Whew. What a fine piece of writing. Goodden comes through again!
Well done and well said, Rosalinda.This letter just off to the President of UWO who Judy Rebick is encouraging people to write to today.
Dear Mr. Davenport:
The decision of your university to award an abortionist who has reduced the number of your potential future students and donors is foolhardy. Your refusal to admit your mistake has been called courageous by some but how anyone can pride himself for defending the indefensible remains unfathomable to me. Morgentaler has discovered nothing; has created nothing; has contributed nothing to the advancement of knowledge or science. His only legacy is death and trauma.
“Tell me what you honor and I will tell you what you are.” You are honoring two people: Morgentaler and Anderson, responsible for the promotion and destruction of human life. Rather than protecting the welfare of the young women at your university you are encouraging them to choose a self-destructive choice that will haunt them the rest of their lives because the destiny of mother and child are inextricably linked. It is impossible to destroy the one without harming the other. Women who endure a procured abortion are hurt in ways you haven’t even bothered to investigate.
For the aforementionned reasons your victory June 16 will be a very hallow one indeed.
Feel free to copy and forward to: pdavenport@uwo.ca
Divine Apostle:look we students should be involved in this debate! i hate the murder of my brothers and sisters! therefore i can not stand by and watch those people in their nice little clean clinics murder them! do you hear me! if there is one teacher in my school that supports abortion i will rip her a new *** you know what i mean! im going into 9th grade and im ready too take you down if you support abortion!
London Free Press letter by Nadia Lytwenko, June 7.
Pupils’ wristband protest inappropriate
:tsktsk: "Regarding the article, Pupils send message(June 1).
A child of 10 or 11 will have little understanding of such a convoluted social issue as abortion. …
To involve our children …is irresponsible and dangerous.
The posturing is so blatently insincere as it is the children who are force fed sex education before they can handle the weight of that knowledge. Now that is what would more appropriately be called “irresponsible and dangerous” because the children lose their innocence and engage in precocious experimentation which leaves them emotionally damaged; exposes them to STD’s and guarantees more business for abortuary mills.
Furthermore, Corrie TenBoom may not appreciate the hijacking of her story to defend the exultation of a mass murderer to the status of “Doctor of Laws.”
What is “convoluted” is the lie that it is a human right to kill the unborn. Children are born with an innate sense of right and wrong: this illustrates they have to be taught hatred for the unborn.