I was a Baptist for 5 years, and while I knew my Bible exceptionally well, attended multiple weekly services, and helped out with ministries I’m not sure I really “knew” Christ personally. I had a lot of head knowledge about Him, sort of like how I know a lot about Winston Churchill because I’ve studied him. But I don’t have any kind of personal relationship with him, regrettably.
When I came back to the Church I did a lot of research about how to have a personal relationship, an encounter if you will, with Christ.
The very first step is to meet your obligation for Mass. If you can go to more than one Mass a week or a month, do it.
Next you must have a daily, committed prayer life. Start with 5 minutes a day if you’re not doing it at all, or doing it sporadically. Work up to half an hour, then up to an hour. This is quiet, mental prayer, not the rosary or other private devotion. There are a lot of resources out there for guidance here but I’d recommend learning lectio divina and some Ignatian prayer techniques. Make a place in your home just for your prayer time. I have a “prayer chair” in the basement.
Give your Marian devotion a shot in the arm by completing the de Montfort consecration. Get a Miraculous Medal. Pray the Rosary daily (you have the time, believe me).
Utilize the sacraments often, but especially Confession. Go weekly if you need to.
Adoration, an hour a week is not an outrageous goal. You might have to get up very very early or stay up very very late but this is absolutely worth it.
Start making serious effort to think of Jesus throughout your day. Co-worker upset you? Talk to Jesus. Kids making you lose your mind? Talk to Jesus. Barely missed an accident? Jesus, again. Notice an exceptionally beautiful sunset? You get the idea. Make Him as much a part of your daily life as you can.
Learn and practice daily the Ignatian Examen. Learn the Orthodox “Jesus Prayer” and recite if often.
Always remember Jesus wants a relationship with you. He’s actually probably working much harder at than we are, or even realize, to get to us. So don’t be too hard on yourself, don’t compare your interior life with someone else’s. Think about what you would need to do to make and keep a new friend. It’s not a whole lot different with the Lord.
I’ll add this, also. Start a prayer journal. If journaling is just absolutely totally not something you can do, no big deal. But you’ll want some kind of hard record of God’s faithfulness in your life, especially during times of dryness and trial. Eventually you will be able to talk about Jesus the way you talk about your spouse or best friend. You’ll be one of those people who will say, “Oh, you know what Jesus did for me?” and you will be completely genuine.
Also, none of its easy. It may start that way, it probably will. But it will get hard. But don’t let that discourage you!