Should students be involved in abortion protest?

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Pupils of Sacred Heart elementary school have been invited to wear black armbands in protest of the awarding of an honourary degree to prominent abortionist Dr. Henry Morgentaler. The 65 children aged 9-13 will be competing at an athletic event at the stadium of the university involved in the debate over this award. What do you think? Are these children too young to be involved in this protest? Or is this an “adult fight” as some Catholic parents have argued and the school principal had no business getting the students involved?
Definitely, as long as it’s by their own volition. What a great history lesson too! Protest is one of the things that makes this country great. It also sends a strong signal to the pro-aborts that there is an upcoming generation that isn’t going to swallow the anti-life message whole. I see more and more young people (perhaps not that young, but nonetheless) that are pro-life and pro-chastity. It is really encouraging. Getting kids involved when they are young gives them the foundation to defend their beliefs in the future.
I just noticed that you are from Canada. So perhaps the history lesson angle would have to be different;)
Hi Rosalinda. I think children should practice expressing their beliefs about things in a public way. They will be accompanied by teachers and coaches. With the Morgentaler protest however, we have already seen that it can get violent. A full can of pop was hurled from a moving car at a protester outside Davenport’s house. Children were nearby. Perhaps as well as the black armbands, the children should wear** helmets** and safety goggles.

It is a source of frustration to me how Davenport is getting away with this. In a similar situation in a university out west, the president was required to make public that adequate security precautions had been taken.

With trashmouth Judy Rebick giving her push for Morgentaler to get the Order of Canada this evening at the New Democratic Party screening of Choice (the Morgentaler movie), this is an incendiary addition to an already volatile mix. At the same time, the protestors will be giving an educational protest about what really happens in abortion. With Rebick and her no-holds barred, trashmouth anti-Catholicism who knows what will happen?

My question to Colin Carrie (Conservative mp Oshawa) yesterday was: why is Rebick special. How come the rest of us have to be careful about what we say or do and she gets to run roughshod over the rest of Canada like a bull in a chinashop. Why are the press not covering the larger infractions of her website? the Pope cartoon got shot down with a curt “it is satire not hate” and “we are a non-profit organization.” Ha! to both!
Like it or not our children are already surviving in a war zone as one in four conceptions end in procured abortion which means a lot of their sisters, brothers, class and playmates have already been victimized by this behind-the-door war on children.
One of hte best things I did in high school was an anti-abortion speach in my english class. It was rather simple, I explained the process and the developmental process of unborn children and contrasted with the method of abortions and how they end life. After the speech I couldn’t help but keep thinking about the things I had read and went on to write a song about it for my rock band. The song actually got some radio play on a secular stations local rock program several weeks in a row.

At the time I was 16 so it is never too early for someone to protest something you believe moraly wrong. Now MAKING your children protest is another issue. This has to be the choice of the child but I don’t think you can really explain abortion to an eight year old so take that into conciteration.
If it is of their own volition, I would ask this: do their opinions not matter until they’re of a legal age? This is, I think, ageist and insulting. Children have moral compasses too, and can often distinguish good from evil. Why discourage them?
If a child can recognize that this is a baby and that abortion is wrong(which we all know that they can) then they should be allowed to protest if they wish.
I think that it is not only appropriate, but ideal, that kids of this age ought to be involved in the movement. One of the things which people often fail to recognize, afterall, is that for a person of this age to be involved in such a movement it is not merely a fight for “the poor, innocent babies”. Rather, it is an individual and group rights movement for themselves. They ought to, rightly, take it as a personal insult and rise up to stand for their human rights. Afterall, the message which society sends to these kids is that it would have been just fine and dandy had they been aborted. It is a very insultful and venenmous message directed at the youth. They, therefore, need to fight back and stand up for themselves, demanding the respect which they are well deserved, but denied. If they fail to do so, they might as well go sit in the back of the bus and drink only from the fountains which their oppressors tell them they are allowed to use.
YES!YES! AND YES!There are people in the pro-life movement that drive me insane because they limit the participation of young people:eek: The young people are the targets of brainwash in our society while we shelter them to the horror of abortion they are being taught there is a clump of cells in there if your pregnant that you can remove to become “unpregnant”.:mad:
Why is this an “adult” fight??
The adults kill the kids!!!
That’s not very fair.
Let the kids fight back!!!

Kids know right from wrong. Let them teach the “enlightened” and “compassionate” adults.
If a child can recognize that this is a baby and that abortion is wrong(which we all know that they can) then they should be allowed to protest if they wish.
I have to agree here…This seems to me to be a very age appropriate way for children to participate.
I would, however, want it to be a decision on the part of the children. No one should try to coerce them to take part(and I don’t believe you would have to).
Pupils send message- The black wristbands worn at a track meet yesterday protest UWO’s decision to honour Henry

A local psychologist, Dr. Svec, who claims to be Catholic was interviewed by the reporter and exclaimed, " I don’t think they understand - nor do many of us - the complexities of this problem. It’s not appropriate." He also said and this was highlighted by the London Free Press, "Sport is to be pure. Sport is about sport. You shouldn’t be bringing in other political issues."

Nonetheless, the children made the front page of the regional news section and appeared showing their ribbons in a beautiful, large photograph. One of the parents who has five children thought it was an opportunity “to let our light shine”.
Rosalinda said:
"Sport is to be pure. Sport is about sport. You shouldn’t be bringing in other political issues."

Nonsense. Sport has always been political. As a good Catholic would he then object to a competitor kneeling before or after a meet, making the sign of the cross, and giving praise and thanks to the Lord?

By the way, I am picking up something to wear as a black armband and I am going to wear that from now on as a protest against my country’s normaliziation of abortion. But also in solidarity with the children of London.

You rock, children of London! Keep on rocking in the free world!
Ani, I see the website is calling for a national day of mourning of June 16 should our efforts fail to rescind the Dr. M. award. Everyone is asked to dress in black or wear a black armband. Guess it is time to stock up on rolls of black ribbon.

By the way, anyone who has not as yet voted on the site please take a few moments. The opposition website has a lot of signatures from Americans and not a few comments from humanists calling for the elimination of religion.
Chicago, I liked your comments on post #10 so much that I have just used them in a letter to the editor. Hope you don’t mind I stole your ideas.

Letter to the Editor
Paul Berton, Editor-in-chief
London Free Press

Dear Sir:

While Dr. Svec may feel that the athletes who chose to wear black armbands at UWO were too young to understand the abortion issue I think that it is not only appropriate but ideal for children to participate in the grassroots public protest on this important human rights issue.

**Regrettably, many fail to recognize the legitimacy and relevance of their **stand because while it is a fight against the unjust deaths of “the poor, innocent babies” it is just as much an individual and group rights movement for themselves. Rightly therefore, do they take it as a personal insult and rise up to defend their own human rights under assault in this prevailing
**culture of death. After all, the message which society sends to this ****contemporary generation of holocaust survivors (3 million in Canada) is that **it would have been just fine and dandy had they been aborted. It is a very contemptuous and venonmous message directed at the youth to suggest their young lives were once disposable commodities to be trashed at the discretion of their parents should they have been deemed inconvenient or not a perfect enough candidate for life. Consequently, they need to fight back, stand up for themselves and to demand the respect which they are well deserved but denied.

**Should they fail to do so, they might as well remain seated in the back of **the bus and drink only from the fountains their oppressors tell them they are allowed to use.

No human life is too small to be loved and protected. Let the children lead the way.
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