Saying our goodbyes

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I wanted a thread where we can say our goodbyes to CAF and perhaps some favorite posters. This is not a thread to rant or rave against CAF or any specific poster you’ve had issues with. If one of those posts pops up, everyone flag it. This is to be a peaceful thread as this forum winds down and there are posters here that we’ve enjoyed reading and interacting with that we may never hear from again. Some have already moved on but I hope they peek in on her final days and maybe see their name mentioned.

I want to start with saying goodbye to @Niblo. We had a short discussion on how to establish peace on earth and we both gave up! 😂. The interaction was wonderful and you are an awesome person!

@Cathoholic, we butted heads many times but I enjoyed getting under your skin! You made me realize that we both really care about our country and what’s happening here.

To many that I will see again in another forum, I am so glad I met you here @Tis_Bearself, @irishmom2, @Peeps, and so many others!

To my fellow non believers @Freddy, and I’m blanking on you all’s names! 😂. I’ll miss you! @rossum, thanks for teaching me a bit about Buddhism and how logical it is (and sometimes isn’t!)

There are so many here I will miss interacting with. For all of you that I have, sorry…old age, you know. I’ll add as I remember!
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I can’t bring myself to name names, there are so many people that I really enjoyed interacting with over the course of many years. I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings if I leave someone out. Some of you, I have spoken to in threads, some in PMs and some off CAF. I enjoyed them all and wish it didn’t have to go this way…

As my grandmother used to say:

Dont say good-bye, say so long
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What a great idea, Patty. But there are too many to mention. The orchestra would start playing and I’d leave too many off the list. And I’d want to include all the ones I’ve been butting heads with this past year or so as well. Even the ones that have driven me nuts! Even the ones that got me sent to the naughty corner on ocassion - I generally deserved it (and even those who got me banned permanently at one time in a previous incarnation as Bradski).

This will be the third forum I have joined in the last 15 years that has gone belly up. I hope it’s not my bad influence. And I made friends in all of them. S’funny you get to know people just by what they write. There’s a term (which I can’t remember) for the habit we have of forming a mental picture of people we have never met in person. So I have an impression of y’all - which I will not be describing to save any possible embarressment.

And I’ve just checked my summary and guess what Patty? I’ve given you more likes than anyone and I’ve received more from you than anyone else. Whaddyaknow.

And the people I’ve replied to the most are…how shall I put this…those I disagree with the most. But there’s only one or two out of the hundreds I’ve interacted with who I probably wouldn’t invite around for a barbie.
I have lots of friends here, but two people I’ve come to admire particularly without a ton of direct interaction are @(name removed by moderator) for her even temper and deep faith and @Niblo, for his charity and patience dealing with people trying to bait him.
As my Pentecostal parents-in-law used to say (when they were young)–“See you in heaven if not sooner, friends!”
We’ll meet again
Don’t know where, don’t know when
But I know we’ll meet again one sunny day.
I was very disappointed to see Bradski go… 😉 I enjoyed your, er,… his posts.
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First I would like to thank the Catholics of all kinds. And people of all kinds. It’s like the Dr. Seuss book, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.

Say! What a lot of fish there are.
Yes. Some are red, and some are blue.
Some are old and some are new.
Some are sad, and some are glad,
And some are very, very bad.
Why are they sad and glad and bad?
I do not know, go ask your dad.

Where do they come from? I can’t say.
But I bet they have come a long, long way.
We see them come, we see them go.
Some are fast. Some are slow.
Some are high. Some are low.
Not one of them is like another.
Don’t ask us why, go ask your mother.
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You’re one of my favorites too! I remember us being on the same side in a very good discussion! Some topics, I’m the lone outsider but you had my back on that one! ❤️❤️❤️
  • I generally deserved it (and even those who got me banned permanently at one time in a previous incarnation as Bradski).
I never knew that’s who you were! You sneaky devil you!
You can only post 10 in a thread so, to add. PS…some I have to add as I see the names as I can’t spell them right otherwise!

Added…@Psalm30, @HomeschoolDad, @GKMotley,@Sarcelle, @RolandThompsonGunner, @(name removed by moderator), @Beryllos, @TheLittleLady, @StudentMI, @Trishie,

I don’t want to leave any out either! But I can’t remember their names until I see them…or spell them right! 😂😂😂
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@Cathoholic, we butted heads many times but I enjoyed getting under your skin! You made me realize that we both really care about our country and what’s happening here.
Thanks PattyIt. You are great! I never hold it as a grudge if I don’t agree with someone about something.

Plenty of days I don’t agree with me! Ha ha.

Many thanks and may G-d bless you!
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