Saying our goodbyes

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Most of the people I miss are long gone.
Patrick coffin
Other usernames I can’t remember but I remember those stories. There was an atheist woman who married into a a Catholic family who was amazing. Another poster who shared an amazing chocolate recipe. I’ve seen people grow in faith. I’ve seen people become less faithful. Some posters have surprised me with left turns in faith. Some have come around to a deeper understanding.
I’ll just say I miss his challenging positions that caused me to think.
Fr serpa I think would literally drive to where you lived to help you if he had the chance. A holy man. A wise man.
Fr serpa I think would literally drive to where you lived to help you if he had the chance. A holy man. A wise man.
Agreed. And as for Brother JR, when I asked him a question in like two sentences he responded with about five paragraphs answering my question. I never forgot that.
Don’t forget @athiestgirl. She kind of disappeared after the death of her husband and I really miss her. Jeannemarie and Truelight are two more and Dale and the Cardinal bird. Of course MichaelFrancis who moderated so patiently and It is solved by walking Augustine and Bonnie from Deer Park.
I say this knowing Br JR might appreciate the humor but Br JR was a man who liked the sound of his own keyboard for sure!
Were you there when he discussed his conversion?
he was Jewish, a husband (widowed) and father and found his way to the Church eventually becoming a franciscan brother and receiving permission to found the

He was a model apologist-a real blessing on the forums. I would love to have a book of his posts.
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I wasn’t, myself. I’m kind of afraid to click that link, to be honest, because I’m afraid he’s passed away. Has he?
There is no death announcement and there is a notice of his receiving perpetual vows from someone entering the order in January 2019.

There is a facebook page and a youtube channel

Brother Jay Rivera, May God bless him and his brothers and their ministry.

Of course, in looking him up again I encountered posts from churchmilitant another wonderful poster and apologist who reached out to ask us to pray for BrotherJ back in 2018 when he was quite ill. He recovered and returned to the motherhouse to be with his brothers.
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It’s been real everyone. I learned a lot from you all. In my prayers.
Awww…a special thanks for me? Don’t make me cry 🥺🥺.

Great thread idea. This has been a great place and there are a ton of great people I’ve met here, and a ton of people whom I admire and like but did not get the chance to interact with much. This following list is NOT comprehensive or arranged in any particular order…don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings but I might genuinely blank on names.

First off, of course I would be missing interacting with you, Patty, on PM. Won’t be tagging you as I’m replying to your post and I don’t wanna lose a tag! 😅

Another person whom I deeply admire and whose posts I enjoy reading is @OddBird.

@Niblo, you are the epitome of kindness and patience and I wish I could be as patient and polite as you in the face of rude baiting and trolls. My deepest respect and sympathies to you, good friend. You are a good person, and a good Muslim :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:.

@Sarcelle, what will happen to our strawberry patch? I shall devour a strawberry tart in it’s honour.

@BartholomewB, a good friend and a deeply knowledgable man whom I deeply respect.

@billsherman, @meltzerboy2, we never interacted but I always enjoyed you guys’ posts! Enough to tag you now despite never interacting.

@MNathaniel, @Glennon_P, @Katherine438, and everyone else who did, thank you for your unceasing prayers. Be assured of mine.

There are many others but I’m blanking right now. If we were buddies on here but you don’t see your name on this list, nothing personal! Well-wishes for everyone.
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Oh my goodness, it’s dusty in here! What a lovely, lovely idea for a thread, Pattylt! I will say (as a fellow non-believer), I’ve really enjoyed seeing your enthusiasm for learning more about Catholicism and what Catholics believe. I know sometimes I can be a bit jaded, or I can assume I know more than I do 😂 so seeing your posts has really inspired me to be more curious and ask more questions!

There are so, so many names I could mention. So many! @Irishmom2, @Psalm30, @DarkLight, @Sarcelle, @Lea101, @Tis_Bearself, @TheLittleLady, @F_Marturana, @Xantippe @Trishie - you are all some of the kindest, most thoughtful users and I have loved reading your posts. I know I’ve missed so many names off this list and I may need to go back and add to it later!
I have too many people to thank so I have to post again 🤣

I’ll also say @Vouthon, @Kaninchen, @7_Sorrows, @Ridgerunner, @tomarin, @ThinkingSapien, @LeafByNiggle, @ProVobis, @(name removed by moderator) and so many others - I have really enjoyed discussing all world news things (and everything else!) with you, and reading your POVs. I’ve learnt so much from you all, even if I disagreed with some of it!
Sorry, sorry…last post from me, I promise!!

@Rossum, @1ke, @Mike_from_NJ, @GKMotley, @meltzerboy2, @PickyPicky, @Salibi, @(name removed by moderator), @edward_george1 @Don_Ruggero - I’ve always enjoyed learning more about different beliefs, different topics and different places around the world from your posts! Even if we didn’t interact so much, I did love reading your thoughts.

I just want to take one last moment to say thanks to some users who aren’t posting here anymore, for whatever reason - EasterJoy, Pensmama87, Angel12, Roseeurekacross, pianistclare and more. I miss you all!
@Niblo, you are the epitome of kindness and patience and I wish I could be as patient and polite as you in the face of rude baiting and trolls. My deepest respect and sympathies to you, good friend. You are a good person, and a good Muslim :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:.
Hello, Salibi, my young friend.

I do hope that you are safe and well.

Thank you so much for your kind words. Are you not joining us on the St Isidores forum? If this is likely to be a problem for you, please PM me, so that we can discuss.

Meanwhile, rest assured of my friendship and utmost respect. God willing, this will not be the end of our correspondence.

May the Beloved continue to bless you, and all you love.

Very best regards.

I have lots of friends here, but two people I’ve come to admire particularly without a ton of direct interaction are @(name removed by moderator) for her even temper and deep faith and @Niblo, for his charity and patience dealing with people trying to bait him.
Greetings, Roland.

I hope that you are well, and happy.

Thank you for your very kind words. I hope they are not the last I hear from you. Please see my post to Salibi.

May the Beloved reward you for your kindness, and bring you - and all you love - to fulfillment in Heaven.
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