Maria29 and to all who have been sexually abuse, I am so sorry that this had to happen to you and trust me, I do hope that it is not happening to my niece. I just got off the phone with my sister and convinced her to have a physical on her dd so that she would not know why the doctor has to check her down there. She is making the appointment tomorrow. If there is sexual abuse, then this will come out and it will be the doctor who will do the reporting to child services. My sister is trying so hard to get full custody of her children, but it is just unheard of here in Florida. The laws do not protect the kids. Let me give you of a very severe example of child abuse. My sister’s attorney was representing a man she called a monster, but she was hired by him from jail. He beat his 5 yr. old daughter with a broom stick so hard that he broke the stick and put her in the hospital. Child services had prior calls on this father, but did nothing. They did take the child away from him while he was in jail, but gave him the child when he promised to go to anger management. The child’s mother was crying and didn’t want her daughter to go to the dad’s anymore. She had to allow it by law. He put his child in the hospital and was arrested for child abuse and child services gave him the child again and without supervision. This is the system we are up against. I do believe in miracles and we need one, but the laws here are for both parents. The State of Florida feels that what is best for the child is having both parents in their lives regularly. They will not take this away from neither parent unless their is sexual abuse and even this has to be proven.
My sister called me tonight crying. Her kids are suffering fromt he verbal and physical abuse at the dads and take it out on her. My nephew has severe anger outburst and they were getting better until the dad stopped all counseling. My niece came out this evening dressed like a teenager, not immodest, but just wearing her cap the wrong way, high heels and etc. She knows her mother likes her to dress her age. The shoes were given by the dad and so was the cap, not that it is wrong to wear caps. It is also her attitude. My sister said she could not take it anymore and broke down and went into her house and cried. She even told the kids that maybe they should live with their dad since they have no respect for her. She felt bad after saying this, but she is a mess as well. Her kids are in desperate need of counseling. They are acting out. She has an appointment for her son tomorrow and will make the appt. for her daughter than. He has been suffering from headaches ever since he came from his dad’s about four weeks ago with a huge bump on his head. She took him to the doctors for she did not know if this was abuse by the dad, but my nephew told her and the doctor that he ran into a table when he feel. He does fall a lot, but who knows what happened. He is afraid of his dad as well. The doctor did not report this for the child did not tell him that his dad did this.
Please, I am not making excuses and I know that the kids should not be going to the dad’s at all, but they have to by law. If my sister refuses, she will go to jail this time. The judge did not do anything this time when she was found in contempt, but I think he knows there is something going on with the children. We have heard of judges talking to the kids and my niece is really to talk to him. Please, pray for these children. THey are suffering, my sister is suffering and all who love them suffer. This is just a horrible experience. My niece is even very angry at God for allowing this to happen to her. She tells me she is living in a nightmare. Yes, there is abuse going on at the dad’s, physical, emotional and verbal, but child services is aware of it and has done nothing. One thing I have wanted to do though for a long time is submit the letter from the therapist to child services. I know they said if they found evidence of abuse next time, they would take the kids away from dad. There has to be proof though and the kids must be able to tell them what is going on at that household.
I will talk to my sister’s attorney about all this and my desire to call child services myself and submit this letter of the therapist. They can then go to her and ask question so that we can stop the summer visitations at least. In the summer, they have to go to their dad’s two weeks at a time. Spring Break is coming up and they have to spend 4 days with their dad. Please, pray for a miracle. WE are still awaiting for the lawyer to call us on all this.
Thanks for all your prayers and advice. I will let you know what the doctor found with my niece.