Scott Peterson Case

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No I don’t think it would be ignored, but some do think that the media only cares about cacausion people. I disagree, but then do we have any examples? Maybe this should be a new thread?
What about the black man who was drug behind the car in Jasper, Texas… Anything envolving officers and other races is always all over the news…
What about the black man who was drug behind the car in Jasper, Texas… Anything envolving officers and other races is always all over the news…
Yes, that is true, when it is a racial incident it gets press. I think what the original poster wondered is if this would have been big news if it was a cute black couple? I think it would have been big news also, given the same circumstances.
Yes, that is true, when it is a racial incident it gets press. I think what the original poster wondered is if this would have been big news if it was a cute black couple? I think it would have been big news also, given the same circumstances.
I agree with you… The whole missing thing, being pregnant, Christmas, then her and baby being found dead, cheating sociopath husband, no remorse, ect… sounds like a novel.
I agree with you… The whole missing thing, being pregnant, Christmas, then her and baby being found dead, cheating sociopath husband, no remorse, ect… sounds like a novel.
Proof that truth is stranger than fiction!

I do think the suspense of the hunt for Laci, her pregnancy and the Christmas eve timing had a lot to do with the public’s fascination. We certainly are not following the Lori Hacking case that closely but it was resolved relatively quickly. There were a lot of similarities, good looking young couple, she’s pregnant (or apparently thought so), the husband gives impassioned pleas for his wife’s safe return and then we find out she’s in a garbage dump. But everyone was on pins and needles as the search for Laci went on for weeks and months. I bet if they’d found her right away it wouldn’t be such a big story.

It’s scary to think because you can look at Scott Peterson and heaven knows there has been plenty of footage of him, and he looks like a normal guy down the street. I have such a hard time believing it was premediated but the boat, the trip the discussions with Amber Frye about being alone at Christmas weeks before Laci disappeared sure make it look like he planned it.

The question is why? Mrs Rocha apparently had the jury in tears asking why he didn’t divorce Laci if the marriage was over. It’s just hard to believe.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
Proof that truth is stranger than fiction!

I do think the suspense of the hunt for Laci, her pregnancy and the Christmas eve timing had a lot to do with the public’s fascination. We certainly are not following the Lori Hacking case that closely but it was resolved relatively quickly. There were a lot of similarities, good looking young couple, she’s pregnant (or apparently thought so), the husband gives impassioned pleas for his wife’s safe return and then we find out she’s in a garbage dump. But everyone was on pins and needles as the search for Laci went on for weeks and months. I bet if they’d found her right away it wouldn’t be such a big story.

It’s scary to think because you can look at Scott Peterson and heaven knows there has been plenty of footage of him, and he looks like a normal guy down the street. I have such a hard time believing it was premediated but the boat, the trip the discussions with Amber Frye about being alone at Christmas weeks before Laci disappeared sure make it look like he planned it.

The question is why? Mrs Rocha apparently had the jury in tears asking why he didn’t divorce Laci if the marriage was over. It’s just hard to believe.

Lisa N
That is a good point, about the missing thing… maybe the Hacking thing isn’t as intriguing because he seemed to have a bit of a mental problem, not so much with being a sociopath… But, I am not sure…

The premeditative thing, when was it that he looked up all the information on the tides? was that before she was killed?

Why, is such a good question… Sociopaths have such a skewed way of looking at the world, from what I understand, that he could have actually believed having a divorce could have been a bigger issue than killing his wife… I think that Laci and Connor in his mind would hender what he wanted his lifestyle to be. They where inconvenient.

I have a HEALTHY (hopefully) facination with sociopaths, like you said before, what makes them that way? It has to be the whole nature and nurture thing…
No I don’t think it would be ignored, but some do think that the media only cares about cacausion people. I disagree, but then do we have any examples? Maybe this should be a new thread?
I agree that this should be a thread. I think race to a certain extent would play a role, but social status and race would really through it out of the ball park. A poor. pregnant African American women might get a 20 second spot on the news.Planned parenthood and the liberal media, do not want poor African American having children.We have a group that goes to pray at the abortion mills every saturday, one day the directoress who delights in harrassing us said stop praying for them! Are you going to take care of these babies, when we said yes, and you can always give the baby up for adoption.She then said<nobody wants black kids".SAD
Connor, Laci, Scott, Black, White, gay, straight, rich, poor, old, young, pre-born, healthy, handicapped, and everyone else…**ALL **were created in the image of God.

A victim of violence, apathy, accident, or evil influence, it is a sorrowful loss when a life is cut short, and it is all the more saddening when an eternal soul is lost. We may find satisfaction in Peterson’s guilty verdict, but rather than rejoice in the earthly justice dispensed by the courts, we should trust in God’s divine justice.

Lastly, we should pray for God’s mercy on **ALL **souls "especially those in most need of His mercy."
Connor, Laci, Scott, Black, White, gay, straight, rich, poor, old, young, pre-born, healthy, handicapped, and everyone else…**ALL **were created in the image of God.

A victim of violence, apathy, accident, or evil influence, it is a sorrowful loss when a life is cut short, and it is all the more saddening when an eternal soul is lost. We may find satisfaction in Peterson’s guilty verdict, but rather than rejoice in the earthly justice dispensed by the courts, we should trust in God’s divine justice.

Lastly, we should pray for God’s mercy on **ALL **souls "especially those in most need of His mercy."
Amen! Until people recognise the innate dignaty of every human being that is created in the image and likeness of God, then nothing that happens will surprise me.As, Catholics who know we are in one hell of a spiritual battle we should pray, for everyone including the people that it is the hardest to pray for.God Bless
I wonder what could be written and posted on that forum regarding forgiveness while minimizing the anger it would generate?
I think Scott is guilty as SIN! That said; “I think he should live out the rest of his natural life.” I see no justice in Murdering a murderer. God can forgive anything with a repentant heart. Time could well make the difference to bring Scott home to God and Eternal Life.

Make no mistake about it…If Scott was in my gun sites when he was a threat…his life would have been over in a nano second. I am a darn good shot. But, he now is no threat to anyone. He should serve out his life behind bars.
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