not putting a name to an argument can be a “problem”).
I hold that the same sex inclination is objectively [ie. in reality, of fact, not of opinion] at odds with the very body of the person who suffers it. To be a man, yet desire another man
sexually, reflects something amiss. That person deserves no condemnation whatsoever for that. But the sexual acts, the exchanging of semen with another man is objectively, everywhere and every time, a broken act, evidently misplaced. The romantic relationship and inclination of 2 men (or 2 women) to engage in sexual acts does not provide any basis for the State (or any person) to view their relationship as “just the same” as marriage. Their relationship does not arise from the nature of man, it does not give rise to a natural family unit, nor does it form the basis for the expansion of the community through children.
I agree there may well be a biological component to SSA, but it is nonsense to suggest that natural law therefore justifies same sex acts. The individual’s intellect makes evident that the acts are misplaced, [just as the individual’s intellect ought to be able to reason that a promiscuous man moving from woman to woman is not in keeping with the good of the community]. SSA does not create sexual complementarity - it simply encourages its absence to be ignored.
The biggest problem with natural law theory though is that it requires someone to accept universals…
Such as…the ‘nature of man’,? the reality of there being 2 sexes? Are there no “universals” - only “relatives”?
We’re operating on two fundamentally different philosophies here.
That may be. I’m curious as to how you simultaneously hold to your philosophy, and to the Orthodox Church, which has spoken out with concern about the moves to legalise SSM.