I have been a member of these forums for a pretty long time. Many of you have given me advice, some I listened to and some I didn’t. People have gotten frustrated with me as I seemed to have an answer for everything. Just know, I was equally frustrated with you too.
However, and it’s been a couple years of contemplating and deep thought, I have come to the realization that the Catholic church is not the church that I want to be part of. There is just too much I disagree with and it’s the kind of disagreement that cannot be explained away. I have often said, and not just here, but elsewhere that if I was given a choice I would have never been Catholic and would have chosen another denomination. My mom has regretted baptizing me Catholic as an infant because she realizes now that she took an important choice in my life away from me and sees me trying to be a good Catholic, but not being able to because those disagreements.
I am still looking for a church to belong to. It will be a liturgical church as that is the type of worship I prefer. I have attended the Lutheran church, but it is still too conservative for me. My girlfriend is Episcopalian and that is probably where I will go and lay down roots. I have been to many of their services and enjoy them. They are closer in line to what I believe and there are fewer disagreements to be had.
So thank you all for putting up with me.
Not sure what else I can say beyond, see you in Heaven some day!