I really want to learn praying in Latin.
Do some of you pray in Latin?
Do some of you pray in Latin?
Yes, I pray some of my prayers in Latin, mostly the rosary but others also. I typically just take it one prayer at a time and I also taught myself to say the responses at Mass in Latin. It is a beautiful language and I personally found it to be a great way to connect with the saints of the Church who also prayed in Latin.I really want to learn praying in Latin.
Do some of you pray in Latin?
Yes, absolutely.Usually when I pray I pray:
- Our Father.
- Hail Mary.
- Glory Be.
- Apostles Creed.
and after that I thank Jesus and Abba for my day. Is that way of praying okay?
Well, prayer and canon law.I know but then I would have a language specially for praying.
Spiritual benefit derived from praying in any liturgical language is a subjective experience, not an objective one. You derive spiritual benefit from Latin prayer because you choose to use a language you don’t usually use for anything else to pray, giving the activity an aura of sanctity and gravity. You do NOT derive spiritual benefit because Latin is inherently benefit/grace-providing. The notion is borderline idolatrous. Latin is a language, and no undue power should be ascribed to it or to prayers in it.How do you know it’s not both end? How do you know that it’s not the case that praying in Ecclesial Latin has spiritual benefits, but so does praying in Aramaic, Arabic, Greek, Armenian, etc.?
I’ve actually made that very Point. By the, I was at a Maronite liturgy here in South Carolina, and the words of consecration were just beautiful, and they were definitely not in Latin. I’m not sure with all these posts about the Latin language are lately. I feel like when you put Latin on a pedestal, and forget there are in fact other liturgical languages, that’s going to make a lot of Eastern Christians feel quite poorly. I feel like when you have that kind of attitude towards Latin, that makes it really hard to be ecumenical with the Eastern Orthodoxnotion is borderline idolatrous
A family in my church does. They sign the hymns too.For those who are deaf, do they sign prayers?
I mean, you don’t really need a language specifically for prayer. You can pray just as well in whatever your primary language is. But as I said, if you want to, there’s certainly nothing wrong with it. Just remember that the content and sincerity of your prayers is what’s important, not whether they’re in Latin.I know but then I would have a language specially for praying.