Secret Service Agents denounce Trump's Parade

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If there had been rumors of his death or that he was critical, I could see coming outside to wave and show he was fine. That’s not what happened here. There were no rumors he was on deaths door. He did it to show he isn’t weak like he assumes others are when they are ill.

And yes, he did make a comment about Hillary’s pneumonia that implied she was weak for getting pneumonia.
It was worse than a poor example, it was cruel
So…you think that the President put his Secret Service agents and their families at high risk either out of ignorance or defiance or in your words, deliberate cruelty ("gonna kill me some SS men and their kids today!)—and neither they nor their superiors spoke up and refused to do something that they knew was unneccessary, and all those brilliant doctors, many of them no doubt with military credentials (officers) charged with the care of our veterans and our leaders, didn’t say a word, didn’t restrain the President (which they would have the power to do while he was a patient), but instead everyone just went along with the President like stupid helpless sheep and put their families at risk so that he could show off …

…you really believe this? You really believe our SS and our doctors are that helpless and stupid? You really believe our President has THAT MUCH POWER over his “minions” that he can literally make them kill themselves and their families?


OK–I think that’s ridiculous. I think you are giving the Pres. way more power than what he has.
So Trump himself, your man got so sick he was in the hospital… and you still dismiss the pandemic as “sniffles”. Amazing.
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I wish there was a mortal man I could be so devoted to… but haven’t found one yet. The absolute devotion and faith in Trump, even when he does objectively stupid things at odds with Catholic charity, is amazing. It must be a nice feeling… to have such absolute faith… makes voting easy.
So…you think that the President put his Secret Service agents and their families at high risk either out of ignorance or defiance
I would think he did this due to his lack of caring to have a “photo opp”. What about the photo opp on Lafayette square, where the peaceful crowd was dispersed so he could walk to the church?
Members of the Secret Service have been testing positive with Covid-19 since May (some earlier), so Pres. Trump may well have gotten the Covid-19 virus from one of them rather than the other way around.
Deliberate cruelty? No, just inconsiderate cruelty. The rest if it, about right. The president wants a joy ride, he gets it. People might speak up, but he can ignore them.

BTW, this thread is due to one of them speaking up.
. . . . These guys do this as a career, spanning multiple presidents. They don’t take the job because they like the current president.
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Really? Are you that ignorant? These guys do this as a career, spanning multiple presidents. They don’t take the job because they like the current president.
Calling another poster “ignorant” is way out of line. I don’t care to read anything else you have to say, putting you on ignore.
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Yes, indeed. He was inside a closed vehicle, not exposing himself or anyone else on the outside to his illness. He wanted to acknowledge the support and affection he had received during his stay at the hospital from fans and supporters who had gathered outside to encourage him, show their love, and were rooting for him. It was his way of saying thank you. I don’t see how it harmed anyone.

But it doesn’t matter what Mr. Trump does or doesn’t do, what he says or doesn’t say, he will be criticized for his very existence.

Mr. Trump is a president for the people, and the people appreciate it. That was the message.
“With a single motorcade trip, Trump managed to get the far left to care about the safety of law enforcement again”

LOL, Saw that on Twitter earlier.
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CNN . . .
“That should never have happened,” one current Secret Service agent who works on the presidential and first family detail said . . .
WHO said this RidgeSprinter?

Did CNN give a source? (Because they have been caught in Fake news so often, unless there is a name attached to this, I am at least somewhat skeptical.

As a matter of facr, I did not see any Secret Service accusers named anywhere in the article.
He was inside a closed vehicle, not exposing himself or anyone else on the outside to his illness
Exactly. On the outside. Secret Service agents deserve a little consideration.
But it doesn’t matter what Mr. Trump does or doesn’t do, what he says or doesn’t say, he will be criticized for his very existence.
This summarizes everything.

I personally don’t see how he can continue with so many people criticizing his every move-- I would have caved two years ago and quit and gone into hiding in one my private homes.

I think if he blew his nose, he would be criticized for (1) using Kleenex instead of a cloth handerchief (2) using a cloth handkerchief instead of Kleenex (3) using Kleenex instead of Puffs (4) using Puffs instead of Kleenex (5) holding the tissue or handkerchief incorrectly (6) not wiping down his nose after blowing (7) blowing his nose in public instead of privately (8) making too much noise when he blows his nose (9) sniffing after finishing (10) throwing the tissue into a wastebasket instead of a red biohazard bag (11) not saying “Excuse me” before blowing (12) not saying “Excuse me” after blowing (13) not washing his hands after blowing (14) washing his hands with tap water thus wasting our water supply (15) not using hand sanitizer after washing his hands (16) being out in public with any condition that requires blowing his nose (17) being born and existing.
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This summarizes everything.
No, not “everything”. He might get some positive reaction, if he really denounced the skinheads - for example. There would be many other options, but they would decrease his popularity among his core supporters. After all, that is what they like about him - being vintage Trump. Uncaring, selfish, brash, uncouth, uncivilized… and then he is upset and complains that he is not generally beloved. 😉 🤣
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