Should I Move In With Five Strippers?

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While 5 stripper-housekeeper-laundress-cook-nursemaids sounds like every 20-year-old guy’s fantasy (I vaguely remember being one - a 20-year-old guy, not a stripper), I’d echo the sentiment to throw the number away.

Assuming that the girls were serious (which I would bet they were not), it seems to be a situation destined for disaster. I think the thrill would wear off pretty quickly.

From a day-to-day, practical point of view, why would you want to move in with 5 other people anyway (no matter how few clothes they wear)? Talk about a lack of privacy and personal space. Even strippers get grouchy and hard to live with and six people in one space (no matter how large) would soon take on a certain “Survivor”-esqe quality.

I considered a similar arrangement back in my college days (they weren’t strippers though 😉 ) and decided against it, thankfully. With hindsight, I can appreciate that it would have quickly become uncomfortable for any number of reasons, not the least of which is too many people in too little space.

The people you choose to live with can have a major impact on your happiness, stress level, scholastic success and moral compass. Choose wisely. You’ve known your family your whole life and you want to move out. How do you think you would handle housemates you have known for a few minutes once the novelty wore off?

Assuming you are living at home for a reason (saving money, going to school, looking for a better job, etc.) and assuming that there isn’t anything other than embarassment making you question your current arrangement, I would counsel you to stay at home until you are ready (economically and otherwise) for your next step.

If you feel you must strike out on your own now, why not look for a simpler living arrangement. Maybe with one other roommate. Most colleges have plenty of postings in their student centers from people your age seeking housemates. You should be able to find an arrangement that works for you.

Good luck.
Sounds like the general of Satan’s army is moving in to get a catch on you by sending these strippers(?). You’re young and the temptations will be so great if you live together in the same roof with them, knowing that they’re five.

Stay away from the strong man’s tricks. We’re in a battle against evil forces, so discern well with all your move. You can still evangelize them by getting to know them, BUT not to live with them, even if you’re going to be in a separate room.

Remember the saying in Proverbs; “Bad company corrupts good morals.”

God bless,

If you sit all day, every day in a barbershop, eventually you will get a haircut.
If you do move in with the strippers, be prepared to drive them to the abortion doctor now and then, because accidents co happen and they can’t afford to mess up the bodies, ya know. Also they like booze and drugs a lot. Like coke and meth–keeps the weight down. And cigs of course.

Oh and also, if you start sleeping with them, God will evaporate from your mind. It just happens. So maybe in 20 years or so, as your looks wane, you’ll come out of it and wonder what happened to your life.
Any man who might want to actually live with five women is asking to suffer, no matter what they look like.


In fact, any woman contemplating moving in with five other women is destined to suffer too!
  1. a) Were they strippers or liturgical dancers?

    b) Does it make a difference?
  2. Who can resist a thread with this title? 😃
I had adolescent fantacies too; but eher were not internet forums to post them on.
In my short acting career, I’ve known a few girls who get into stripping, thinking it’s a gateway into “the Business,” or just because they need the money (and believe me, it pays well).
Apparently it pays so incredibly well that that five of them can’t afford the rent on their own. But they think a McDonald’s paycheck is just enough for a sixth.

Something doesn’t add up here.

“Welcome to mcDonald’s! Can I help you?”

“Yes! We’re a carload of strippers and we would like two Number 3’s, a Number 2 and a Salad, please…”

I dont see it.

you’re asking for trouble.

Take a cold shower and throw the number away.


OK OK, take a lukewarm shower then 🙂

Either which way, toss that phone number.

There’s enough minefields in life, no need to live in one.
😃 LOL that is to funny but a cold shower would be in order. Know what they are they are more then likely not bad looking. But first and formost Guard your eyes for they are the window to the soul. As the old byzentine saying goes.
The Barrister:
Were they strippers or liturgical dancers?
I’d rather live with strippers. :dancing:
The Barrister:
Who can resist a thread with this title? 😃
It does sort of reach out and grab you, doesn’t it? At first I thought it was a trick question. 😉
Would it really be so bad moving in with them in an apartment (in my own separate bed, of course!), even taking the opportunity to work-in some apologetics/evangelization?
For me, it would be a near occasion of sin. You have to ask yourself if this would be the case for you. I remember when I was 20, and if this were my dillema and I chose to live with them, I would be certainly and willfully placing myself into temptation–not a good thing.

Christ ate with sinners, but I don’t believe by doing so he placed himself purposefully into temptation. Evangelizing to these is a great idea. You don’t have to and ought not to place yourself into a near occassion of sin to do so.
It doesn’t matter if they are really strippers or not. Run, as fast as you can, the other way. Even if they were just pulling your leg, my old police officer’s nose smells trouble.
QUICKSAND, no matter what.
Stay home, save $ and go to school if you’re not already.
Ever think of this?

Evangelize them by turning down their offer!!

Pardon my self-flattery but I think this would be a brilliant idea. Those women would have to stop and think, “what could be so great as to make a cute, virile young man turn down an offer to live with 5 strippers?”
Apparently it pays so incredibly well that that five of them can’t afford the rent on their own. But they think a McDonald’s paycheck is just enough for a sixth.
Something doesn’t add up here.
“Welcome to mcDonald’s! Can I help you?”
“Yes! We’re a carload of strippers and we would like two Number 3’s, a Number 2 and a Salad, please…”
I dont see it.
Stuff like this happens to me more often then you’d think. Like I said, this is the late-nite shift, and we get all kinds of people in line, who often have to wait a couple of minuted by my window.

And, in all humility, I know I’m an attractive guy. The ladies (and the guys!) know it too. More oftne than not, they don’t ask me out directly, but they leave their phone numbers with the employee at the second window, and ask them to give it to me.

The gays are the funniest. It’s really flattering to know that you’re so good-looking that even someone of your own sex wants you!

Sometimes I go to work right after I’ve been performing, and I don’t even have all the make-up removed, especially eye-liner. Those are the really interesting nights, since the gay customers assume that I’m gay because of the make-up . . .

Anyway, my story is true. Be sure of that.
Pardon my self-flattery but I think this would be a brilliant idea. Those women would have to stop and think, “what could be so great as to make a cute, virile young man turn down an offer to live with 5 strippers?”
They might think I’m gay! :eek:
Were they strippers or liturgical dancers?
Definitely strippers.

Maybe God is calling me to evangelize and sanctify them? After they convert, they can direct their talents to liturgical dancing. Would this then be a legitimate example of inculturation?


Alright, guys. You talked me out of it! I just flushed the number down my toilet. My womanizing grandfather might be turning in his grave, but at least I’ve got the Angels in Heaven rejoicing on my behalf . . . talk about cold comforts!

Oh well. I’m sure God’s got better things in store for me!

And yeah, for those who asked: I’m in school. I’m a Theatre Performance major at Broward Community College. In fact, I’m currently doing Bertolt Brecht’s The Good Person of Szechwan. Ironically, it’s a play about a kindhearted prostitute forced to disguise herself as her ruthless male cousin and exploit others in order to survive. As almost every actor is playing two or more different roles, my part’s pretty major, and I’m getting plenty of stage time.

We’re actually taking this show on the road, to the American College Theatre Festival (first to the state level; after being judged, we may earn the honor of being invited to the regional level, and then Nationals, in D.C.!). While I’m at State-Festival, I’ll be auditioning for professional summer work, as well as transfer scholarships to a 4-year University.

Sigh How far I’ve fallen since my days as a Cantian postulant!

Thanks for the advice, again. Keep praying for me, please!
Now you got me curious in finding out what the number is they actually gave you. Wouldn’t it be funny if it rings through to a church office?
As the Eastern monks of old would say:

Avoid women and bishops!
Anyway, my story is true. Be sure of that.
It wasn’t your veracity that I was doubting. Sorry if I gave that impression.
Alright, so I’m at work the other day (McDonald’s), working the graveyard shift (11PM to 7AM).

As you can probably guess, we get a lot of weirdos that drive-thru so late at nite. And this car comes by, with five strippers in it. (They just got off of work.) While they’re waiting for their food, we get into a short conversation, and, after telling me how cute I am (Who could blame them?), said they’re looking for a roomate, and gave me their phone-number!


Now, I’m 20 years old, and have been wanting independence from my parents for quite a few years. Now, these women are just strippers, Yeah, it’s sinful, but I have no reason to believe that these women are sexually loose, or that they are nudists (outsdie of business).

In my short acting career, I’ve known a few girls who get into stripping, thinking it’s a gateway into “the Business,” or just because they need the money (and believe me, it pays well).

I really doubt that these women want to continue stripping forever. Would it really be so bad moving in with them in an apartment (in my own separate bed, of course!), even taking the opportunity to work-in some apologetics/evangelization?

Or should I just continue to live with my parents, and put up with the shame of being a 20 year-old still living at home?

I don’t think my parents would mind my move terribly at all. My dad would probably think, “Way to go, son!” I dunno. Maybe as a temporary solution only? Rent can be pretty expensive down here in South Florida, and splitting a room 6-way is really tantalizing.

Should I even bother to call back, and inquire more into the details of the place? Or just not bother at all?


Our Lord ate with prostitutes, and brought them into the fold. Could this be some sort of “mission” for myself? Would it be better for these girls if some other sleazebag moved in with them? I dunno . . .


Please, pray for me.
You have to be kidding…:mad:
You have to be kidding…:mad:
Aint that the truth… and some how he thinks that is being humble?

Seems there are issues with pride here too.
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