Let’s get rid of the misconceptions.
Fundamentalists read the Bible as a literal and unerring word of God.
Atheists read the Bible as a combination of historical events mixed liberally (not literally!) with fiction.
Catholics read the Bible in a cherry-picking fashion.
Q: Did Jesus really walk of water?
Catholic (and Protestant fundamentalist): Of course, it is written in the Bible.
Atheist: No, it is just mythology.
Q: Did Jesus really revive Lazarus?
Catholic (and Protestant fundamentalist): Of course, it is written in the Bible.
Atheist: No, it is just mythology.
Q: Did Jesus really come back to life?
Catholic (and Protestant fundamentalist): Of course, it is written in the Bible.
Atheist: No, it is just mythology.
Q: Did Jesus really feed a multitude of people with a few fish?
Catholic (and Protestant fundamentalist): Of course, it is written in the Bible.
Atheist: No, it is just mythology.
Q: Was Jesus really the son of God?
Catholic (and Protestant fundamentalist): Of course, it is written in the Bible.
Atheist: No, it is just mythology.
Q: Did Adam and Eve literally and really commit some evil act against God?
Catholic (and Protestant fundamentalist): Of course, it is written in the Bible.
Atheist: No, it is just mythology.
Q: Do you accept evolution?
Protestant fundamentalist: NO! It is contradicted by the Bible.
First Catholic (scratching his head): It depends. If you mean directed evolution, I am allowed to believe it.
Second Catholic (scratching her head): No. I am allowed to accept it or reject it, and I choose to reject it.
Atheist: Of course. It is supported by innumerable pieces of evidence.
The church had over two thousand years to separate the facts from the allegories and the plain fairy tales… and did not do it. As such you are not in the position to make unfounded and plain wrong allegations. Atheists are skeptics. They do not believe in fairy tales, be those about talking serpents, resurrected people, walking on water, deluge covering up the peaks of the highest mountains… and so on.
It is fine to criticize atheists for what they believe or do not believe. But, for God’s sake at least familiarize yourself with WHAT atheists say and don’t say. Arguing from such ignorance all you achieve is that your credibility ratio (already very low) will get even lower. How can you spread the “good news”, if you exhibit such incredible ignorance and malevolence?
To all of you who try to denigrate the atheists by equating them to Protestant fundamentalists, I have friendly advice for you.
If you live in a glass house, don’t throw bricks around.