I am definitely TRYING to live a chaste life. Your definition is incomplete, if not completely off-base, though. You define celibacy relative to male-female relations only. Chastity is much deeper than celibacy.If you are an individual that is living a chase life, ( that is not having any sexual activeties, with a woman), then you have no worries of being in sin with the Holy Spirit.
Actually, I am a man who has absolutely NO desire to have sexual relations with women whatsoever. It’s MEN that I have problems with.
First, I would not define myself solely on the basis of my temptations and calling a person “a homosexual” does EXACTLY that. I am a same-sex attracted person who is striving to live in accords with the teaching of the Catholic Church in regards to human sexuality.If you are one to concider yourself a homosexual, then you are not living a chase life.
Actually, that is defining an actively homosexual PERSON. Don’t think that using an adjective as a noun is a good thing…it isn’t and the Church doesn’t do it…neither should her children.To be a homosexual is to act out on what your thoughts are.
Too many of you wish to believe that homosexuallity is just a person that merely thinks of that type of behavior, wrong.
That’s a same-sex attracted person.
That’s pretty much what the Church teaches. However, keep in mind that Chastity, a virtue that ALL Christians, whether single, married or religious, are called to (it’s in the Catechism), includes the inner-life, willingly thinking about sinful things can be, and usually is, sinful.Every person in society has impure thoughts now and then. These impure thoughts do not make them a sinner. It is the actions taken by one that puts them in a sinful position.
I agree, generally, but I would say that not all temptation comes from satan. People with SSA also have a LOT of issues to deal with and work through, as I am learning. This may not seem quite so obvious (especially to the self-righteous around here who take great delight in throwing stones at people with same-sex attraction and don’t want to even ATTEMPT to help them), but most people who are actively homosexual are trying to treat psychic wounds that they have because of things that happened to them in regards to same-sex relations. When I stopped being active, I noticed after a couple weeks a LOT of things start coming up that I had covered over through my sinful and depraved acts (see, I do condemn those acts and myself in those actions because they were absolutely sinful!).Example; If you wrer to think of killing somone, does that make you a killer? By no means. The same applies to men who have a tendancy to think of impure thoughts of the same sex. One must continue to pray to overcome the temptations from Satan.