Scott Peterson Case

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The Scott Peterson case has the nation’s attention which brings the death penalty and forgiveness to mind. People are very angry.

I browse a discussion forum regarding the Peterson case. Some very negative comments are expressed on the forum against anyone who expresses they are against the death penalty.

Sometimes I think if the majority of the folks on the form could get together physically and lynch Scott Peterson they would. There seems to be great joy in writing different ways to cause him to suffer.

I wonder what could be written and posted on that forum regarding forgiveness while minimizing the anger it would generate?
The Scott Peterson case has the nation’s attention which brings the death penalty and forgiveness to mind. People are very angry.

I browse a discussion forum regarding the Peterson case. Some very negative comments are expressed on the forum against anyone who expresses they are against the death penalty.

Sometimes I think if the majority of the folks on the form could get together physically and lynch Scott Peterson they would. There seems to be great joy in writing different ways to cause him to suffer.

I wonder what could be written and posted on that forum regarding forgiveness while minimizing the anger it would generate?
There are some indications that Scott Peterson may be implicated in other similar murders. Have to wait to see how that turns out. If he was guilty of only his wife and son, the his threat to society is effectively over. He should live out the rest of his life as some other inmate’s girlfriend. If he is proved to be a serioal murderer, then I believe that capital punishment would be appropriate, as he is considered an ongoing threat to society as long as he has breath in his lungs.
The Scott Peterson case has the nation’s attention which brings the death penalty and forgiveness to mind. People are very angry.

I browse a discussion forum regarding the Peterson case. Some very negative comments are expressed on the forum against anyone who expresses they are against the death penalty.

Sometimes I think if the majority of the folks on the form could get together physically and lynch Scott Peterson they would. There seems to be great joy in writing different ways to cause him to suffer.

I wonder what could be written and posted on that forum regarding forgiveness while minimizing the anger it would generate?
Interesting post, I don’t remember any anger… Anyways, it is not our place to forgive him, it is Laci’s, Connor’s, and Gods.
Please don’t consider me someone who might be a sympathizer with Scott Peterson. I am not. I was looking for ideas or comments that would reflect our faith regarding the death penalty and the whole concept of forgiveness and to help me exercise that faith. The response I would hope for on that other forum, if I could construct the proper comment, would be either silence or confirmation.

By anger, I meant justifiably directed at Scott Peterson by members on the forum. I did make an error in the paragraph regarding placement of the anger line and acknowledging the justification.
Please don’t consider me someone who might be a sympathizer with Scott Peterson. I am not. I was looking for ideas or comments that would reflect our faith regarding the death penalty and the whole concept of forgiveness and to help me exercise that faith. The response I would hope for on that other forum, if I could construct the proper comment, would be either silence or confirmation.

By anger, I meant justifiably directed at Scott Peterson by members on the forum. I did make an error in the paragraph regarding placement of the anger line and acknowledging the justification.
I would like to express my faith by saying thank the Lord that justice was done by serving a Guilty verdict. Too many times people walk away scott (Pun) free because the accused was not caught on video tape and coughed up a confession and commited the crime in front of numerous eyewitnesses.
Scott will be having no fun in prison as a woman/baby killer. There is apparently a hierarchy in prisons and baby killers are the bottom feeders.

I think this man must have no conscious. He’s just a sociopath and doesn’t appear to have any empathy for others including his own family, not to mention of course his wife and son. Cold as ice.

Do you wonder why someone would end up like this? I do

Lisa N
Maybe it’'s just me…

but, was she the only woman killed by her husband in the last 5 years or something…

was it because of the smile on her face, the baby in her womb, the festive time of year?

no one else fit that profile to be so “Profiled”?

any thoughts?
space ghost:
Maybe it’'s just me…

but, was she the only woman killed by her husband in the last 5 years or something…

was it because of the smile on her face, the baby in her womb, the festive time of year?

no one else fit that profile to be so “Profiled”?

any thoughts?
While I agree there has been a bit of overkill factor (no pun intended) on this case, realize it didn’t START as a murder. It started as a pregnant woman (young, pretty, charming) who went missing on Christmas eve. If he’d simply killed her after a marital dispute and had been arrested the next day it probably wouldn’t have even made headlines outside of the area. But the suspense kept everyone hooked. Remember how everyone was following the Lori Hacking case? Same basic thing, pretty young woman goes missing, grieving husband pleas for help finding her. But it was concluded quickly. Not so with Peterson.

There was the “search for Laci” and all of the building of the case against Scott. Realize how long it was between the time of Laci’s disappearance and the actual arrest. Various news outlets were giving daily updates. “Scott drives down I-5” “Scott buys a pizza” “Scott changes hair color…” I kept wondering what Greta Van Sustern would have to do after the case concluded. Maybe she can visit Scott in prison and see if she can get him to confess?

If nothing else though this case highlighted that an unborn baby is a HUMAN BEING with a name, with a family, with the world ahead of him. That he was killed in the commission of killing his mother did not make him less human and it may help advance prolife causes
Lisa N
Please don’t consider me someone who might be a sympathizer with Scott Peterson. I am not. I was looking for ideas or comments that would reflect our faith regarding the death penalty and the whole concept of forgiveness and to help me exercise that faith. The response I would hope for on that other forum, if I could construct the proper comment, would be either silence or confirmation.

By anger, I meant justifiably directed at Scott Peterson by members on the forum. I did make an error in the paragraph regarding placement of the anger line and acknowledging the justification.
Can’t be me your talking about. I think he is guilty as Sin. I am glad he will be incarcerated. I do not believe killing him is necessary. He should live out his natural life and hopefully repent at leisure. I pray he has a long life to contemplate his sin.

Other than that, I don’t debate the Death Penalty. I just pray about it.
Lisa N:
While I agree there has been a bit of overkill factor (no pun intended) on this case, realize it didn’t START as a murder. It started as a pregnant woman (young, pretty, charming) who went missing on Christmas eve. If he’d simply killed her after a marital dispute and had been arrested the next day it probably wouldn’t have even made headlines outside of the area. But the suspense kept everyone hooked. Remember how everyone was following the Lori Hacking case? Same basic thing, pretty young woman goes missing, grieving husband pleas for help finding her. But it was concluded quickly. Not so with Peterson.

There was the “search for Laci” and all of the building of the case against Scott. Realize how long it was between the time of Laci’s disappearance and the actual arrest. Various news outlets were giving daily updates. “Scott drives down I-5” “Scott buys a pizza” “Scott changes hair color…” I kept wondering what Greta Van Sustern would have to do after the case concluded. Maybe she can visit Scott in prison and see if she can get him to confess?

If nothing else though this case highlighted that an unborn baby is a HUMAN BEING with a name, with a family, with the world ahead of him. That he was killed in the commission of killing his mother did not make him less human and it may help advance prolife causes
Lisa N
the name escapes me now… but i’m reiminded of the young girl in Utah that was kidnapped from her home by the Maharashi Diaperrash or something like that and you would have thought she was the only missing child in the world, prior to that it was Hedie Cluas or somename like that…

and don’t get me wrong, i’m sure the exposure helped in both cases, especially the one found alive… but you got to wonder why it’s always or at least seems like if your white, cute, affluent or at least upper middle class… you get the grease…

am i the only one that notices this, or am i being to simplistic…

Any thoughts?
space ghost:
the name escapes me now… but i’m reiminded of the young girl in Utah that was kidnapped from her home by the Maharashi Diaperrash or something like that and you would have thought she was the only missing child in the world, prior to that it was Hedie Cluas or somename like that…

and don’t get me wrong, i’m sure the exposure helped in both cases, especially the one found alive… but you got to wonder why it’s always or at least seems like if your white, cute, affluent or at least upper middle class… you get the grease…

am i the only one that notices this, or am i being to simplistic…

Any thoughts?
Myoptic maybe… We have a case here, thats gone on for 2+ years. The poor baby was a little Black girl. It has been and still is, profiled Nationwide from time to time. We call her “Precious Doe.” 😦 We recently had a momument built for her in place of the makeshift one on the spot she was found. The entire community has watched and prayed over the site since day one. Lot’s of news programs still bring her up from time to time.
space ghost:
and don’t get me wrong, i’m sure the exposure helped in both cases, especially the one found alive… but you got to wonder why it’s always or at least seems like if your white, cute, affluent or at least upper middle class… you get the grease…

am i the only one that notices this, or am i being to simplistic…

Any thoughts?
Yes I think so. The girl kidnapped and killed was Polly Klaas (sp?). Sure she was a cute white girl but between her death and the death of another child who went with a stranger to “look at his puppies” we now have the Amber Alert. I know this has been used to quickly move on missing children of ALL races. Wasn’t there a really celebrated case where a couple of girls were kidnapped and they caught the guy right before he was going to kill them? I believe at least one if not all of the girls were African American. We have had several Hispanic kids located using the Amber alert. It makes the headlines immediately.

IOW I don’t think that if an African American woman, nine months pregnant, shown smiling from photos with her handsome husband disappeared on Christmas eve that it would be ignored. Do you?

Lisa N
The Scott Peterson case has the nation’s attention which brings the death penalty and forgiveness to mind. People are very angry.

I browse a discussion forum regarding the Peterson case. Some very negative comments are expressed on the forum against anyone who expresses they are against the death penalty.

Sometimes I think if the majority of the folks on the form could get together physically and lynch Scott Peterson they would. There seems to be great joy in writing different ways to cause him to suffer.

I wonder what could be written and posted on that forum regarding forgiveness while minimizing the anger it would generate?
Scott’s death will do nothing to change that fact that Laci and Connor are gone. Two families (the Rocha’s and Petersons) are changed forever. Laci’s mother will never be the same. Our blessed mother must weep for her loss and for the loss of her grandchild that never was. I pray that the Rocha family can forgive, because we must forgive to be forgiven, and that they can someday have peace. With that said, I don’t think Scott’s life must be spared for the Rocha’s to forgive. If the jury decides to impliment the death penalty, then I will back that decision. I don’t feel that the death penalty is over-used or abused in our country. Much thought goes into a case before the death penalty can even be handed down. We are not shooting people down in the streets just because we suspect they are criminals, like in some other countries. He was given a fair trial. His actions, and lack of actions convicted him. I don’t see what spending the rest of his life (which could be 30-50 years) in prision will help. His death will bring no comfort to the Rocha family, but spending millions of tax payer money on his life in prision doesn’t sound practical or reasonable to me. Maybe they should sentence him to die…
Lisa N:
Yes I think so. The girl kidnapped and killed was Polly Klaas (sp?). Sure she was a cute white girl but between her death and the death of another child who went with a stranger to “look at his puppies” we now have the Amber Alert. I know this has been used to quickly move on missing children of ALL races. Wasn’t there a really celebrated case where a couple of girls were kidnapped and they caught the guy right before he was going to kill them? I believe at least one if not all of the girls were African American. We have had several Hispanic kids located using the Amber alert. It makes the headlines immediately.

IOW I don’t think that if an African American woman, nine months pregnant, shown smiling from photos with her handsome husband disappeared on Christmas eve that it would be ignored. Do you?

Lisa N
How much have we heard about those 6 white hunters being killed up in, Wisconsin (? I don’t remember it was reported on that little)? Hardly any, if it had been 6 hunters of anyother race killed by a white man it would be all over the news for years. I know that a lot of kidnappings, actually the majority, are commited by someone the victim knows… the media reports what will get peoples attention. I remember that case with those two teenage girls, it was huge news.
space ghost:
Maybe it’'s just me…

but, was she the only woman killed by her husband in the last 5 years or something…

was it because of the smile on her face, the baby in her womb, the festive time of year?

no one else fit that profile to be so “Profiled”?

any thoughts?
First off, I think you meant to say wasn’t the only one killed. However I have thought so much about it too. The fact of Laci’s being beautiful with a beautiful smile and that her baby was just about due and it was Christmas. I think it tugged at everyone’s heart strings. Her smile was contageous, and it just made it all the more sad. When they started calling the baby Connor, then I was hooked into the story even more. I think it humanized the fetus in a way nothing else could. Connor was a baby and even the media knew it. It was sort of shocking, since they deny that abortion is wrong.
Lisa N:
IOW I don’t think that if an African American woman, nine months pregnant, shown smiling from photos with her handsome husband disappeared on Christmas eve that it would be ignored. Do you?

Lisa N
No I don’t think it would be ignored, but some do think that the media only cares about cacausion people. I disagree, but then do we have any examples? Maybe this should be a new thread?
I think the thing that is so hard for people to grasp is how a man that seems so normal on the outside could be so evil on the inside. He looks like he could be a neighbor or a guy that you’d want your sister to date. I keep hoping that he didn’t do it even though I know that he most likely did.

I think he should stay in prison for the rest of his life. That way, he will have a chance to repent for what he did. I only believe in the death penalty for someone who is a threat to society. Scott Peterson, although evil, is no threat to society and there’s no chance of him ever getting out of prison.

People should pray for both sets of parents. I’ve been thinking a lot about Lee and Jackie Peterson and the hell they must be going through. They obviously love their son very much.

No I don’t think it would be ignored, but some do think that the media only cares about cacausion people. I disagree, but then do we have any examples? Maybe this should be a new thread?
I immediately bring to mind OJ simpson and Rodney King - both cause celebres. The young lady who sued Kobe Bryant? The Green River killer murders? And didn’t the police chief in Maryland come under heavy criticism because he wouldn’t allow the racial descriptions into the search for the snipers which terrorized people for awhile. I can’t quite remember the details of that one though.
I think the thing that is so hard for people to grasp is how a man that seems so normal on the outside could be so evil on the inside. He looks like he could be a neighbor or a guy that you’d want your sister to date. I keep hoping that he didn’t do it even though I know that he most likely did.
I think any experienced homicide detective, psychiatrist and victim will tell you that is precisely what makes a sociopath so dangerous. They are often more believable than ordinary people.

Along with their shortage of “normalcy” nature seems to have gifted them with persuasiveness and innocent countenances, moreso than the rest of us.
I immediately bring to mind OJ simpson and Rodney King - both cause celebres. The young lady who sued Kobe Bryant? The Green River killer murders? And didn’t the police chief in Maryland come under heavy criticism because he wouldn’t allow the racial descriptions into the search for the snipers which terrorized people for awhile. I can’t quite remember the details of that one though.
I think he said something about not believeing the profile because serial killers are white males…
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