It would be fatal if we didn’t feel pain. So whether you believe that the system was designed by God or is a natural result of evolutionary pressures (or a combo of both), then it is obviously a good thing. However…
There are some things that we experience that are only handy from an evolutionary sense and which could obviously be described as ‘non-optimal’ if we look at them from a design perspective. That is, if they have been designed, then the guy who did the designing did a pretty sloppy job.
Childbirth, for example, does not have to be painful. Unless of course you accept church teaching on the fall and God purposely made it so (but hey, that’s a fundamentalist approach and we don’t want to head in that direction again). If you have ever seen a dog or a cat giving birth, it’s a pretty low key event. If your dog went through as much pain as the average woman did in giving birth, then I would seriously consider puting it out of its misery. And trust me, I know what you girls go through – I was there for the birth of my two kids (tip for future fathers: when you hold your wife’s hand during a contraction, make sure she’s not just gripping your fingers).
And the process that one goes through that results in childbirth…well, there’s a reason children find the mechanics of the act to be disgusting. Unless your hormones are kicking in, it is pretty gross if you think about it. You will be aware of the requirement to teach children that any action in the nether regions at their age needs to be treated as a matter that requires strict hygiene. We’ll have to change your pants…you need to wash your hands…you have to keep that clean.
And then they get a little older and hey – guess where you are supposed to put that!
And the fact that sex is actually enjoyable has caused more problems since the dawn of time than any other single facet of human existence. And don’t tell me that God wouldn’t have been aware of that fact. So He acted like a rather sadistic father who places a bowl of ice cream in front of his child and then tells her that if she touches it, she will be punished.
Or alternatively, the fact that it is enjoyable is a purely evolutionary tactic to make sure we actually went through with the process as often as possible to ensure the survival of the species (I think someone wrote a book about that).
Which do you think is the more likely?