Self-Described ‘Boogaloo Bois’ Member Fired AK-47-Style Weapon Into MPD’s 3rd Precinct During May 28 Unrest

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What? It is not incendiary to post about every act of violence someone wants to attribute to BLM, but it is out of bounds to post about acts of violence by the other side???
No, not at all. I thought what is improper is to self-stylize and editorialize headlines, if that is okay, all kinds of things can be said.
Remember, it is right-wing terrorism that the FBI warned about this year, not BLM. The title of the FBI report was “Boogaloo Adherents Likely Increasing Anti-Government Violent Rhetoric and Activities, Increasing Domestic Violent Extremist Threat in the FBI Dallas Area of Responsibility”. It looks like the OP report is the more credible threat.
Let’s remember, the organizer of the Charlotessville protests endorsed Joe Biden.
Since 2019, 12 people associated with the boogaloo movement have been charged with crimes, including the killings of two security and law enforcement officers.
Yes, they are extremists, are they right wing extremists? That’s up to debate, they believe in anarchy and are anti-police.
FBI Director Christopher Wray told a congressional panel recently that white supremacists and other “racially motivated” violent extremists are responsible for most of the recent deadly attacks in the U.S.
As said, Boogalo head organizer is a black man. Do you think he is a white supremacists?

BLM has had a convicted terrorist sitting on their board, Antifa I thought it being called terrorist.

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BLM has had a convicted terrorist sitting on their board,
The Black Lives Matter movement does not have a board. The board referred to is of the company, “Thousand Currents”, a separate group that supports Black Lives Matter. Rosenburg was just one board member on Thousand Currents. Her illegal activities were not with Thousand Currents. So the attempt to tie BLM to violence is extremely indirect. One could just as easily tie Trump to violence by looking carefully at all his contributors.
As said, Boogalo head organizer is a black man.
There is no head organizer.
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The Black Lives Matter movement does not have a board. The board referred to is of the company, “Thousand Currents”, a separate group that supports Black Lives Matter. Rosenburg was just one board member on Thousand Currents. Her illegal activities were not with Thousand Currents. So the attempt to tie BLM to violence is extremely indirect. One could just as easily tie Trump to violence by looking carefully at all his contributors.
She was not a mere contributor.

Also, let’s get it straight, nothing is as racist and white supremacist as the Democrats policy on abortion, combine that with the anti-police attitude, one might be more like these groups than they care to admit. The left has no right to tell others about racism when the policies they support decimate some communities.

Check what the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) writes on boogaloo, most of it is not racist, they are anti-police, anti government.

ADL, Language warning, ADL description of boogaloo:
Perhaps no event shows their evolution as much as a right-wing anti-mask protest in Columbus, Ohio, on July 18. Local boogalooers showed up to provide “security” for protesters. However, when Proud Boys, a different type of right-wing extremist group, started to insult and harass nearby BLM protesters holding a concurrent event, boogalooers intervened on behalf of the BLM activists, and one boogalooer was arrested after allegedly fighting a Proud Boy.
So, many boogalooers are in support of BLM, more examples on the webpage.

Check what ADL says, repeating, they have helped BLM.
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Oh! Sort of like our Benghazi martyrs and our Seals who were shot down in their helicopter to keep them from squealing that Bin Ladin had NOT been killed?
Truth hardly hurts, BLM/Antifa protesters were pulling people out of cars yesterday in California, someone could say “more leftwingers” agitating. Probably all I’d have to do is look at the latest in the Post Millenial.

This is just being incendiary and I thought, actually, against the rules to post in such a manner.
What? It is not incendiary to post about every act of violence someone wants to attribute to BLM, but it is out of bounds to post about acts of violence by the other side???

Remember, it is right-wing terrorism that the FBI warned about this year, not BLM. The title of the FBI report was “Boogaloo Adherents Likely Increasing Anti-Government Violent Rhetoric and Activities, Increasing Domestic Violent Extremist Threat in the FBI Dallas Area of Responsibility”. It looks like the OP report is the more credible threat.

Since 2019, 12 people associated with the boogaloo movement have been charged with crimes, including the killings of two security and law enforcement officers.

FBI Director Christopher Wray told a congressional panel recently that white supremacists and other “racially motivated” violent extremists are responsible for most of the recent deadly attacks in the U.S.
We’re supposed to believe the FBI? 😂😂😂😂😂

Those TREASON guys? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Those guys that used a bogus dossier (they knew to be false and paid for by Hillary Clinton & the Democratic Party) as a basis for false charges against Gen Flynn, several others, & President Trump? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Those guys that since Dec 2019 sat on Hunter Biden’s laptop info that would have squashed the bogus impeachment before it occurred? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

THOSE FBI guys? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I wonder how much he is making agenda-spamming forums during an election year.
Tons. I get a big fat check from Soros every week. /s off
oh and will I go away after the election, just like covid?
Also, let’s get it straight, nothing is as racist and white supremacist as the Democrats policy on abortion,
I have seen this nonsense before, and it usually hinges on the fact that Planned Parenthood clinics are located more in poor black neighborhoods - the implication being that Democrats want black children to be aborted more than whites. Of course it is nonsense. The location of clinics is based on demand, and there is just more demand in poor neighborhoods - obviously. That’s market forces at work - nothing else. So now you know.
She was not a mere contributor.
As far as the movement is concerned, that’s all she was - a fundraiser.
Check what the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) writes on boogaloo, most of it is not racist, they are anti-police, anti government.
Whatever they are, they are not good. On that we agree. Oh, and they do support Trump, by the way.
We’re supposed to believe the FBI? Those TREASON guys?
Pure calomny.
Those guys that used a bogus dossier (they knew to be false and paid for by Hillary Clinton & the Democratic Party) as a basis for false charges against Gen Flynn, several others, & President Trump?
Those guys that since Dec 2019 sat on Hunter Biden’s laptop info that would have squashed the bogus impeachment before it occurred?
More speculation.
Typical of the Democrats and left wing media to label a left wing terrorist as right wing.
Who cares what the protest was about? He saw and opportunity and took it.
It does matter because like all the other signs, they point to him being a leftist terrorist contrary to the lies coming from the enemy of the American people.
Just like the right wing terrorist that murdered the Federal guard in CA. Just like the right wing terrorists in NV arrested for plotting to blow up Federal installations.
Just like the other cult-Marx terrorists assaulting ICE buildings, shooting Trump supporters, attacking police officers, and menacing civilans.
All Americans of good will should oppose those who choose violence to push their political choice. Just like the Weimar Republic, evil exists in both red shirts and Brownshirts.
There is no good choice between Marxists and fascists. They are two sides of the same coin. Flip the coin and the results are essentially the same regardless of which side is up.
Wrong, the Weimar Republic was evil. The Nazis were the lesser evil and like all right-wing violence was a reaction to the leftist violence. So if you do not want fascists taking over, make sure they are not the only ones opposing communists by whatever means are necessary.
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At the time of the Weimar Republic, only the communists in the USSR, of course since the targets were white Christians, nobody cares.
No, at the time of the Weimar Republic when the German people were faced with the choice between the Nazis and the communists, any Nazi death camps were only a future possibility. The only one moving the goalposts is you.
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Wrong, the Weimar Republic was evil. The Nazis were the lesser evil and like all right-wing violence was a reaction to the leftist violence.
The Weimar Republic was simply weak. The Brownshirt violence was no better than that of the red shirts. There is no defense for either. They are mirror images of each other.
At that point, the violence between the Nazis and the commies were roughly equivalent, street fights, battles, and property damage.

I never said the Weimar Republic was communist, just that it was evil and ineffective too as you admitted. The choices were communists or Nazis because only the Nazis showed up to fight the commies.
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