Should the traditional calendar be modified?

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My only regret at the use of the 1962 Liturgical Calendar is that it cannot include those who have been Canonized and Beatified since 1962. Should changes to the traditional calendar be made to include them perhaps?

Good idea IMO - & I would also get rid of feasts of non-existent or very dubiously historical saints: such as Barlaam & Joasaph.​

Hmmm, I think it is way off right now.

During the pontificate of John Paul II 128 new saints, or goups of saints (as in the 103 Korean Martyrs or a Saint and companions) were named. Also a new Doctor of the Church. Do these appear on the 1962 calendar?

The Maccabee Martyrs do, on August 1.​

I would like to see more of the OT saints in the calendar - there are 32 in the unrevised Roman Martyrology (including, of all people, Adam & Eve - who are about as unsaintly as could well be imagined, IMHO; they got us into our present mess :mad: :eek: :()
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