Saying our goodbyes

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Man, I took a short break from the forums over the fall, and when I come back I hear the sad news. I was wondering what else 2020 would kill…

Had lots of really good conversations and read a lot of interesting perspectives. Things sure are different then when I joined back in college.

I’m sure I’m missing people, but folks like @Wesrock, @Irishmom2, @TheLittleLady, @(name removed by moderator), @Tis_Bearself always had great posts. I appreciated your thoughts, and you did a lot to teach me and help me grow in the faith.

@Pattylt, of all the nonbelievers on the forum I enjoyed reading your posts the most. I admired how insightful and empathetic you were - how you were able to put yourself in our shoes to consider our perspective, even if you didn’t agree with it.

@Freddy, we might have butter heads a bit, but I always found our discussions to be insightful. You always managed to put me through my paces and forced me to think harder and deeper on a range of topics. As an aside, I always suspected you were Bradski - it’s nice to see my intuition was correct!

I’m sure I’ve forgotten loads of people, and I’m sorry to anyone I did. Farewell everyone.
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What a great idea, Patty. But there are too many to mention. The orchestra would start playing and I’d leave too many off the list. And I’d want to include all the ones I’ve been butting heads with this past year or so as well. Even the ones that have driven me nuts! Even the ones that got me sent to the naughty corner on ocassion - I generally deserved it (and even those who got me banned permanently at one time in a previous incarnation as Bradski).
How could you? Coming back after a permanent ban is a bannable offense!
Some posters I enjoyed interacting with and whose (name removed by moderator)ut I really valued, include, in no particular order: @Tis_Bearself, @(name removed by moderator), @edward_george1, @InThePew, @HomeschoolDad, @Pattylt, @oralabora, @Margaret_Ann, @TheLittleLady, @Weserthy.

I used to be a Regular until I took a 6 month break, so I have not spent much time here recently (I am however on the new forum started by @Tis_Bearself), but those are the posters that I always remembered even after I had left.

There were others too, but I can only mention 10 in each post.
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Thank you @catholic03! ❤️❤️

I’ve always appreciated your posts although occasionally disagreeing with you (and that was probably once in a blue moon…).
Thank you, @Margaret_Ann. It was mostly on the SSPX that we disagreed. You will be pleased to know that I have reevaluated my position after personally asking Bishop Schneider about it, and receiving a response from him in which he told me that the SSPX is, in short, just fine (and very orthodox). I also had a habit of defending every action of the Holy Father (ranging from Pachamama to Amoris Laetitia )which I now see as quite unhealthy. This year I have really had some time to rethink a lot of things, and I thank many of the members of CAF for that.
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Thanks for giving me a few more names…

Have I mentioned @Tis_Bearself yet! Oh my! I have benefited so much from your wisdom and Catholic knowledge! @oralabora, another I have benefited from! Also @Bartholomew! @Dochawk…this man has my sense of humor to a T!

I’m going to keep going until I’ve mentioned everyone that I remember interacting with and who’ve help me with the theology and experiences of Catholic life! ❤️

I want to give a special thanks to @Salibi. A friendship I honor and enjoy and have interacted with through PMs. He informed me of his situation in Lebanon which I never would have understood otherwise. As well as understanding the religious problems of Shia, Sunni, Catholics (Maronite) Druze and others. He’s a wealth of knowledge for such a young man!❤️❤️❤️
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Goodbye and ❤️.

I’ve got a “swansong” thread in the casual discussion forum.

Remember when it was the Water cooler?

Clubhouse for games.

And Back Fence for casual discussion?
@Pattylt, I just wanted to say, you have been the most respectful non-Catholic that I have come across. Unlike some other non-believers who constantly criticise the Church’s teachings, you have always been so respectful and kind. God bless you…and, of course, there is still time for you to come to Faith, which is my hope and prayer.
God bless you…and, of course, there is still time for you to come to Faith, which is my hope and prayer.
You aren’t alone in praying for me! Eventually, God may listen…but, not yet!
One of the greatest benefits I’ve gotten from this site has been in my ability to understand the differences and agreements with other Christian religions. I knew the Catholic faith was different in some regards but had very little understanding of what exactly they were! I could write a thesis now! 😂😂😂

I need to add @Nepperhan and you, too, @catholic03!
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It’s not like he’s the lone violator!
Well, I for one can’t imagine such a thing. 😲
C’mon, Roland. It’s confession time! Good for the soul…
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