I am a single Catholic woman in my twenties (*disclaimer-this is not a request for all single men to send me their phone number. I am simply requesting advice for my state in life). I feel strongly called to the vocation of marriage. After years of praying about my vocation, I know God wants me to be married to someone who loves the Catholic Church as much as I do. I cannot imagine being married to a fallen away Catholic, nor a non-Catholic.
As many women in my generation can understand, there are not a lot of single Catholic men in my age group (*disclaimer-this is not a dig on men, this is a fact, at least in my hometown). For personal reasons, I am not comfortable with online dating. I am also of the belief that it is morally questionable to date a non-Catholic with the intention of converting him. I feel I have exhausted all my options for meeting someone.
Before you ask me if I have discerned a call to any form of consecrated life, the answer is “yes.” God has simply told me “no.” I have visited convents, spoken with the director of consecrated life in my diocese, and attended spiritual direction. I beg God daily to reveal my vocation and to make it very clear if I am called to some form of consecrated life. To keep a long story short, God has simply made it very clear that I am not called to consecrated life.
I am of the belief that there is no true “vocation” to the single life. I have heard many priests speak on this topic, and the consensus is that perpetually single people are part of the church, and God still loves them, but they are not in a true “vocation.” The reason being that there is no love with no commitment. I am aware that the single life vocation is debatable, but for purposes of this post, let’s assume there is no true “vocation” to the single life.
All things considered:
-I have discerned I am called to marriage and family life
-I have discerned that for me personally, I am not called to marry a non-Catholic and it is morally questionable to date a non-Catholic with the intention of converting him
-I have discerned that I am not called to consecrated life (including nun, sister, consecrated virginity, etc)
-I have exhausted all my options for meeting a Catholic man (have already met all the Catholic men in my city, not comfortable with online dating)
-I am perfectly capable of living on my own (I have a good job, I take care of myself)
Lately I’ve been feeling like my options are to marry a non-Catholic or be single forever. The first option is morally questionable for reasons I’ve stated. However, this perpetually single lifestyle is slightly selfish, as there is no real love with no commitment. However, for all the reasons stated above, there is absolutely nothing I can do to change it. Here is my big question: Is it morally acceptable for me to simply stay single until God calls me to consecrated life OR puts the right person in my life, even if it never happens?
Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thank you.
As many women in my generation can understand, there are not a lot of single Catholic men in my age group (*disclaimer-this is not a dig on men, this is a fact, at least in my hometown). For personal reasons, I am not comfortable with online dating. I am also of the belief that it is morally questionable to date a non-Catholic with the intention of converting him. I feel I have exhausted all my options for meeting someone.
Before you ask me if I have discerned a call to any form of consecrated life, the answer is “yes.” God has simply told me “no.” I have visited convents, spoken with the director of consecrated life in my diocese, and attended spiritual direction. I beg God daily to reveal my vocation and to make it very clear if I am called to some form of consecrated life. To keep a long story short, God has simply made it very clear that I am not called to consecrated life.
I am of the belief that there is no true “vocation” to the single life. I have heard many priests speak on this topic, and the consensus is that perpetually single people are part of the church, and God still loves them, but they are not in a true “vocation.” The reason being that there is no love with no commitment. I am aware that the single life vocation is debatable, but for purposes of this post, let’s assume there is no true “vocation” to the single life.
All things considered:
-I have discerned I am called to marriage and family life
-I have discerned that for me personally, I am not called to marry a non-Catholic and it is morally questionable to date a non-Catholic with the intention of converting him
-I have discerned that I am not called to consecrated life (including nun, sister, consecrated virginity, etc)
-I have exhausted all my options for meeting a Catholic man (have already met all the Catholic men in my city, not comfortable with online dating)
-I am perfectly capable of living on my own (I have a good job, I take care of myself)
Lately I’ve been feeling like my options are to marry a non-Catholic or be single forever. The first option is morally questionable for reasons I’ve stated. However, this perpetually single lifestyle is slightly selfish, as there is no real love with no commitment. However, for all the reasons stated above, there is absolutely nothing I can do to change it. Here is my big question: Is it morally acceptable for me to simply stay single until God calls me to consecrated life OR puts the right person in my life, even if it never happens?
Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thank you.
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