Series called “The Chosen”

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its not magisterium teaching either way and that is what counts.
Depicting discomfort and pain is a typically human condition. It is not against any of the Marian Dogma or against Catholic teaching.
Unfortunately, I have had the pain of childbirth be a lesser pain than many of my cancer treatments and surgeries. I would take comfort in knowing that Mary knew what it was like to experience pain, knowing she absolutely handled it with courage and grace. During excruciating pain, my body and soul scream to the heavens for relief and comfort–part of that visceral yearning, groaning for God is because Mary and Jesus know–lived–as humans with pain and hardship and challenges. Knowing they watch over me with that knowledge and experience offers me great hope and is a lifeline without which I couldn’t bear the pain. Jesus isn’t just an untouchable deity, He experienced ‘every temptation known to man’, He died and rose from the dead bodily giving us the hope of us rising with Him one day. That Jesus and His mother were fully human is significant and deliberate. There is nothing in scripture that indicates they were ‘opted out’ of naturally occurring physical pain that comes with life, including childbirth.

I don’t get the insistence that Mary did not have pain in childbirth–and perhaps she didn’t; as stated above by @umamibella , it’s not magisterial teaching. @PatK63 how would you explain birthing a baby with no pain? Did something override the communication between nerve endings and the brain? Her spine miraculously desensitise everything below the waist? Since we are not bound to the notion of Mary’s pain free labour by the magisterium and, as @umamibella stated pain is part of the human experience, it stands to reason it’s quite possible, probable even, that Mary laboured with pain typical of childbirth. It’s the humanity of Jesus and Mary that allows us to know that our God truly walked in the shoes of human experience, in all its glory and pain.

I’m definitely checking this series out–thanks for bringing up, OP!
I am sorry you are suffering. Indeed Almighty God did not spare His Son from pain, nor does He spare us! Mary suffered also watching her son suffer!
It is a long help belief that Mary did not suffer childbirth pain. You do not have to believe it! As a Catholic you do have to believe in the Virgin birth and the perpetual virginity of Mary! To be blunt that means Mary’s virginity is still in tack. Jesus was born And He did not break the hymen, Nor did Mary ever have sexual relations! All wonders we do not understand! Given those facts where did Mary’s birth pain come from because Jesus did not pass through the birth canal in the normal way!
There’s nothing wrong with using the imagination in presenting the Gospel, as long as the imagined parts are not presented as…the Gospel. I didn’t see anything heinously wrong with any of the material.
I really like the series. It captures the life changing encounter with Christ. Also captures his kindness and patience.
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I enjoyed the series. I thought the actors did an excellent job. I know the backstory on the Apostles were fabricated but they offered things to discuss. I know there were some modern day expressions were used, Jesus’ backpack was clearly factory made. I can overlook that stuff. My ONLY issue was the one scene when Jesus was talking to the children. I was hoping to hear the Gospel. Instead, it was the writer’s personal opinion. “Never seek justice”? Really? Justice is a cardinal virtue of the Catholic Church. Vengeance and justice are clearly 2 different things. Is the writer saying that if someone breaks into our house and kills our family, we can’t call the police? Now, I know to question that. I’ve read the Gospels many times. But my concern is someone watching will ooh and aaah over it and assume that what is presented is actually in the Bible and they would end up being misled.
Any other opinions?
I just watched Ep1

That scene at the end when God himself says the words Magdala had been praying since she was a little girl, & after all she’s been through… serious lump in my throat. I was literally holding back tears.

Well done.
I was impressed with a couple of the Marian scenes in the series. First, when they find 12 year old Jesus in the temple eager to start his ministry, he acquiesces to Mary’s plea, “Not yet, please.”

Then later when Mary asks him to begin his public ministry, “Please.”

Not that Jesus needs her permission. Not that the Church teaches this. But it reminds me of something Blessed Fulton Sheen said. Mary knew what she was asking in Cana.
We shouldn’t make judgement calls on people we don’t know personally. Calling an actor a devout catholic can scandalize people later who then think of them as devout catholics and see them in public (or subsequent movies) doing or saying very anti catholic or ungodly things. Mark Wahlberg and Jim Gaffigan come to mind. A lot of people kept gushing over them over the years at how they were so devout and how they were living icons of Christ in Hollywood/the public square. Yet Mark is constantly doing movies that no devout Catholic would agree to, and Jim recently had his anti Catholic pro lgbtq tirade showing that their family is, in fact, not very devout at all but can be considered “anti-catholic”.
I’m not saying there’s any reason to doubt this guys faith, just that we shouldn’t praise someone for their faith that we don’t know personally and can’t attest to how devout they are or not. I’m sure there are a lot of people who wear rosaries in public that have no problem walking into planned parenthood whenever their contraception fails.
I recommend you listen to his interviews! @SlavaIsusuChristu
Not saying I disagree. Anytime we follow anyone but Jesus Christ we are likely to be mislead.
I didn’t make a judgement call. Check him out. Jonathan Roumie. Personally your post was interesting to me because I never ever ever in 100 years would have called Mark Wahlberg or Jim Gaffigan a devout Catholic. Never. And I don’t think either of them led the rosary weekly, or led litany’s… Jonathan Roumie… is good Catholic man. 🙂

You can find much information about him - for starters, the National Catholic Register had a good article: “Jonathan Roumie credits his Catholic faith as the foundation of his portrayal of Jesus”

In July he joined over 125,000 virtual participants and over 250 parish communities that gathered for the world’s first multi-parish livestream conference.

He recently visited EWTN did an interview with Father John Paul - easy to find if you look for it. 🙂

You can do the the “Live Rosary with Jonathan Roumie” on many different dates on youtube, you can find him leading litanies on Instagram (Divine Mercy chaplet too).

I am pretty sure I’m ok with saying Jonathan Roumie is a devout Catholic.
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I really liked them all in one way or another. I find the scene where Jesus meets with Mary Magdalene a really good one.
I love the way they presented Matthew. He is an Aspergers Syndrome man. Very smart, little emotion and fearless when he talks to the Roman in charge. We celebrated St. Matthews feast day last week. He wrote a gospel and it was very important for Matthew to show the ancestry of Jesus. It had to fit tighter and make sense.
I watched Ep. 1 this evening; it was difficult to get thru. All of the actors have accents, which makes them difficult for me to understand (geezer ears), and being on YouTube, the closed captioning is done with speech-to-text software, rather than being taken from the printed script, which makes the captions wrong more often than right. For example, in the scene where Nicodemus is performing the attempted exorcism, the recited names of the archangels were captioned as “Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Uriel, and Anderson”.

My husband and I lovedseason one. We are not TV or series watchers normally. It made me feel like the apostles are my friends. The videography was beautiful. I think it is neat being the #1 crowd funded media in history. The film had a unique down to earth (lol) portrayal of Jesus. I can say the Lord worked through it and my faith was deepened. Overall, ***** fivestars!!!
I understand.

You can get the free apt and play it on your TV with Netflix or several other platforms. Ask you grandkids for help. 😋
I have Roku and as I recall I got the free apt from “The Chosen” web page I guess and it just played. I can’t remember all the steps but I know I started with getting the apt! Good luck.
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