Sex during monthly period?

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It’s clear that there are those who are completely ‘grossed out’ by the thought of marital relations during the menses. I also suppose that many, if not the majority of females refuse their husband, at that time.

What do you expect your husband to do? Would you prefer to see him fall into other forms of sin? Does it matter that the husband will likely resort to solitary acts, or worse? Is the thought of marital relations at that time so bad, that it is easy to deny your husband?

I’m a lucky one. I don’t have to face that problem, but I know guys that do. Their wives expect them to be some kind of super human, every month year in, year out. I pray for their marriages.

This thread started out with an honest question of the sinfulness of sex during the monthly period, and has been transformed into an editorial on the ‘unpleasantness’ of the act.
Please spare everyone from your nasty adjectives. This thread isn’t about that.
Humble apologies…
And gross too…
I did not realize the word “gross” would be offensive to anyone. I stand corrected and I promise to mind my manners in the future.
That is a really nasty indeed. Who in their right mind would want to have sexual relations at this time? It is a very unclean and unhygenic to say the least.
How is it unclean or unhygenic? Yes, menses can be messy and that varies from woman to woman. Unclean has a whole other meaning. When some use the phrase " the women were unclean" it isn’t a compliment, nor is it neutral. That kind of wording is often used by cultures where women are chattle.

I don’t look forward to my “princess time” that much but I don’t appreciate someone referring to it as nasty.

And questioning the mental wellbeing of a couple who decides to enjoy the marital embrace during menses is kind of judgemental.

Although, one does have that right to deny oneself pleasure anyway one wants.
What do you expect your husband to do? Would you prefer to see him fall into other forms of sin? Does it matter that the husband will likely resort to solitary acts, or worse? Is the thought of marital relations at that time so bad, that it is easy to deny your husband?

I’m a lucky one. I don’t have to face that problem, but I know guys that do. Their wives expect them to be some kind of super human, every month year in, year out. I pray for their marriages.

This thread started out with an honest question of the sinfulness of sex during the monthly period, and has been transformed into an editorial on the ‘unpleasantness’ of the act.
Well, my period only lasts for four or five days…I can’t say about other women. I don’t think waiting for such a short amount of time is expecting the man to be superhuman. Its up to each individual couple and different people have different opinions-none of which are wrong.
surf(name removed by moderator)ure:
Jennie mentioned earlier that she thought it “may” put women at a slightly increased risk of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), but no documentation has been provided thus far.

And if there truly is a health risk here, why haven’t our gynecologists mentioned it?
:hmmm: Maybe this is an individual thing. I know of many women who engage in sex during their menses with no problems. WHen I was first married, I began suffering from bladder infections. My hubby and I noticed that these infections fell right after we had sex during my periods. When we asked the DOctor though, he became adament to the point that we both felt stupid. “No,” he assured us. “It is impossible that engagiing in sex during your periods cause bladder infections.” When the Dr. began talking about rather unpleasant tests to determine what was wrong with me, my hubby and I decided to try our own experiement and stop engaging in sex for 4 or 5 days of the month. GUess what? No more infections!

My completly unscientific theory is that certain women have a problem with sex during their menses and shouldn’t engage in intercourse at that time. As for all other women, hey, what ever makes you happy. 😃 I hope that my particular Dr. wasn’t indicitive of the openmindness of ob-gyns in general, though.😦
deb1 said:
:hmmm: Maybe this is an individual thing. I know of many women who engage in sex during their menses with no problems. WHen I was first married, I began suffering from bladder infections. My hubby and I noticed that these infections fell right after we had sex during my periods. When we asked the DOctor though, he became adament to the point that we both felt stupid. “No,” he assured us. “It is impossible that engagiing in sex during your periods cause bladder infections.” When the Dr. began talking about rather unpleasant tests to determine what was wrong with me, my hubby and I decided to try our own experiement and stop engaging in sex for 4 or 5 days of the month. GUess what? No more infections!

My completly unscientific theory is that certain women have a problem with sex during their menses and shouldn’t engage in intercourse at that time. As for all other women, hey, what ever makes you happy. 😃 I hope that my particular Dr. wasn’t indicitive of the openmindness of ob-gyns in general, though.😦

You are entitled to your own opinion on your experiment. I believe that if a women is having multiple bladder infections due to active sexuality she should try making a quick trip to the bathroom after sex to urinate. This action helps eliminate anything that might have been pushed in the urethra. This prudent action can be taken any time of the month.
It’s clear that there are those who are completely ‘grossed out’ by the thought of marital relations during the menses. I also suppose that many, if not the majority of females refuse their husband, at that time.

What do you expect your husband to do? Would you prefer to see him fall into other forms of sin? Does it matter that the husband will likely resort to solitary acts, or worse? Is the thought of marital relations at that time so bad, that it is easy to deny your husband?

I’m a lucky one. I don’t have to face that problem, but I know guys that do. Their wives expect them to be some kind of super human, every month year in, year out. I pray for their marriages.
You pray for their marriages? You think a man can’t abstain 4-7 days from sex without falling into sin?? I think that’s rather insulting to men, quite frankly. What do you think about the men who have to wait not days, but weeks after their wives give birth? Do you think they must be lusting and engaging in solitary sin by necessity? And if they are weak and do, are their wives to blame? Of course not!

You should meet my husband. There are much stronger Catholic men than what you describe.
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