All available information that I can find in regard to belief in God and religious participation shows that the younger you are, the less likely you are to have a belief or to nominate a religion. A Pew forum study has some info here:
I must be the exception then. Nevertheless, I think generally young people are not thinking about that sort of thing unless something prompts them to, as I think no young person thinks that death could be around the corner, they think they will concern themselves with that stuff later if need be. Some people just don’t want to think about it because the questions and answers are too hard. Better not to upset the status quo, things seem to be going alright as is.
It appears to me, bearing in mind the majority views in support for abortion,
I doubt that, nevertheless, just because it’s popular doesn’t make it right as we find with Nazi Germany.
I don’t doubt that, but what I find interesting, is when people claim to be intellectually honest, but go for the ‘easy’ answer, the answer we all know they want.
Main stream media pushes it as popular opinion, many young people can easily be swept by popular opinion, what I find funny, is that people could champion ‘common sense’, yet support same sex marriage which is the opposite of common sense, as common sense tells us that a man and a woman are uniquely designed for one another given their sexual organs and reproductive system and that ‘marriage’ is for the protection and rearing of children born from the fruit of that union, not IVF and surrogacy with two dads or two mums. And then common sense say’s, if gender is irrelevant and procreation is irrelevant, why two? Why even the family structure?
and other matters by Christians of all denominations (and again, the greater majority in younger age groups), that religion is losing a lot of ground to a more secular viewpoint.
If they are too busy working, or focusing on other areas, then they probably have not thought their beliefs through, some people can live with a lot of contradictions. As the base mind loves contradictions, because it’s easy, believe in God and the supernatural when it’s comfortable, disbelieve in God and the supernatural when it’s uncomfortable.
There is even a substantial majority of people who are absolutely convinced of God’s existence that do not believe in an objective morality
That’s a contradiction though.
or would use common sense and/or philosophy for guidance as opposed to their religious teachings.
Common sense says that a man and a woman are uniquely designed for one another, hence marriage being between a man and a woman for the rearing of children born of the fruit of that union.
The concept of a secular or cultural Jew is well known.
It’s a contradiction though.
And I am currently reading a book by Ali Rizvi called The Atheist Muslim where he claims that he is a cultural Muslim and that there are a significantly large number of Muslims who might also claim that title.
It’s also a contradiction though.
I see Christianity heading that way. I’m sure someone might have some ideas why it is happening…
I don’t know, I don’t believe so. As for why if it is, well, it’s probably different for everyone. I have a few theories, such as where one becomes complacent in the foundation that Christianity has laid for our western society, and thus takes it for granted, if it trends down that way, it wont be until it hits that tipping point and our society starts collapsing, whether it be due to in fighting or another Country, that people I guess will start to see what they had and discarded and how important it was.
For example, a nation that isn’t united around some sort of shared morality, is a divided nation that will ensure it’s own destruction, exactly how Rome fell, because nobody really knew what it meant to be Roman anymore, what were they fighting and dying for? and as Islam and Sharia Law are introduced in large numbers, not only are there issues such as abortion, euthanasia and same sex marriage dividing our nations and it’s citizens, but then so will some of the things taught in Sharia Law, such as child marriages, the death penalty for apostasy, blasphemy laws, the covering of women etc.
A nation needs to unite around some sort of moral ethos that the majority all share (Which for the west has always been our Judeo Christian values), eventually people will have to wake up to this or be destroyed by themselves or others, and at that time the real danger then (if Christianity were to be eroded enough), is if it unites around the wrong thing, such as communism or something like that I think.
I hope this has helped
God Bless
Thank you for reading