[The sexual] revolution is having deleterious consequences—and not only on the young—in the form of broken families and the attendant disadvantages conferred by fatherless homes, as has been excruciatingly well-documented by social scientists for many decades. Over half a century into the sexual revolution, the human damages at the end of life’s telescope are now also visible.
[T]he MeToo movement offers an opportunity to bridge ideological divides as the traditional cheerleaders of the sexual revolution reckon with the empirical record. The recent scandals have produced powerful new evidence for everyone to weigh. What are the two common denominators among the alleged offenses? One was the assumption that all women are sexually available at all times—what might be called the sexual revolution’s first commandment. The other is that many exploitative men have taken cover in venues closely identified with pro-revolutionary politics: Hollywood, mainstream print, radio, and television journalism, Silicon Valley—and even the New York attorney general’s office.
https://www.weeklystandard.com/mary...xual-revolution-has-been-a-disaster?_amp=trueThese men infiltrated important cultural precincts under the false flag of being “pro-woman” and succeeded because they were seen to be on “the right side” of the abortion debate. Wolves in Planned Parenthood clothing, they used pro-abortion politics as protective cover for harassment and exploitation, just as Playboy founder Hugh Hefner, who advocated for legal abortion many years before Roe v. Wade, also did in his lifetime. As feminist Susan Brownmiller put it in the New York Times after Hefner’s death, dissenting from the fawning eulogies about his purported feminism, “The reason Mr. Hefner supported abortion was not from any feminist feeling; it was purely strategic.”