Scenario: If scientists found out that aliens started life on earth, how would that effect the Catholic Faith?

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How exactly could scientists discover that?
The way they did on that Star Trek episode. A hologram they left behind which Picard and Co. had been led to in various DNA strands would tell them all about it. :rolleyes:

I loved the comment made by a fellow Klingnon to Worf who after watching the hologram announce to the assembled Klingnons, Humans, and Romulans that they were all related by the DNA her species had “scattered among the stars.” He turned to Worf and said, “If she were not already dead, I would kill her!” :rotfl:
Scenario: If scientists found out that aliens started life on earth, how would that effect the Catholic Faith?
If scientists found out that you weren’t human, how would that affect your opinion of yourself?
Not the same old stuff again! :thumbsup:Can’t they come up with something new?
Ecc. 1:9 What is it that hath been? the same thing that shall be. What is it that hath been done? the same that shall be done. (DV)
This is interesting. So it is not a dogma of the Catholic church that biological life started here but only Adam did.

Is it also okay to say that God created the soul even if Aliens made homosapiens or tampered with their evolution directly?
Who created the aliens? Wouldn’t that have been God also? He created everything.
Then I think I can safely ignore your opinion as it relates to the purpose of this thread. Thanks.
What is the purpose of this thread? Anti-Catholic Propaganda? If so it has one fatal flaw:

Who started alien life? No explanation. However you assume life was started by intelligent beings, an uneconomical assumption! But you’re heading in the right direction.
Ah yes, the Star Trek: Next Generation episode. I remember it well. It’s quite a reach, really. After all, you’d first have establish that there are aliens, that they are intelligent, and that they were the ones who seeded the planets. A pretty tall order. That begs the question–where did the aliens come from in the first place? Who seeded their planet to start them on their way to sentience? And so back and back and back into infinity. :hmmm: I’ll just say it doesn’t keep me up nights wondering. 😛

Tell me, do you feel like this thread is attacking your faith? If so, can you please explain why you find this topic so threatening?
That’s cleverly worded

I wasn’t trying to be clever. I was just asking a question.
because scripture only mentions 2 types of sentient beings and it teaches us angels can take on physical form. The Church teaches us that satan is cast down to earth knowing he has but a short time & all his evil spirits wander through the world for the ruin of souls.
How do we tell the difference between a fallen angel in physical form out to ruin our souls and an alien from a far off planet saying that he started life here (our celestial daddy)?
It’s plausible that given the existence of angels that shape-shift, we could be deceived into thinking that first contact is of an alien origin rather than a spiritual one. But I don’t presume that we are the only intelligent biological entities in reality, and of course maybe we are. The point is, I don’t know. I am just asking a question.

It’s a shame that I have learned more about peoples fears on this topic than I have actually learned about the Catholic faith in regards to the OP.

I wasn’t trying to be clever. I was just asking a question.

It’s plausible that given the existence of angels that shape-shift, we could be deceived into thinking that first contact is of an alien origin rather than a spiritual one. But I don’t presume that we are the only intelligent biological entities in reality, and of course maybe we are. The point is, I don’t know. I am just asking a question.

It’s a shame that I have learned more about peoples fears on this topic than I have actually learned about the Catholic faith in regards to the OP.
Your question is valid and none threatening. I hope my answer helped.

There are many on here that create their own dogmas regarding creation.
If scientists found out that you weren’t human, how would that affect your opinion of yourself?
Given some of the answers I have received on this thread so far I suspect that I would breath a sigh of relief.
If that is where my thoughts were taking me, I would consider psychiatric treatment. Really.
Are you saying that I need psychiatric treatment because I asked a philosophical/theological Question? Because if your not I don’t see how your opinion relates to the OP?
I am just asserting that if I had such a thought and it was not part of some activity that involved the suspension of disbelief. If I seriously considered such an idea, my next thought would be that I had gone insane, spontaneously, or through the introduction of a psychoactive substance into my body.
😦 It shouldn’t be inferred that ChainBreaker is mentally ill from thinking those thoughts. It’s normal for humans to ponder about the meaning of life and other profound topics. This contemplation creates inventions, movies, etc. Imagination is a natural component of the human species and it’s one way to find God.
Who created the aliens? Wouldn’t that have been God also? He created everything.
Well if EBE’s do exist then it follows logically that their existence is due to God’s creative act. Whether they were created directly by God or through a process of evolution is a different question.
What is the purpose of this thread? Anti-Catholic Propaganda? If so it has one fatal flaw:
Why am i being accused of Anti-Catholic Propaganda?:confused:
Who started alien life? No explanation. However you assume life was started by intelligent beings, an uneconomical assumption! But you’re heading in the right direction.
All of creation is the result of God’s creative act, or the first cause. Does the OP state otherwise?
😦 It shouldn’t be inferred that ChainBreaker is mentally ill from thinking those thoughts. It’s normal for humans to ponder about the meaning of life and other profound topics. This contemplation creates inventions, movies, etc. Imagination is a natural component of the human species and it’s one way to find God.
Well said. 👍
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