Should the NFL be boycotted?

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There is indeed a true racial imbalance.
African-American players currently comprise 67.3% of the league’s players. It is the highest percentage of African-American players since the 2003 season. The remaining racial breakdown of NFL players is: 31% Caucasian, .7% Asian/Pacific Islander, .6% Latinos and 2% International and Other.
El Centro de la Raza should be picketing with torches and pitchforks!
If I don’t start seeing some Asians out there on the field, I’m taking my business elsewhere.
Those teams that do not honor their own countries should hardly expect their countrymen to pay any form of tribute to them in turn.

Let them engage in any form of positive activities rather than the attention-grabbing alternative they are currently employing, which serves mostly to place a spotlight upon themselves rather than providing any meaningful improvement upon the situation they are espousing to correct.
Should the NFL be boycotted?
That’s a decision that can be made only be each individual TV watcher. As for me, I decided last summer that I could live without watching NFL games. Haven’t missed them a bit.
Let them engage in any form of positive activities rather than the attention-grabbing alternative they are currently employing, which serves mostly to place a spotlight upon themselves rather than providing any meaningful improvement upon the situation they are espousing to correct.
That is one heck of a sentence, my friend. Bravo.:clapping:
It is up to each team to discipline their players for not standing for the National Anthem. The more attention you pay to them, the more they will do it. Imagine, if you will, Seahawks Stadium. Over sixty thousand individuals standing, one player sitting. Who gets the attention?

Don’t boycott–get out a piece of bark and a writing stick. Start sending letters. To the NFL. To your local franchise. To your local TV affiliate that carries the franchise. To the sponsors of the programs. To the local sponsors of the team on radio. To the broadcasters that put the camera on the protesters. You’ll get far, far better results.

If one person does it, they may think they’re crazy and ignore them.
If two people do it, they may think they’re together.
If three people do it, in harmony, they may begin to think it’s an organization.
And if fifty people a day do it, they’ll understand it’s a movement.
–paraphrasing Arlo Guthrie
Me neither. And certainly not of watching highly paid jerks disrespect the country that provides them that golden egg.
Exactly! They get paid so much money and many are treated like celebrities and they
have so many opportunities. Then to pull the attention getting stunts like not standing for the national anthem is really sickening .
Yes if you’ve been watching it. Better to never have gotten into the habit of watching it in the first place though.
There are plenty of better reasons to boycott professional sports leagues than a player disrespecting a national anthem. If only the same amount of energy was spent on more pressing issues.
Me neither. And certainly not of watching highly paid jerks disrespect the country that provides them that golden egg.
I agree, my dad always says, why would I care if one team wins or looses, it has absolutely no effect on my life at all? I have never understood why so many people like to watch millionaires chasing a ball around.

I think it speaks volumes that football is really only popular in the US.
There are plenty of better reasons to boycott professional sports leagues than a player disrespecting a national anthem. If only the same amount of energy was spent on more pressing issues.
I agree. I boycott the NFL for lots of reason including the fact it has a ridiculous amount of commercials. It is just bad entertainment. Deeper then that it is part of a corrupt system where universities allow people completely unqualified to attend and play on their team while cheating academically and committing a heinous amount of serious crime.

As for the anthem why do we have to be inflicted with it before every sporting match? It was a war measure to encourage people to want to die for the state. Like all war measures it lasts forever.
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