Seamless Garment vs. the Cafeteria

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I guess I used the same logic as you did to determine I was a republican.
With respect, I never said you were a Republican. I answered your post about the seamless garment, but I never called you a Republican.
Well, let’s see. I oppose abortion, gay marriage (I support a constitutional ammendment to protect marriage), I support very limited gun control (registration and background checks, no one can own an automatic weapon, but you can have rifles for hunting and a handgun or a scatter gun to protect your home, heck, as many as you want!), reasonable taxation and prudent budgets, but social nets for the elderly, children, the ill, and the insane (not the able bodied who can work, but won’t), pro-private property, pro-business with reasonable regulations regarding labor and the envirionment, but not handing the keys to unions or tree-huggers, support the troops in the war, think we had to get shed of Saddam Hussein, wish we could close our borders to Moslems, cannot stand Barbara Boxer, like Condi, but wish Colin was still there, hmmmm…what else? I have on occasion wondered about socialized medicine. I do sit the fence on that one. Gosh, maybe you don’t know me as well as you think you do. That’s the trouble with labels, they don’t always fit.
I hit a nerve? You labeled me a republican? I guess that is different?
With respect, I never said you were a Republican. I answered your post about the seamless garment, but I never called you a Republican.
Back stepping?
This is what I try to teach my children about reading critically. Re-read the post.
Which post, the one where you insinuated I was a republican and now are trying to deflect?
Which post, the one where you insinuated I was a republican and now are trying to deflect?
The one that began like this:
***Neither would a Republican’s declaration that seamless garment is lefty progaganda make it such. ***

I never said that YOU were a Republican. Not trying to deflect anything, just pointing out the benefits of reading critically.
pro-life and pro-economic justice.
It’s good if you’ll have a choice between two pro-life politicians. Who did you vote for in the last presidential election?
pro-life and pro-economic justice.
It’s good if you’ll have a choice between two pro-life politicians. For whom did you vote in the last presidential election?
The one that began like this:
***Neither would a Republican’s declaration that seamless garment is lefty progaganda make it such. ***

I never said that YOU were a Republican. Not trying to deflect anything, just pointing out the benefits of reading critically.
The problem is you were responding to a post where I was making the assertion about seamless garment. It is not a jump to draw the appropriate conclusion. You are trying to spin it, IMO.
The problem is you were responding to a post where I was making the assertion about seamless garment. It is not a jump to draw the appropriate conclusion. You are trying to spin it, IMO.
That’s the beauty of America…everyone is entitled to their opinion.
Pennsylvania State Treasurer Bob Casy, Jr, son of the late Governor, is looking at running against Santorum in the 2006 senate race. Democratic Party officials have been meeting with Casey and encouraging him to run.
I wonder if his dad ever told him how a pro-life Democrat is treated by the party, being denied the right to speak at the convention in (1996?), and instead having several pro-abortion “Republican” women speak in his time spot.
I would really like to see him treated decently by the Dems, though I would never vote for him because of the voting balance in the senate. Unless of course, the Republicans put up a pro-abort, which ain’t likely.
I wonder if his dad ever told him how a pro-life Democrat is treated by the party, being denied the right to speak at the convention in (1996?), and instead having several pro-abortion “Republican” women speak in his time spot.
Exactly! I wonder if Casey Jr could ever make it through the Dem pro-abort gauntlet.
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