Where do I begin?
First, I plan to clean up the edgings around my flowerbeds. Then to pull up tiny weeds before they become a problem. I have perennials that come back every year, and I recognize their foliage.
New stuff this year: First, digging out all of the Creeping Thyme ground cover that no longer keeps out the weeds. Conditioning that soil and planting new bulbs I’ve ordered, and scattering seeds around them. What comes up will come up, what doesn’t won’t. A lot less work than transplanting a lot of things from pots purchased from the garden center.
I plan to be more consistent with the liquid fertilizing this year, so things will grow faster and fuller. Then, of course, comes the deadheading of spent blooms.
Finally, I plan to get rid of all the broken down landscape fabric and rusted out garden staples that held it in place, because after the first couple of years passed since I installed it, weeds started growing right up through it. Some shield!
When I can afford it, I plan to replace all of the lava rock in the footpaths with flagstones and mortar, forming continuous cemented pathways through which weeds cannot take hold. I will be sealing all of that, of course.The flagstones will be of a variety of different colors and shapes, to make things visually interesting.
The weed situation has gotten out of control these last few seasons, and I’m striving to minimize the amount of time and work I have to devote to getting rid of them.
It would be simple to just spray them all with RoundUp, but my garden is a bird and wildlife sanctuary, so that’s out of the question.
Keeping the birdbath clean and the feeders filled, also.
My work is cut out for me this season. I hope to have a lot more flowers.