More than “several.” I’m a veteran of both Afghanistan and Iraq. I’m not ignorant of the risks associated with military service (although statistically, there are certainly more dangerous jobs.) I’ve buried friends who were killed in action.Several 18-year-old soldiers were killed in Afghanistan and Iraq.
My point is not that 18 year olds can’t make commitments: certainly the military is a big commitment. Much more so than working your average civilian job where you can walk at will. But it’s not a lifelong commitment. It doesn’t permanently change who you are on a fundamental (and for a Catholic, spiritual) level. At the end of the day, I’m skeptical that 18 year olds should be making commitments that are indissoluble and lifelong. The military, for all its unique challenges and commitments, is not. It’s just not. If he wants to walk away from the military when his time is up, he can, and it’s perfectly moral and legal. If he enters into a valid marriage, he can’t walk away under pain of sin. I realize that may not be quite as persuasive to you as a non-Catholic, but it’s a big deal. I’m struggling to think of a bigger deal.
And even then, I’m not saying 18 year olds should be legally barred from getting married. Just that for most couples I would advise against it.
To be clear, my point was that an 18 year old generally shouldn’t be ordained to the priesthood, which is a permanent, lifelong commitment. It sounds like the three guys you knew were never ordained. They decided at some point during the seminary that they weren’t called to the priesthood, which is totally fine. Someone who goes to seminary has merely started the process to becoming a priest. There’s no shame in deciding it’s not what you’re called to do.At university, I knew three guys who went to seminaries to train as Catholic priests and three who went to Sandhurst. Of the three who started training to be priests, one is now a barrister, one works for a supermarket chain, and one works for the Royal College of Physicians.
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