Seminary Visits & Homosexuals In Priesthood

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The Vatican is consolidating plans for the much-anticipated apostolic visitation of U.S. seminaries, viewed by church officials as a crucial part of the response to the priestly sex abuse scandal.

Officials now expect the visitation to begin in the fall of 2005 with the start of the school year, sources in Rome said in December.

The Vatican is expected to publish soon an “instrumentum laboris” or working questionnaire that is about three pages long. It will act as an outline for the visits to more than 100 seminaries and other institutes of formation, which are expected to take several days each.

Already, the names of approximately 75 bishops and 100 priests who will carry out the visitations have been submitted and discussed by U.S. and Vatican officials. A facilitator to coordinate U.S.-Vatican contacts also will be chosen.

Sometime before the process begins next fall, the Vatican expects to publish a long-awaited and potentially controversial document on whether candidates with homosexual inclinations should be admitted to the priesthood.

The document on homosexuality has been in the works for more than five years. An early draft of the document took the position that homosexuals should not be admitted to the priesthood; in its current form, the document takes a more nuanced approach to the whole issue, sources said.

The seminary visitation is expected to focus particularly on formation for celibate chastity and on admissions criteria. It was first announced in April 2002, after U.S. bishops and Vatican officials held an urgent meeting to map out a response to the sex abuse crisis.
I hope these visits are not hijacked by the heterodox clergy and laity. Rome needs to eliminate the gate-keepers with an anti Christian agenda.
I hope these visits are not hijacked by the heterodox clergy and laity. Rome needs to eliminate the gate-keepers with an anti Christian agenda.
That’s an interesting subject-- last round of “seminary visits” was a bad joke from what I’have heard described. I suspect however this one may be better but somehow I wonder if one bishop is REALLY going to want to publicly comment on another’s seminary - I mean - I really wonder. But I await more detail with interest .
I hope these visits are not hijacked by the heterodox clergy and laity. Rome needs to eliminate the gate-keepers with an anti Christian agenda.
In Michael Rose’s book *Good Bye, Good Men *he indicates that this has happened in the past.
Supposedly seminarians will be able to meet with them in confidence. Yeah right. Nothing is secret in seminary. It will be known if you go talk to them. If the bishop or priest you talk to is a dissenter it will go nowhere and you will suffer. If the dissenters run the show then it will all be window dressing and nothing will change. Unfortunately I think that will be the general result. If the bishops wanted to shut down dissent they would have to start at the USCCB and I don’t see that happening. The good seminaries will be fine. The bad ones will keep on doing what they are doing. Nothing will change in my opinion. At least until the bishops themselves change. That is the part of the equation left out at Dallas.
Supposedly seminarians will be able to meet with them in confidence. Yeah right. Nothing is secret in seminary. It will be known if you go talk to them. If the bishop or priest you talk to is a dissenter it will go nowhere and you will suffer. If the dissenters run the show then it will all be window dressing and nothing will change. Unfortunately I think that will be the general result. If the bishops wanted to shut down dissent they would have to start at the USCCB and I don’t see that happening. The good seminaries will be fine. The bad ones will keep on doing what they are doing. Nothing will change in my opinion. At least until the bishops themselves change. That is the part of the equation left out at Dallas.
AMEN!!! I no that the Vatican will receive lots of pressure to continue allowing “celibate” men with homosexual TENDENCIES to continue studying for the priesthood here in the USA, can you just imagine the uproar if they were suddendly banned? ESPECIALLY in the RELIGIOUS ORDERS where it is MORE prevalent than the diocesan system?
Lets see…this was done in the 80s I believe…The book Goodbye Good Men speaks of it…MANY good Priests thought the Vatican was gonna finally crack down… it turned out that it was all for show and everything was given a white wash…hence…what we have today…the penalty for that sin… rampant liberalism and homosexuality thru out… and the 80s was when the Holy Father had his physical health and agility and he turned a blind eye…whether from not wanting to believe the horrors or not wanting them made public, I do not know and do not judge… but the buck stops at the Vatican and we are now seeing the fruits of that whitewash some 20 years ago… now with the Holy Father in severe illness, I fear this will be an even bigger whitewash than before.
Supposedly seminarians will be able to meet with them in confidence.
I love it. One seminarian can secretly denounce another seminarian as homosexually inclined. This is going to be great entertainment. Where can we get tickets?

“Well, Father, I don’t like to gossip, but… I mean, have you SEEN his room? The bed on the diagonal and those window treatments? C’mon!! What’s THAT all about? And he seems a little too fond of lace surplices. I’m not one to talk but I have to say my boy should butch it up if he’s going to be allowed to stay.”
If the track record of the past 40 years is any indicator, don’t expect things to change. The slide down this slope is getting steeper by the day!

Rome speaks and the bishops of the world…turn a deaf ear.
I love it. One seminarian can secretly denounce another seminarian as homosexually inclined. This is going to be great entertainment. Where can we get tickets?

“Well, Father, I don’t like to gossip, but… I mean, have you SEEN his room? The bed on the diagonal and those window treatments? C’mon!! What’s THAT all about? And he seems a little too fond of lace surplices. I’m not one to talk but I have to say my boy should butch it up if he’s going to be allowed to stay.”
You have it backwards, honey. The gay mafia call the shots. They are the ones denouncing folks and hijacking chanceries and seminaries. It won’t last forever. Good always triumphs over evil in the end.
You have it backwards, honey. The gay mafia call the shots. They are the ones denouncing folks and hijacking chanceries and seminaries. It won’t last forever. Good always triumphs over evil in the end.
If denounciations are going on and they are coming to an end, no one will be more pleased that me.

Let the denounciations cease!!!
It is more the profs then anything. Getting rid of a dissenting prof is virtually impossible. But sems know what is going on. Who spends the night in whose room. As I said there are no secrets. I know the system because I went through it. The orthodox guys are the ones who really suffer. Maybe you dissenters would like to take the first step by ending the persecution of orthodox seminarians and priests?
The can start by excoming our homosexual Vocational director.
I’ve looked up your vocations director on the web. He doesn’t look very homosexual. If some one can explain how to upload a photo, I’ll post it and folks can decide for themselves.
I’ve looked up your vocations director on the web. He doesn’t look very homosexual. If some one can explain how to upload a photo, I’ll post it and folks can decide for themselves.
Which diocese is this?
I’ve looked up your vocations director on the web. He doesn’t look very homosexual. If some one can explain how to upload a photo, I’ll post it and folks can decide for themselves.
there is a middle ground betwen Liberace and Rob Halford.
there is a middle ground betwen Liberace and Rob Halford.
I looked up who Rob Halford was on the web. Interesting man.

BTW, I’ve been to dozens of Liberace’s performances in Las Vegas. He was not gay.
I looked up who Rob Halford was on the web. Interesting man.

BTW, I’ve been to dozens of Liberace’s performances in Las Vegas. He was not gay.
Substitute Elton John for Liberace then. Same costume.
Please refer to the first post for the topic of discussion and get the thread back on the subject presented.
Already, the names of approximately 75 bishops and 100 priests who will carry out the visitations have been submitted and discussed by U.S. and Vatican officials. A facilitator to coordinate U.S.-Vatican contacts also will be chosen.
Has anyone heard WHO some of these will be?
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