This is an open note to all the pro-gun people on this thread. I am not talking to the rest of you. The anti-gun posters here are TROLLS. They try to poke intellectual holes in good reasoned arguments and keep the argument stirred up, but they offer no concrete solutions of their own. You ask them for specifics and they variously digress, fall back on tired old arguments, take off in different directions or just fold. Debating them is a waste of our time, because they have nothing but complaints. When we do get a proposal out of them, it crumbles as soon as we present the facts and they head off in a different direction. They actually rejoice in reports and statistics of people killed by guns because it supports their hoplophobic narrative.
I suggest we stop feeding the trolls. It is exactly what they want and a waste of our time. Remember that 2/3 of the states are shall issue, with more being added all the time. Also, 2/3 of the states are Republican controlled. SCOTUS is conservative-leaning and will get more so and stay that way for a long time. In the last 20 years, we have been steadily gaining ground in the legislatures and the courts. Yet guess what? Gun crime is steadily declining!
All these trolls can do is argue. They are powerless. Spend your precious time becoming a gun rights activist, not wasting time on the topic here. If you must post here, post what all this trolling has inspired you to do.
This thread has inspired me to donate more to the NRA-ILA, the SAF and the VCDL. I will take part in VCDL Lobby on the 15th, where over 1,000 of us will clog the halls of the state office building, all legally open-carrying guns and wearing bright orange “Guns Save Lives” buttons. We split up into teams and visit every legislator’s office, talk to them and drop off the VCDL Voting Guide. It is glorious! Find something like that in your state and DO IT. BTW, the anti-gun people show up to Lobby Day with about two dozen people, mostly older ladies, and that’s it. Lame!
This thread has also inspired me to buy my first AR-15, a Colt 6920, a new handgun and lot of ammo. So if the anti-gunners on this thread think they are scoring points, it has backfired where I am concerned. A friend of mine in the gun industry said Obama was the best gun salesman the industry ever had. Trolls like we find here are #2 in my book. I will no longer argue with their traitorous betrayals of the Constitution. I will let them inspire me to action.
They will not doubt try to shame me here, but I have decided their opinions are completely invalid and mean nothing to me. I encourage you to take the same stance.