Scott Peterson - death penalty?

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Today is the day that we find out what verdict the jury has for Scott Peterson for the murder of his wife & their UNBORN CHILD.

He may in fact get the death penalty.

If he does it will not be justice, at least not Gods’ justice, but it could be a huge stepping stone for the Pro-Life debate. He will be in fact be being put to death for the “killing” of a mass of cells as Pro-Abortionist would see it. He “killed” an unborn child, a fetus, a thing - would be their argument, but it would not detour from the fact that he’s being put to death for the murder of 2 people - his wife & their UNBORN CHILD.
I personally think the death penalty is too light a sentence for him. He needs to rot in prison for 60 years and be reminded everyday that what he did was NOT ok. His loss of freedom is the ultimate punishment.

That man makes me sick…
I respect the right of a legitimate government to execute criminals. but I am of the camp that would only promote the death peanalty if the criminal can only be contained in that way, eg he is killing other inamtes or he keeps escaping and killing people or the country is too unstable to incarcerate peopel reliably (like iraq).scott should sit and rot.
I do not think he should get the death penalty. He should live without freedom, and with the memory of what he did to his wife and baby.
Life in prison, with also the requirement that he needs to face women support groups who have been living with abusive spouses. And listen to them and hear how he had sucked the life out of his wife.
Its kinda funny how our courts will put Petersen to death for murdering his wife but u.s courts will also give their legal blessing for Michael Schiavo to murder his wife Terri.
I personally think the death penalty is too light a sentence for him. He needs to rot in prison for 60 years and be reminded everyday that what he did was NOT ok. His loss of freedom is the ultimate punishment.

That man makes me sick…
The problem is he is a sociopath. he knows what he did was wrong but he doesnt care.
Its kinda funny how our courts will put Petersen to death for murdering his wife but u.s courts will also give their legal blessing for Michael Schiavo to murder his wife Terri.
IRONIC, NO? :confused:
Its kinda funny how our courts will put Petersen to death for murdering his wife but u.s courts will also give their legal blessing for Michael Schiavo to murder his wife Terri.
I was just thinking the same thing. Scott will never be put to death in California. He will get tons of appeals, etc. I do like the idea of hard labor for people like him- no matter what it cost us as tax payers.
Unfortunately, ACLU and all the others that claim to protect people’s rights don’t really protect handicapped people’s rights. Terri is at such risk. Prayer might be her only chance.
I respect the right of a legitimate government to execute criminals. but I am of the camp that would only promote the death peanalty if the criminal can only be contained in that way, eg he is killing other inamtes or he keeps escaping and killing people or the country is too unstable to incarcerate peopel reliably (like iraq).scott should sit and rot.
Brian, why would you want other innocent people to continue to die just so this person can continue to breath? You do realize, don’t you, America’s most hi-tech prisons can not stop lifers from continuing their lives of crime, including murdering innocent people outside of the prisons even when those lifers are in private cells, watched 24 hours a day, and are let out for only one hour to exercise alone? They eat, sleep and live in their cells 23 out of 24 hours a day and everything is inspected before it enters their cells including their food.
I made a mistake, the judge in the Peterson case sentenced Scott Peterson yesterday, the jury had already reached a guilty/death penalty verdict.

The judge sentenced Scott to death.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Laci Peterson, 27. Photo taken July 2002.
Her maiden name was Rocha.
Dj Roy Albert:
If he does it will not be justice, at least not Gods’ justice,
My good friend, DJ…Que Pasa??

Listen God killed people all the time in the Old Testament…what do you mean killing is not God’s justice…of course it is.

Su casa mi casa 👋
I was just thinking the same thing. Scott will never be put to death in California. He will get tons of appeals, etc. I do like the idea of hard labor for people like him- no matter what it cost us as tax payers.
Unfortunately, ACLU and all the others that claim to protect people’s rights don’t really protect handicapped people’s rights. Terri is at such risk. Prayer might be her only chance.
So true and so ironic. I’d rather they sentenced him to life without parole. The state will spend MILLIONS defending this sentence. He is no real danger to society inside prison. He can sit and look out onto the bay where he dumped his wife and unborn child.
Lisa N
I vote life without parole. An 8 X12 cell with no radio, no books other than one religious book of his choice, no TV and solitary confinement. He gets one hour a day to exercise alone and a bath on Saturday and Wednesday. No medical care, if he gets sick and dies that is God’s will.
Ahh, but he will get better medical care than most of us. Especially those of us with little or no insurance.

I would vote for death. It is a licit form of punishment as long as the guilty party is truly guilty…

As Dilbert’s company lawyer said…“How can I help? Do I pull a lever or…”
I am against the capital punishment. I believe that God alone has the right to take life. In the case of murderers God’s justice is sometimes harsher than man’s. I know of a local case of a horrible murderer also a satanist. He did a lot of plea bargining and was sentance to life in prison without parole. He had only served about a year of that sentance. when he was stricken with leukemia he died unrepentant, cursing God and believineg he had many years to live.
Lisa N:
So true and so ironic. I’d rather they sentenced him to life without parole. The state will spend MILLIONS defending this sentence. Lisa N
Then let’s campain to make capital punishment more affordable…how expensive it is does not mean it’s immoral.

If we have the political and popular will we can make it less expensive and quicker…a bullet only costs 25 cents after all.
Barbara Ann:
I am against the capital punishment. I believe that God alone has the right to take life. In the case of murderers God’s justice is sometimes harsher than man’s. I know of a local case of a horrible murderer also a satanist. He did a lot of plea bargining and was sentance to life in prison without parole. He had only served about a year of that sentance. when he was stricken with leukemia he died unrepentant, cursing God and believineg he had many years to live.
God helps those who help themselves of course. Are you suggesting that no crimes are punished and we just wait for all criminals to die of disease???

You say “I believe that God alone has the right to take life.” The Church Fathers and the Bible disagree with you. Where did you develop this rather novel idea?
Tom of Assisi:
Then let’s campain to make capital punishment more affordable…how expensive it is does not mean it’s immoral.

If we have the political and popular will we can make it less expensive and quicker…a bullet only costs 25 cents after all.
Oh please. I have made it clear that philosophically I do not believe in the death penalty. It is the law in the state of California and therefore the state must provide every possible appeal and defense. Were there no capital punishment we would not have to waste millions on these people in appeal after appeal. So even those who believe in capital punishment should see the downside of that sentence. Peterson is hardly a danger to greater society. He is not violent or predatory. What he did is despicable but that isn’t the criterion for choosing a death sentence. I think the jury reacted out of dislike for the man and sympathy for the victims rather than really considering the criteria for imposing death. Again if this were not an option, we wouldn’t be spending money on losers like Peterson.

Lisa N
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