Yet you praise Michael Rose (LOL!)More drivel from Deal Hudson. That magazine is no where near as good as it was when the pages weren’t so glossy.
New Oxford Review has address every attack on him from the pages of Crisis. I’ve found the experience of reading Crisis akin to sticking my hand in a jar of warm spit.
As for excellent writing, I try to restrict myself to stuff published at least 50 years ago: Chesterbelloc etc. It’s just too damn easy to get published today. And with the internet and on demand publishing, there’s no reason why you should have an unpublished thought.
After baptism, the Faith doesn’t require any more watering down like the faith peddled in the pages of Crisis.
Somehow I cannot imagine you reading Chesterton or Belloc…
As for Deal Hudson, accomplish what he has done for the faith and THEN pop-off…
Then again, who cares. You must be some sort of anti-Catholic attempting to make a parody of the faith.