Interesting hypothesis.
Porn is not speech or expression. It is only sexual acts in motion picture or still photo form.To quote Claire Booth Luce (a Catholic convert and strong defender of the faith) "Censorship, like charity, should begin at home. But, unlike charity, it should end there.
I do not approve of porn and applaud the efforts of entities like Mcdonalds’s to block it from being accessed in their facilities. But you can strongly oppose pornography and still feel uncomfortable with the idea of Big Brother looking over your shoulder, spying on you, going through your browsing history and telling yo what you may or may not download.
Effort to limit the harmful effects of pornography must be balanced with efforts to protect freedom of speech and expression and avoid expansion of state power into the lives of the private citizen.
They still bleep out “bad” language used by “comedians.” I recently saw a bar covering the mouth area so you couldn’t read their lips.Hello Deacon,
While I believe that Victoria Secret’s catalog is porn, because they market lust, I think that Victoria Secret & the old Playboy are hard to legally define as porn because of the extreme legal complications you mention. So the Catechism definition of porn would be OK with me.
The stuff I would really like to see removed is the “soft porn” we see on HBO, Cinemax, etc.
However, this is a total hypothetical conversation because the govt will never do it. The liberals and the libertarians would never support such legislation.
Well, they are very selective on what they consider “bad language.”They still bleep out “bad” language used by “comedians.” I recently saw a bar covering the mouth area so you couldn’t read their lips.
The principle remains.I agree that we are not in practice going to overcome gov’t by judiciary. It’s a done deal til our system crumbles (might not be long). So the word games played by justices are the last word.
The sex scenes with artistic value: might be artistic for some people.
On the whole: the benefits to society at large gained from banning pornography far outweigh the artistic expression that might benefit a few.
We make these marginal decisions all the time.
Feeding the hungry:
There are able bodied people who prove an exception to the wisdom of legislation that helps people. Essentially, we have “outlawed” hunger.
Should we still decide to help the hungry? Yes. We will make a decision one way or another. On principle, our society makes a decision to help people regardless of abuse.
Taxation: The government legislates my cooperation in supporting civil society with my tax dollars. I can support people more effectively and efficiently by helping people locally. But, I recognize that for the overall good of society, I should cooperate in this endeavor. It’s not a matter of my taste.
There is a principle involved in pornography that is not going to make everyone happy, and will not result in laws that adequately cover every situation.
The principle remains.
Yeah, but it sounds like a drop in a bucket! It’ll do little for those addicted to porn. What’s needed is true repentance.There are other entities working against porn.
Pornography should be banned from Internet and Cable TV because it can’t be controlled from Kids and Teens seeing it. Pornography should be legal only in sealed off back rooms where proof of age is required to enter. Pornography should also be taxed like Cigarettes.Hi everyone,
I’ve been thinking about this question a little bit lately. I used to think that this was a no-brainer - of course, it should be illegal. However, I thought about Augustine’s famous quote, which St. Thomas agrees with, that if harlots be done away with, the whole world would be convulsed in lust, and that therefore, prostitution should be tolerated. So now, I’m not so sure, and am open to hearing other opinions on this question.
So, my question to all of you is, do you think the government should tolerate pornography, or should forbid it, partially or entirely? I should say, of course, that I’m talking about ‘normal’ pornography, not child pornography, or other pornography that depicts rape/violence.
Please, besides answering the poll, explain your thoughts below.
As said in the title, this thread is only for Catholics who accept all Catholic teachings.
Benedicat Deus,
The problem with “sin taxes” is that the gov’t usually becomes reliant on them. What starts out as simply a “penalty tax” becomes an important source of tax revenue.Pornography should be banned from Internet and Cable TV because it can’t be controlled from Kids and Teens seeing it. Pornography should be legal only in sealed off back rooms where proof of age is required to enter. Pornography should also be taxed like Cigarettes.