I guess you need to understand Jesus was wrapped in a shroud after death when laying on His tomb slab
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I don’t have any information on these bishops, however I recall reading that many copies of the shroud were made and they were passed off as being the genuine “Shroud.” The Church was against the veneration of these false shrouds, but they still believed in the veracity of the original Shroud of Turin.Moreover, I would be very interested if anyone has any information on Bishops Pierre D’Arcis and Henri of Poitiers, who (respectively?) discovered the forgery before the year 1400 and forbade its veneration after the artist’s confession.
The blood couldn’t go up from an open wound.
Most of the blood stains on the shroud (that the real scientists who actually tested the real shroud confirmed as being type AB blood) were directly transferred to the cloth from the body as it was wrapped, and not afterward. The reason for them to “appear to be” from a person that was in a standing position is because they happened during the entire Passion, as well as when Jesus was hanging in an upright position on the cross! It doesn’t take any kind of so-called “expert” to figure that out (btw… an “ex” is just a “has been” and a “spurt” is just “a drip under pressure”They simply concluded the blood couldn’t be real because the stains seem to come from the wounds on a person standing, which is odd