Should Christians Reunite?

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I’d prefer they reunite, but not at the cost of abandoning the truth… If they want to continue their rebellion, that’s their choice.

“Different types of food people like to eat”… man, I’m sick of this type of argument that appears in various different forms. That’s probably the very reason a lot of people like to eat junk food that they know isn’t good for them but they always try to rationalize it.
Yes, if unity meant acceptance of orthodoxy and the Holy Catholic Faith.

Otherwise, no. There is a reason why Protestantism exists, and it is as an outlet for dissident Catholics. We do not need “unity” with millions of “Call to Action” type dissidents.

I’m thinking the other way, there are some in the Church who shouldn’t be…
a pilgrim:
Let me give my Latin brethren a very concrete example…

In the Roman Catholic Church, you recite the filioque as part of the Creed - in my Byzantine Catholic Church I do not, *with the full blessing and approval of Rome! *Now, as contrary to your personal beliefs as this may be, I defy you to tell me that I am not a Catholic! Given this, how will you be able to accept that an Orthodox brother or sister seeking unity with our Church will, in all likelihood, continue to recite the Creed sans filioque when I, who am already a Catholic, do not recite it either?

Please, PLEASE remember, my friends - we’re seeking unity, not uniformity.

a pilgrim
I am in entire agreement with you, though you should perhaps have added that as a Catholic you recognize that the filioque (properly understood) is true. Too often there seems to be an assumption that if we do something or say something differently, we must therefore believe differently.

I really have difficulty understanding opposition to ecumenism. Why do people assume that ecumenism involves compromising the truth? We know from historical experience that division can be the result of misunderstanding. How can misunderstandings be cleared up if we don’t sit down and talk things out?

Ecumenism involves questioning each other:

“What do you mean by this particular formulation?”

“How do you relate this particular doctrine on which we disagree with this other that we share?”

“How do you come to this belief?”

It also involves recognizing that there is scope for legitimate disagreement on “lesser truths” within a reunited Church, i.e. truths that do not relate to our salvation (such as whether James was Christ’s half-brother or cousin, for example).

If, in the end we disagree on essentials, then we disagree and we are no worse off than before. Nothing is lost in the effort to sound each other out, and the effort may still bear lesser, yet still valuable, fruit: common action, enhanced appreciation of what we share, mutual respect, etc…

Ecumenism is evangelization. It compels us to unfold and defend our beliefs to others and to learn from others what truths we may have forgotten or neglected.

Do you believe that the various Christians Faiths of the world should strive for unity?
I couldn’t vote because there was no option for “Yes, all Christians should return to the Catholic Church.” Saying simply yes, might mean that everyone should unite under a Protostant denomination and that would be unacceptable.
it’s sad to me that people see unification in the Body of Christ as so impossible. people say with such certainty ‘oh, that’d be great, but it’ll never happen.’

where is our faith?

Jesus Himself prayed that we would be one, as He and the Father are One.

do you think He would pray for something that could never happen?

with God all things are possible. even the unity of His followers.
Yes, Christians should reunite. But not at the expense of the Catholic Church and her teachings. The Catholic Church possesses the fullness of the Truth and should never make “adjustments” to accomodate protestants. The protestant churches would have to come back to the Church they left and leave, among other things, contraception, divorce, same-sex marriage, etc at the door. Yes, I know not all of them believe that but many of them do. They’d also have to accept many things they don’t accept now (ie. the Eucharist, Sacrament of Reconciliation, etc). I think it will be a long time before Christianity is united…under the Catholic Church.
it is vital that christians unite; however, this will only be accomplished when all become CAtholic.
4Marks wrote ,“There is unity in diversity…many members, one body. Not all human cultures are the same. Not all people are the same. Some people become astrophysicists…others do not.”

He said there is UNITY in Diversity. This statement is not only WRONG itis unproven. I said That statement is UNPROVEN.
I realize how selfish I am when I see this poll. Yes, I think it is important to reunite, but I am not willing to cede or amend most of the essential beliefs that keep us divided, like the Communion of Saints (no way will I put Mary in a closet) or vitality of sacraments. I don’t want the mass to be watered down to just another prayer service. Nor do I recognize the abridged Bible as a valid doctrine of scripture or that revelations of faith are only in a book, because that makes faith dead in my opinion. In fact, maybe the only areas of compromise that my conscience could accept is the role of the Pope and the ability of clergy to marry.
Ir’s not selfish to love Truth!
I would like to see all prots come back to the Church, but I’m certainly not willing to leave it! I believe Jesus will lead them back eventually, if they are truly willing to follow Him.
👋 Serendipity,
In fact, maybe the only areas of compromise that my conscience could accept is the role of the Pope and the ability of clergy to marry.
These are two quite separate issues. Whether or not clergy marry is a discipline. It can change. Today there are married priests. Someday, all may have the choice of whether or not to marry without giving up service to God.

The role of the Pope however, is different. If you want to insure that you never have to “give up” Mary, you better rethink your position on accepting changes to the role of the Pope.

Martin Luther venerated Mary but look at where protestants are now without the central leadership of the Magisterium.

God Bless,
Do you believe that the various Christians Faiths of the world should strive for unity?
Yes, they should all return to the Church which Jesus founded. It is the Pillar and Foundation of Truth and has been since Jesus gave Keys of the Kingdom to Peter 2000 years ago.
Please consider the following:

There is only one church. It is made up of those who believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.

Throughout history, no one, except Jesus himself, and maybe his Mother, really lives out this faith perfectly. Immediately after confessing that Jesus was the Messiah, Peter was called a Satan by Jesus for attempting to lead him away from his mission. And yet Jesus didn’t take away the keys from Peter that he had just given him.

If Peter was mistaken in this count, I don’t find it unthinkable that perhaps Pope Pius XI was not fully inspired with the encyclical mentioned above.

The significance of the bishop of Rome (and I believe it is signficant) is something that will be debated endlessly within and outside of the Catholic Church. I submit that fully understanding the significance of that part of our faith is only a part, and not even the biggest part of our faith in Jesus.

I do firmly believe, as two recent popes have stated, (and even if they hadn’t) That that which divides us as believers in Christ is far less than that which unites us.

There is one church - Be a part of it and you will be closer to God.


It’s the thing I struggle with most I think…I suppose discension is human, but why would God allow such confusion?

Hi Fighting Fat,
I love your answer. I also agreed strongly with an answer you gave on another thread. If your name is an indication of where you are in Christ let me give you hope, or if possible something more.
Some 4 years ago maybe a bit less, Christ told me to stop smoking, that is one tremendous testimony, and so I gave my weight to him, knowing that I would have a weight problem on stopping. From that day I never looked at a set of scales again. I have been on the roller coaster and at one time when I was feeling particulary strong in faith charged off ahead to conquer food and ended up standing at the door of a fridge eating food with my stomach bursting and not being able to stop. I was forced to my knees begging for help. I, while hating overeating, learned to just relax and enjoy it knowing that one day it would be taken from me and in Him I would be boss. It happened and is happening at this moment. I live in Thailand and eating out is most common and can be very inexpensive. When I ate out, I would snack on arriving home , but then in bizarre circumstances, I would keep forgeting to say grace over the food before eating. I would be forced to spit out mouthfuls of food, go on my knees, beg forgiveness and then ask Him to bless the food. This became too much and then I realised He was giving me strength to overcome. So now when I eat out I do not have any thing except water on coming home. Not even black tea without sugar. Now I have His strength and I am on the winning way.
To the question. God doesnt allow it, He allows free will.The largest stumbling block to Christian unity I suppose is the divide between the Roman Catholic church and the others. Yet we all have God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit. I suppose Mary ( of the Roman Catholic faith) the position of the saints, and men’s ruling, ( the magesterium and the pope) are the major hurdles. I guess Roman Catholics must believe that without these stones they cannot gain entry because these are the things they cant give up. Us others believe that God and Christ and the Holy Spirit are sufficient to gain and grow in Christ. For me this is so and I wont jeopardise my place in Christ by changing the belief which has brought me this far. I am not dry, as if I dont have some manifestation of His presence every couple of days I am depressed. I feel so much for poor Job who felt forsaken and I thank Christ that He called out, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani” because in these words I was comforted when I thought He had forsaken me in one of my trials. I know He loves heathens, as He brings them to me, and me to them. But we who have greater knowledge of Him should remember “Fear God alone”. I repeat, alone.
Walk in love
MariaG said:
👋 Serendipity,

Martin Luther venerated Mary **but look at where protestants are now without the central leadership of the Magisterium. **

God Bless,

Hi Maria,
I hope you and your daughter are well.
Yes filled with the Holy Spirit and proclaiming only Christ.
walk in love
They should. Without a great move of the Holy Spirit, I don’t think it likely. There are too many ingrained predjudices these days. Too many Protestants will never walk into the door of the Catholic Church. That being said, as a former Protestant, I think it’s important to be a loving brother/sister to our fellow brothers and sisters. Whatever denomination they belong to. Most Protestants would have no problem with what the Catholic Church teaches if they really understood it. It’s our responsibility as Catholics to learn to speak Protestant. To put our doctrines in terms they can understand. That’s where the biggest differences come from. They just don’t understand what Catholic terms mean. For example, when we say the Eucharist becomes the body and blood of Christ, most Prostestants have the mental image that what we mean is that we are holding flesh and drinking blood. But if you describe it as the Real Presence, now you are putting the truth into terms they can wrap their minds around. I know this because it worked for me, and all of a sudden it made sense.
All religions will unite when Christ returns.

There will be no discussions then. Only the direct source of unquestionable truth.

Hi Edwin,

We are doing great.
Hi Maria,
I hope you and your daughter are well.
Yes filled with the Holy Spirit and proclaiming only Christ.
walk in love
But so fractured that you can’t even agree on whether Baptism is just a symbol or a miracle. Once saved always saved or such a thing as a backslidden Christian.

Christ does not have a unified message in the last 500 years under protestants and the “truth” keeps changing. How can truth change?

God Bless,
I believe that unification is most desirable, but I do not believe that unification means that we have to all exactly believe in the same Dogma, Doctrine, or Traditions. Even in the time of Christ, there were different sects of Jews. Christ never made mention of these differences, nor did He indicate that this or that group was not pleasing to the Father because they practiced one tradition or another. He was more concerned with who people were and what they did and not what they believed.

If we could merely stop attacking one another and show respect for each others Dogma, Doctrine, or Traditions, then unity would be achieved.

Blessings to all,

Hi John,

**What about the many, many places in the NT where we are told to be one? ** What about where it talks about watch out for those who come along and teach false doctrines? Ignore those in favor of making everyone happy?

What is the difference between attacking others and defending the truth? I can show respect for a person, I can even respect the fact that fellow christians believe they are right. But that does not mean I should stop defending the full truth of Christ as reflected in the teachings of the Catholic Church.

And if you actually think that Catholic Christians will be accepted as Christians by most fundamentalist Christians, you clearly have not been around this site enough.

It is good to respect others as well as respect that they believe they have the truth. That does not equate to stopping the proclamation of the gospel and the truth that has been passed down from the apostles. And frequently, that means telling another that the doctrine they follow is wrong.

God Bless,
It would be nice for Christian to unite, but it is not possible. As stated in St Matthew, Christ did not come to bring peace into the world, but a sword. He will set man against father, daughter against mother, etc. It was Christ’s own prediction that he would bring dissention. Thus from the earliest times till this day, the Christion world is divided. Even in St Paul’s 1st Letter to the Corinthians, he scolds the community for it’s factions and divisions. Satan is the prince of this world and corrupts mankind with different interpretations, vanity, greed and power.
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