Tu falas Português por acaso?BTW I have been to the Fatima Sanctuary library and looked through original notes taken by priests
Tu falas Português por acaso?BTW I have been to the Fatima Sanctuary library and looked through original notes taken by priests
A referência exacta -e respectiva rasura- está em que documento?For example, the children reported
The only definition of miracle that matters is the Church one.You seem to miss the point.
You likely believe the angles of a triangle must always add to 180 degrees also.
If that is how you define a triangle of course you are right.
But if we question that as part of the definition of a triangle we may well discover that there are cases when triangle angles do not add to 180 - yet they are still triangles.
Likewise with inexplicable events. lets call them “wonders” (the english meaning of “miracle” is a very recent narrowing of the original meaning which was until recently more like “wonder”).
If a wonder has a spiritual causality must it be God?
I do not believe so. The same causality could be from a good angel, a bad angel, or from human nature itself (preternatural gift).
It seems to me we ascribe the agency to God whenever it serves the purposes of the Church. If the person is in any way not pro Catholic it gets described as Satanic, witch, magic, trick.
Yet often enough it is exactly the same inexplicable “gift” being displayed each time (eg prophecy versus fortune telling).
Not really. Many scientists are atheists and would reject the cause on principle. Even Protestants reject the saints on principle. No amount of proof would convince them and the end result would be that we would have no accepted saints whatsoever. So no thanks, the canonization process is fine as is.You are suggesting we only trust panels of Catholic doctors or their carefully chosen acquaintances and a token “devil’s advocate” rather than peer reviews or greater non-Catholic medical representation.
Most would find that still a somewhat medieval approach to discerning objective truth
Tu falas Português por acaso?BTW I have been to the Fatima Sanctuary library and looked through original notes taken by priests
CAf’ers in the post you linked (and in other posts addressing the same calumny and purposed misquote) have already done so sufficiently (and with plenty of merit since they hacked through the literature without speaking the language. NOW THAT IS MERIT!)Do you refute the following words
I just said the exact contrary above, learn to read.I conclude you accept that paragraph is in the Fatima archives
I too am an Engineer, Electrical if it matters. I’m not sure if you are demanding rigorous documentation of miracles as part of your faith or as an Agnostic/Atheist; but you seem to be a bit aggressive when it’s not really required.By all means provide the original documentation.
As an engineer, when people over exaggerate the scientific assertions like this I smell bias not objectivity.
Do they have non Catholic/Christian scientists on these panels and are their conclusions unanimous?
We are definitely on the same page.I am saddened by the uncritical tendancies exhibited by some thinking here which can make us ripe for cult type thinking and a journey into religious lala land or manipulation by unscrupulous authorities.
Flagged for disrespecting others beliefs.Flagged as inappropriate.
As if that would in any way discredit the broader phenomenons and thousands of eye witnesses.Or because they innocently mix up the order of two nouns in a sentence.