Scott Peterson - death penalty?

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Tom of Assisi:
God helps those who help themselves of course. Are you suggesting that no crimes are punished and we just wait for all criminals to die of disease???

You say “I believe that God alone has the right to take life.” The Church Fathers and the Bible disagree with you. Where did you develop this rather novel idea?
I am not saying that criminals should not be punished. What I am saying is that the death penalty is a form of euthanasia. Instead of living their days in prison and at the end dying as all people must die they are put to death by leathal injection. I know which I would perfer if I had the choice. I would ask for a leathal injection. But my Catholic Faith does not allow me that choice. I will probably linger a long time with tubes attached to my body. Instead of a few minutes.
I do not favor the death penalty. What Scott Peterson did was horrific, but I could never sentence anyone to death…even such moral miscreants as Timothy McVeigh, Jeffrey Dahmer, Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, or Adolf Hitler. I do understand and accept the fact that it is permissible under certain instances for a society to sentence someone to death. Even so, I, personally, would not pull the trigger, inject the sodium pentathol, or kick the stool out from under anyone.
Are we in our “modern” times negating the biblical instruction to administer the death penalty on various crimes? In the new testament, Christ himself upheld the death penalty. Go for it, I would say if it falls into the various biblical categories that says to execute it. Shall we be “nicer” than God?
Lisa N:
Oh please. I have made it clear that philosophically I do not believe in the death penalty. It is the law in the state of California and therefore the state must provide every possible appeal and defense. Were there no capital punishment we would not have to waste millions on these people in appeal after appeal. So even those who believe in capital punishment should see the downside of that sentence. Peterson is hardly a danger to greater society. He is not violent or predatory. What he did is despicable but that isn’t the criterion for choosing a death sentence. I think the jury reacted out of dislike for the man and sympathy for the victims rather than really considering the criteria for imposing death. Again if this were not an option, we wouldn’t be spending money on losers like Peterson.

Lisa N
Well I believe that the death penalty is an acceptable option, it not always a necessary option. Peterson, however, is not a threat to society. He is an (upper?) middle class white guy. Time in prison will be a serious punishment for him.

The death penalty should be reserved to those who are truly a threat to society or its members.
I don’t believe in the death penalty. Every minute Peterson remains alive is another chance he might repent. I pity the man.

But when they continued asking him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”-The Gospel According To John Chapter 8 Verse 7
I think in this case it is a moot point since even though he is under a sentence of death, there is very little chance that will happen in California. While we go to extraordinary means to protect the guilty, the innocent seem to have a great deal less protection.
Well I believe that the death penalty is an acceptable option, it not always a necessary option. Peterson, however, is not a threat to society. He is an (upper?) middle class white guy. Time in prison will be a serious punishment for him.

The death penalty should be reserved to those who are truly a threat to society or its members.
Agree, it should be reserved to those who remain jailed and still pose a threat to society through contacts, etc.
4 marks:
I do not favor the death penalty. What Scott Peterson did was horrific, but I could never sentence anyone to death…even such moral miscreants as Timothy McVeigh, Jeffrey Dahmer, Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, or Adolf Hitler. I do understand and accept the fact that it is permissible under certain instances for a society to sentence someone to death. Even so, I, personally, would not pull the trigger, inject the sodium pentathol, or kick the stool out from under anyone.
It is interesting to note that of the five individuals that you believe are worthy of the death penalty only one actually was put to death by any state. Jeffry Dahmer, was murdered in prison while serving a life without parole sentance. Osama Bin Landen (whom I reguard as a very misguided soul) has not been found. Saddam Hussein has not been tried yet nor has it been decided what authority will try him. And Adolf Hitler commited suicide rather than face justice. Just and interesting thought
Another thought on this issue. In our town we has a rapist (truely dispicable creature) commit suicide rather than face life in prison without parole
The truth is that God loves Scott Peterson just as much as he does anyone of us. What he did was terrible. But his soul may still be saved - if his heart is contrite and he is TRULY sorry for what he did (Psalm 51). Only God knows the heart of man (1Samuel) and I hope that Scott Peterson listens to the voice of God and has a profound experience of conversion. As tough as it is - we should pray for him.
Barbara Ann:
It is interesting to note that of the five individuals that you believe are worthy of the death penalty only one actually was put to death by any state. Jeffry Dahmer, was murdered in prison while serving a life without parole sentance. Osama Bin Landen (whom I reguard as a very misguided soul) has not been found. Saddam Hussein has not been tried yet nor has it been decided what authority will try him. And Adolf Hitler commited suicide rather than face justice. Just and interesting thought
You forgot Timothy McVeigh I believe he was executed by the federal government.
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