Could someone PLEASE tell me what a “personal relationship with Christ” is. Do you have one? And how did you get one?
The sharing could be endless. All these are applicable to Christ in the fullest way:
Persons are a
reflection to one another. Unlike a pond or a mirror wherein we see our own reflection, another person provides a living reference point for us.
“This is who I am in relation to another.” If we do not have others, we have a warped sense of ourselves. We find our full sense of identity and meaning only in relation to others.
Actually JP2 has a profound reflection on this in Theology of the Body when he discusses the creation of Adam and Eve, and mankind finding his full meaning only in relation to another person.
So, persons
change one another by nature. It is the nature of a relationship to learn from another and be changed by another.
communicate with one another. We are drawn to share ourselves with others.
Persons are drawn to
love one another. We hopefully desire what is good for another person and act in response to that desire.
All these apply to Christ in the fullest way, who is the Second Person of the Trinity and the word made flesh, fully human. God is personal in Christ.
If we have a healthy sense that Christ is alive and active in our lives, we can delve into this most holy and fulfilling of relationships.
Praying, repenting, converting to Him, loving Him and others.
I find that it takes work like any other relationship, and the more I immerse myself in Christ the more I experience Him personally.