to all these hassle, i would like to add something, it really boils down to a few aspects:
that is respect for others (though of different religions). and do seek the good of others… 1 Cor 10, 23-33…
your belief as a Catholic…
love one another as i have love u… John 13, 31-35, Mt 22, 24-40
judge not less you want to be judged… Luke 6, 37-41
warning of overconfidence… 1 Cor 10, 1-13
let’s take 1 Cor 10 23-33, basically it state the conscience of the person. (how strong is your belief). it will definitely be bad if you were to avoid food provided by a non-believer, (reason being that you believe that there are other gods beside GOD and should not take the food offered to you consciencely you believe other gods exist, henceforth avoiding the food that was provided) but if you partake the food and thank GOD for his providence… then it is totally ok.
as for myself, i live in country where there are many religions, religion tolerance is crucial to maintain a certain level of peace…
also do remember that the Word of GOD is given to those who came to know GOD… and are bounded by his teachings, as for those who yet to know GOD’s family, as a Catholic, i am encouraged to pray for them that they one day will know GOD’s loving family… henceforth do not bring them down but seek what’s good in them… no harm doing that…
well just remember… Rom 5, 1-11… there is always faith, there is always hope and last but not least there’s love
little goblin