Alright, so I’m at work the other day (McDonald’s), working the graveyard shift (11PM to 7AM).
As you can probably guess, we get a lot of weirdos that drive-thru so late at nite. And this car comes by, with five strippers in it. (They just got off of work.) While they’re waiting for their food, we get into a short conversation, and, after telling me how cute I am (Who could blame them?), said they’re looking for a roomate, and gave me their phone-number!
Now, I’m 20 years old, and have been wanting independence from my parents for quite a few years. Now, these women are
just strippers, Yeah, it’s sinful, but I have no reason to believe that these women are sexually loose, or that they are nudists (outsdie of business).
In my short acting career, I’ve known a few girls who get into stripping, thinking it’s a gateway into “the Business,” or just because they need the money (and believe me, it pays
I really doubt that these women want to continue stripping forever. Would it really be so bad moving in with them in an apartment (in my own separate bed, of course!), even taking the opportunity to work-in some apologetics/evangelization?
Or should I just continue to live with my parents, and put up with the shame of being a 20 year-old still living at home?
I don’t think my parents would mind my move terribly at all. My dad would probably think, “Way to go, son!” I dunno. Maybe as a temporary solution only? Rent can be pretty expensive down here in South Florida, and splitting a room 6-way is really tantalizing.
Should I even bother to call back, and inquire more into the details of the place? Or just not bother at all?
Our Lord ate with prostitutes, and brought them into the fold. Could this be some sort of “mission” for myself? Would it be better for these girls if some other
sleazebag moved in with them? I dunno . . .
Please, pray for me.