That is not conservatism. The word you want is strict. And if they go beyond, rigorist. The comparison with Pharisees is inadequate too. Phariseism is an attitude that doesn’t distinguish between age, sex, status, etc. It appears in liberal, progressive, conservative, traditional, etc. environments.Keep in mind, when I say conservatives, I do not mean politically. I follow the following steps in discerning someone’s argument:
A) Is he/she orthodox or heterodox? Does he/she follow Catholic teaching? Is this person interested in teaching Catholic teaching or interested in helping me feel “free” from the burdens of Catholic teaching?
If A = orthodox, I continue:
B) Are they conservative, neutral, or lax? That is to say, do they attempt to bind people to stronger rules than Catholicism teaches (conservative), attempt to “get around” Catholic doctrine in ways that are dressed up pretty (lax), or attempt to present Magisterial teaching objectively with sourcing? There are several issues on CAF where conservatives well outnumber those in the neutral camp, and so I intentionally request Magisterial (or Doctoral) teaching in order to discern the rationale behind one’s actions. If a person is of the conservative mindset, they will be unable to do so. And I typically do not put much faith in the stock of a Catholic who cannot source their claims.
Back in Christ’s time, they had the same issue. There were the heterodox, the conservatives (the Pharisees), and the lax. He admonished all three groups, but saved His harshest criticism for the Pharisees. Likewise, while I put more stock in their opinions than the lax or heterodox, I find myself unable to be convinced by those with conservative positions on issues.
However, I more than welcome any moral theology citations that can be brought to my attention. I do seek to follow Christ above all else. I just will not subject myself to rules instituted falsely by the laity, nor will I keep myself from advising what I believe to be a good course of action to other gays & lesbians, just because someone random opposes it without sourcing.
I think the majority of this forum is far from being strict or rigorist.
When you speak about conservatism, you are entering the topic of the current spectrum in the Church today. As I said earlier, they are not a non plus ultra. Conservatism refers to maintaining a status quo. In Catholicism, that would be adherence to Magisterium. Sometimes, that adherence is expressed through following of particularities of recent pontiffs or institute founders, and a certain distaste of previous discipline, or more traditional things (That would be, being at the current).