Self-Described ‘Boogaloo Bois’ Member Fired AK-47-Style Weapon Into MPD’s 3rd Precinct During May 28 Unrest

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Self-Described ‘Boogaloo Bois’ Member Fired AK-47-Style Weapon Into MPD’s 3rd Precinct During May 28 Unrest

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — A 26-year-old Texas man and self-described “Boogaloo Bois” member is accused of traveling to Minneapolis and firing an AK-47-style weapon into Minneapolis Police Department’s 3rd Precinct during the May 28 unrest.

On Friday, the U.S. Attorney’s Office announced that Ivan Harrison Hunter of Boerne, Texas, is facing a federal charge of participating in a riot. He was arrested in San Antonio, Texas on Wednesday.

According to the complaint, investigators say after firing 13 rounds into the 3rd Precinct, Hunter is seen giving another person a “high-five” and yelling, “Justice for Floyd!”

Hunter is a self-described member of the Boogaloo Bois. FBI initiated an investigation into members of the group based on information that members were discussing committing crimes of violence and maintaining an armed presence on the streets of Minneapolis during the unrest.

“The Boogaloo Bois are a loosely-connected group of individuals who espouse violent anti- government sentiments. The term ‘Boogaloo’ itself references an impending second civil war in the United States and is associated with violent uprisings against the government,” the U.S. Attorney’s Office said.

Charges: Self-Described ‘Boogaloo Bois’ Member Fired AK-47-Style Weapon Into MPD’s 3rd Precinct During May 28 Unrest – WCCO | CBS Minnesota

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Member since June. Has yet to have made a single thread NOT about “right-wing terrorists” or against Trump/conservatives.

I wonder how much he is making agenda-spamming forums during an election year.
There are members who’ve been on CAF much longer who only post against Biden/liberals. Are you accusing them of “agenda-spamming” forums, too? Or is that only those who disagree with you?
Member since June. Has yet to have made a single thread NOT about “right-wing terrorists” or against Trump/conservatives.
And there are several members here that spend all their time making posts denigrating anything to do with the political left. So…? Do I see a double standard here?

The fact is this story about the Bugaloo Boy charged with shooting at the May 28th unrest is a needed counter to the right-wing narrative that all the violence is caused by the left.
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He was there supporting Floyd against the police… right wing? Lol.
Personally, I don’t trust anyone who joins a religious forum just to post politics. Especially if they join during an election year.
There are quite a few posters on CAF who aren’t citizens, and don’t live here
I should had been more clear. I asked, because what many nations see as Far right, it is actually left wing in the USA. That is what I should have written.

An example be. To a pro communist party from another nation, even Bernie Sanders from the USA is right wing to them. But to Americans, that is not defined. The media is trying to change the game, and that may work, or not. We will see.

But in the USA, the movement that is anti-cop, most of the time will be left wing.
He was there supporting Floyd against the police… right wing? Lol.
That is undoubted what he wanted people to think. This tactic has been done before. It does all the way back to the Nazis who would kill one of their own to gain the trust of someone in the underground and bring down their entire network.
  1. Boogaloo is an idea, not an organization so you are wrong on that count.
  2. The dude went to a neo-Marxist riot, assisted the neo-Marxist riots in their assault on the police station, and spouted neo-Marxist talking points while using a commie gun. Yet somehow he becomes a “right-wing terrorist”. Lies like that are why the leftist media are the enemy of the American people.
Boogaloo is an idea, not an organization so you are wrong on that count.
It describes people who generally support Trump, weather they have a national office or not. In that sense it is no different than Antifa.
The dude went to a neo-Marxist riot, assisted the neo-Marxist riots in their assault on the police station, and spouted neo-Marxist talking points while using a commie gun.
He also is known for supporting Trump. So which version of the dude are you going to believe. By the way, where did you get the transcript of his speech as he was shooting?
It describes people who generally support Trump, weather they have a national office or not. In that sense it is no different than Antifa.
No it is just a meme that refers to the up-coming civil war.
He also is known for supporting Trump. So which version of the dude are you going to believe. By the way, where did you get the transcript of his speech as he was shooting?
From OP’s article that you apparently did not read. By the way, where did you uncover his alleged support for Trump?
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The problem we have is that the media is setting a standard to a new low bar, and sometimes to a non existent standard at all.

As I understand the boogaloo bois are a mix of extreme right/left at the same time. How true? I do not know, because to the Media, it seems to like labeling anything extreme.

When they report news about President Trump they like to use words like, extreme, far-right and racist.

All of those are false, and are media labels for clickbait. The more clicks the more money they get.

The right wing media like to use Extreme, socialist, Far-left, for Biden.

So anyone who is just to the right or left of this guys, is way beyond extreme.

The problem? Now when you read about a far right or far left crazy person, the mind goes to the Political Candidate instead of the individual group of people however small they may be.

If I am not mistaken we have about the same numbers of White Supremacist to Black Supremacist not long ago. Both, a tiny, tiny portion of people. Minute numbers. But media needs $$$ so create a clickbait.
All of those are false, and are media labels for clickbait. The more clicks the more money they get.
Sorry but the truth hurts. There is an endless amount of violent extremists on the right. You guys can try and spin this all you want to sleep better at night but the facts are this country has a serious and growing problem with right wing fanaticism.
  1. The dude went to a neo-Marxist riot, assisted the neo-Marxist riots in their assault on the police station, and spouted neo-Marxist talking points while using a commie gun. Yet somehow he becomes a “right-wing terrorist”. Lies like that are why the leftist media are the enemy of the American people.
Who cares what the protest was about? He saw and opportunity and took it.Just like the right wing terrorist that murdered the Federal guard in CA. Just like the right wing terrorists in NV arrested for plotting to blow up Federal installations.
Are you a U.S. citizen Toabb? Do you live in the USA?
Not that it matters where I live, but I actually live in Minneapolis, So what’s your point?
As I understand the boogaloo bois are a mix of extreme right/left at the same time.
It’s a catch all meme for anyone who expects an armed conflict between different ideological groups within the US as civility and government authority breaks down.
Sorry but the truth hurts. There is an endless amount of violent extremists on the right. You guys can try and spin this all you want to sleep better at night but the facts are this country has a serious and growing problem with right wing fanaticism.
You missed my point. I am not sayin that there are no extremist. My point is this. The media has cried wolf for years and there is no wolf, but the people believed it and now are fighting a non existent wolf. Let me explain it further.

The Media, depending on who you watch, have created extremist people. Calling Trump worst than Hitler, what do you think that will do? Well, then comes Antifa. The news created this monster, They slowly started with he is racist, then he is worst than racist, to Hitler. Years of this, have increase extreme groups like Antifa, and they really believe Trump is worst than Hitler.

Then what? The media does not cover Antifa does not denounce the abuses and does not denounce them. This created a vacuum of “Justice” that a bunch of guys who like to brawl and fight back, got together and created the Proud Bois. Not for defending America, but for fighting Antifa. They do not care much about who does what, they are more anti-Antifa. So the media calls them extremist. Notice how the proud bois are always showing up where Antifa is. They do not start anything, they go to taunt and instigate Antifa.

Boogaloo bois I rarely hear of. What I have come across is that they are anti- a lot. They have no side, because they are both anti fascist, anti government, anti all it seems. So this group falls no where in the left/right spectrum.

The label Right and left comes from the Media, but the media does not explain what is a far right or far left. I do not even hear Main Stream Media speak of far left on many Chanels, that word does not exist. It seems to exist only within the confines of conservative media.
Self-Described ‘Boogaloo Bois’ Member Fired AK-47-Style Weapon Into MPD’s 3rd Precinct During May 28 Unrest
It shows the evils of extremism.
All Americans of good will should oppose those who choose violence to push their political choice. Just like the Weimar Republic, evil exists in both red shirts and Brownshirts.
There is no good choice between Marxists and fascists. They are two sides of the same coin. Flip the coin and the results are essentially the same regardless of which side is up.

The same is true with identity politics. White supremacists and intersectionality advocates are equally racist and evil.
Truth hardly hurts, BLM/Antifa protesters were pulling people out of cars yesterday in California, someone could say “more leftwingers” agitating. Probably all I’d have to do is look at the latest in the Post Millenial.

This is just being incendiary and I thought, actually, against the rules to post in such a manner.
Truth hardly hurts, BLM/Antifa protesters were pulling people out of cars yesterday in California, someone could say “more leftwingers” agitating. Probably all I’d have to do is look at the latest in the Post Millenial.

This is just being incendiary and I thought, actually, against the rules to post in such a manner.
What? It is not incendiary to post about every act of violence someone wants to attribute to BLM, but it is out of bounds to post about acts of violence by the other side???

Remember, it is right-wing terrorism that the FBI warned about this year, not BLM. The title of the FBI report was “Boogaloo Adherents Likely Increasing Anti-Government Violent Rhetoric and Activities, Increasing Domestic Violent Extremist Threat in the FBI Dallas Area of Responsibility”. It looks like the OP report is the more credible threat.

Since 2019, 12 people associated with the boogaloo movement have been charged with crimes, including the killings of two security and law enforcement officers.

FBI Director Christopher Wray told a congressional panel recently that white supremacists and other “racially motivated” violent extremists are responsible for most of the recent deadly attacks in the U.S.
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