Certainly nothing I know of would impede the Church from such a stance… As for the dual role the catholic priest takes - it is simply efficient for the State and for the couple if the Church minister does so.
If it’s not a process that needs to happen, it may be “efficient” but this process is causing a lot of confusion (especially among seculars) about where the boundaries of Sacramental and legal marriage are, especially during this time where “gay marriage” is becoming legalized more and more. I think it would be prudent that the Church do something to delineate the kind of “marriage” that it performs (which is true marriage) from whatever the (current) state has decided to do in the name of “marriage” by recognizing whatever they currently want to call it. The current way of doing things may be easier, but is it prudent for the Church in this day in age of confusion?
I think you are overreaching on the extent to which they are actually unique, noting the Church’s recognition of marriages unconnected with the Church.
I still have a tendency to think that Catholic marriages are truly unique things very different from civil marriage as carried out in our day in age among purely seculars, especially in these times where marriage is being “redefined” whether we like it or not (in the eyes of the state). I honestly think it’s time to delineate more what WE mean by marriage vs. what the world now means by it… and not just delineate, but actually separate. The civil partnership “marriage” the state gives out can be whatever it wants to be, but let’s keep the Sacrament undefiled and separate from that stuff going forward… baptized persons in general are obviously married in the eyes of God, but as for seculars… until they are baptized (and assuming their civil marriages are in conformity to the natural law, if not then no), I’d be skeptical about whether or not they are really married in the eyes of God. If they want to be sure of such a distinction, they should get baptized.
In any case, that’s just my opinion. I think the Church has to do something in the years ahead because times are changing all around us. The Church has had deal with many eventualities that have come down to it from the culture around it, and this would be no different.
Or alternatively, the State could abandon the notion of Marriage (after all, it is the one that wishes a change), and issue civil union certificates to all!
Quite frankly I have much more confidence in the Church to separate itself from secular “marriage” than in the state to separate itself from the word “marriage” and pursue pure legalities. I don’t think gays are going to suddenly stop using the word “marriage” to describe their partnerships. I think we have to be the change we want to see in the world.
As far as I am aware, the State-witnessed Marriage of 2 atheists is a real Marriage as far as the Church is concerned. The State-witnessed marriage of baptised persons is sacramental.
A lot of change would be necessary to bring about what you suggest.
Yes, it would be, but I think it’s necessary and prudent change that has to happen, considering the times we are living in. If we truly want to stand by our convictions about what marriage really means in these times where we are losing the “culture war” on this issue as the years go by, we may have to engage in some tough love and be more skeptical about whether
anyone (who is not baptized) is actually “married” in the eyes of God, in these times, since among those who are now also “civilly married” are homosexual unions and who knows what else is on the way (polygamy…etc.). The minimum requirement for sacramental marriage in these times ought to be Baptism and conformity to the natural law. If those two things aren’t present, I would say they aren’t validly married.
But I am not the Church, that’s just my opinion.