What I’m saying is that the who argument of “I don’t want to push my religious views on others” is bunk. Their religious views are part of the reason they are appointed.I never said they weren’t. Certainly an ELECTED official ought to take the teachings of his/her faith with him when voting, as we should when voting.
But, this thread is specifically about an APPOINTED justice, whose job it is to INTERPRET, not make, law, and that’s a key distinction. The biggest complaint against the court is that they make up laws as they see fit. This cuts both ways. We don’t get to like it when they make up a law that happens to agree with our side and then turn around and criticize when they make up a law that disagrees with where we are. Again, if you don’t like it, then change the law.
And again, this is a separate question from whether or not I think Justice Kennedy and the other four who sided with him erred in their judicial decision making. I do think they erred. I think it’s a terrible decision judicially speaking that will have far reaching, unintended, consequences. I think it’s a decision grounded more on feeling and emotion than sound judicial reasoning. But to say that Justice Kennedy should have ruled one way based off a tenet of his faith ignores what his job is. Another tenet of his faith is that we ought to uphold the oaths we take. To not do so is a violation of the second commandment. As I read this thread, what I’m seeing are people more or less advocating that Justice Kennedy subvert his oath of office due to a teaching of his faith. I’m proposing that we stop looking at opposition to same-sex marriage as a teaching of the Church and start looking at it from the point of view of natural law. Otherwise, those who accuse us of trying to impose a theocracy are correct.
The US Constitution can quickly be used to defend evil (as it has here) once we stop approaching law from a Christian Value base. This nation was based on Christian values and the Constitution was written by Christian men. There is a reason why say “one nation under God.” The understanding of God for American is the God of the Christians.
We are not one nation under Vishnu, one nation under Buddha, one nation under science, one nation under mother nature, one nation under the universe, one nation under evolution, one nation under humans, one nation under Zeus, nor one nation under the devil,… We are one nation under God. And the understanding of God that American was built on was the general understanding of Christianity. Not the Jewish understanding nor the Muslim understanding, but the Christian one.
And before someone says, we America was built upon Protestant and not Catholic teachings; ALL the Catholic teachings on morality were also shared by our Protestant brothers and sisters until the 20th century. Some protestants were actually more strict than Catholics. So there is NOTHING in Catholic Social Teaching that is against what the Founding Fathers of the Constitution wanted for America.
The Separation of Church and state was really designed to protect the religious from the state, not to protect the government from the religion. Today, we have it backwards; because we have given into the unreligious, non-Christian minority, which has been rallied by Atheists, especially the Atheist Jews who do not believe in God. Bill Maher is a perfect example of an Atheist Jew.
NOTE: I am NOT discrediting other religions. Everyone should be free to practice their faith. But we also should not be forced to practice our faith in hiding or behind closed doors.
God Bless