I am very confused by this topic after speaking with a traditionalist Catholic for the first time. I have a few scattered questions that I am hope I am asking respectfully?
- Is the CCC infallible? Is the Baltimore Catechism?
- What does it mean that the CCC is “authoritative”? - Can a person disagree with it if there is a compelling reason to do so?
- What if there is a contradiction between the CCC and the Baltimore Catechism? Which opinion do you go with?
- What happens when there are changes to the CCC - for instance in 1997 and 2019, and possibly further? Does this mean there are errors in it? Can Catholics favor earlier publications? Can Catholics look at the CCC and believe that certain other things should be changed as well?
- What is a truly indisputable and infallible source of Church teaching that Catholics can quickly reference if the CCC does not carry these labels?
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