Should Catholic leaders make gay marriage illegal?

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Then I’d say that the nearly 4 in 10 who go once a week are also in mortal sin for supporting ssm. Should we skip those as well?
No… that number is a very good representation that 40% of practicing Catholics do not understand Church teaching.

I think it is very accurate number.

That number is also very similar to the number of practicing Catholics who do not believe in the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

So we should NOT ignore that number because it clearly shows that there is a serious catechesis problem in the Catholic Church.

It also indicates that we might have a serious Lex orandi, lex credendi issue too.
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You want to restrict marriage to comply with the teachings of the Catholic church.
Do I? Could you point to a post of mine where I said that?

What I actually did was a start a conversation about, and even gave both sides of the argument in my original post.
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To those who support “Marriage Equality” I would ask the following:

If a person should be allowed to marry “whoever they love”, what happens if they love their parent, their sibling, or a child? Or themselves, like this woman did?

And why limit yourself to one spouse, considering that polygamy was the norm for most cultures prior to the rise of the Roman Empire (who made marriage monogamous only)?
You’re adding another level to the issue by asking whether incestuous marriages should also be allowed. But I can’t imagine most people finding that acceptable any time soon. And as for polygamy, that’s already allowed in many countries, especially those that have a majority Muslim population.
Great, so I am sure you would be perfectly happy when someone else’s religion is forced on you?
It was here long before you and is rooted in this country. You derive great benefits from it. In any case religion is a proposal, and since the beginning America has embraced one. Constitutional Republics cannot survive great diversity.

There are other countries that may be more suitable for you.
It was here long before you and is rooted in this country. You derive great benefits from it. In any case religion is a proposal, and since the beginning America has embraced one. Constitutional Republics cannot survive great diversity.

There are other countries that may be more suitable for you.
Thanks, but I am quite happy with my country, even if I understand it differently than you do.
This is semantics though.
Yes. It is an insistance that things be named and treated as what they are, rather than as what they are not. It is also a recognition that a society that treats things as if they are what they are not, is an unhealthy society.
God hate sins. You love God, you will hate sins like Him.

Politics look for more votes.
Devils have entered the churches.
Official voices for authority have skipped the answer since long ago.

It is not only difficult but is also impossible. For me, it is up to majority of church goers of local churches to decide, but not the whole!

“judge, ye shall be judged”. Mathew 7:2

I have foreseen God’s wrath about this. I pray for repentance and mercy, but the end of virus is God’s plan for us and God is always perfect. Was so sad but praise for God’s will and action.

[Limit of one spouse for marriage is the virtue of fidelity and the divine goodness is a must for eternal life according to St Peter.]
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Then I’d say that the nearly 4 in 10 who go once a week are also in mortal sin for supporting ssm. Should we skip those as well?
No… that number is a very good reprenation that 40% of practicing Catholics do not understand Church teaching.

I think it is very accurate number.

That number is also very similar to the number of practicing Catholics who do not believe in the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

So we should NOT ignore that number because it clearly shows that there is a serious catechesis problem in the Catholic Church.

It also indicates that we might have a serious Lex orandi, lex credendi issue too.
You are saying that those 60% of Catholics who go to mass once or twice a month and support ssm are in mortal sin and are not real Catholics. And the 40% who go every week don’t understand the teaching of their church.

I think your church is a lot smaller than everyone seems to think.
Are you suggesting that you would make illegal all acts that you consider immoral?
You are saying that those 60% of Catholics who go to mass once or twice a month and support ssm are in mortal sin and are not real Catholics. And the 40% who go every week don’t understand the teaching of their church.
If the shoe fits.
Yeah, of course. If a society is largely of one persuasion, that will influence everything. People in the west are generally secular now. It’s not that mysterious. The majority of “Catholics”, that is, baptised, and would enter it as their official religion, are not in true communion with the Church or actually practicing their religion, or perhaps even believers. In saying that, the Church is growing in other areas like Africa, etc.
If a child doesn’t have the ability to consent, then Mary and Joseph were not married, contrary to Scripture.
Are you saying my wife and I can do these things but two women can’t? You are dictating what marriage must be. Am I excluded for some reason?
I say nothing. I couldn’t care less about who does what in where or (well, outside of the bounds of language for this forum). It’s just that God does. So who do I obey? Me, who wouldn’t mind watching or being involved in lesbian or orgy porn? Or the Lord who says it’s a sin. I have a choice, because God gave me free will. I can either do what He says is the correct decision and avoid all such sin (which is what I aim to do), or do what I feel is best and do the pleasurable thing. I choose to follow what God says. I don’t get what I want in the flesh, but I know it’s what God wants so it’s what I do. That’s what matters, not you or me or them.
Legal acts sure like the Federal Government will not certify same sex marriages, or allow a person to change their sex on their driver’s license and birth certificate for transgender persons, and that it would be a federal offense to produce or sell pornography, or any sex work involving prostitution, striptease, burlesque, or escort services.

The end.

But why just those? You said acts that are immoral. Are you going to allow other immoral acts to remain legal?

And burlesque? Is that still a thing?
If a child doesn’t have the ability to consent, then Mary and Joseph were not married, contrary to Scripture.
Until very recently, the age of consent in the Vatican City was 14. I guess they consider Mary to have been of age.

Can I ask if you have a daughter?
Are you saying my wife and I can do these things but two women can’t? You are dictating what marriage must be. Am I excluded for some reason?
I say nothing. I couldn’t care less about who does what in where or (well, outside of the bounds of language for this forum). It’s just that God does. So who do I obey? Me, who wouldn’t mind watching or being involved in lesbian or orgy porn? Or the Lord who says it’s a sin. I have a choice, because God gave me free will. I can either do what He says is the correct decision and avoid all such sin (which is what I aim to do), or do what I feel is best and do the pleasurable thing. I choose to follow what God says. I don’t get what I want in the flesh, but I know it’s what God wants so it’s what I do. That’s what matters, not you or me or them.
That’s cool. I won’t impose my beliefs on you and you won’t on me. Sounds like a win win situation.
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