Sin of the occult?

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I am so sorry that you feel as though there are all of these adults that are trying to guide you, but maybe you should listen a bit…because I assure you at 16 you do not have it all figured out! I really am praying that God continue to bless you and that if He is calling you that He would make a way for you to be the best priest you can be!

Now, for the secret stuff…this is a terrible concern for me!

Just for the simple fact, people that have a preoccupation with secrets, or keeping things secret, ect put themselves in a posititon where they are held in suspicion constantly. No, I am not saying that it is wrong to have private thing between you and God, or between you and your family, or between you and a friend…but what I am saying is creating a “code” to write about God, so that you can keep those thoughts secret is a little disturbing and even quite suspicious! Considering your past religious experience and all.

One would have to question why? Why do you want to conceal it? Why wouldn’t you want everyone to know what you feel about God???

It is your natural inclination to make it unreadable??? Why is this? This sounds like this inclination could be a sign from your past religious life of occultic secrecy and conjuration that you are still holding on to some of that.

I just can’t see why you would want to encode this journal if all that is going to be in it is the greatness, and power of God??? It does not make sense, it seems as though there is another motive.

Silverwings, I just don’t buy it! I don’t believe that the only reason you want to encode your journal is because you are greedy? Encoding writing seems very suspicious, and the roots for wanting to do so seem very diabolical! If you want to keep your thoughts private…that is fine…put’em on a computer that password protected…lock your writings away…but encoding with different languages and the such…given your background seems a little suspicious, and the person that has a preoccupation with secrets is going to naturally be put in a light of suspicion.

Here is some food for thought:

The apostles wrote things about God…and alot of what they wrote made it into the scripture, for our benefit! What if they would have had this same preoccupation with secrets as well, and wanted to encode their writings? If you have a talent for writing use it…if you have a talent for language use it…but I am just suspicious of encoded languages…sounds too much like the occult.

God Bless those are my thoughts!

Again, I feel misunderstood, lol. Okay, first of all, I said I was giving up the charade of using such means of veiling communication, please read carefully!.. the above was written on how I feel, not what I want to do!

I mean, look at other people who write diaries. They want to hide it from other people, because it is something personal. I myself hate to share my poetry because it is personal. When it comes from the heart, one is afraid that it might be abused. That’s what I’m afraid.

BECAUSE it is private matter, as most journals/diaries are, that is the reason why I want to conceal it. That is it a natural inclination SINCE it is on a private matter. It is not my normal habit to conceal things. I said above that I was giving up the charade on an alphabet, and I’m done with it.

BUT the languages are a different matter, because I want to practice them, not for veiling. A language should be spoken, written, listened to, and understood by all these things. How else to hone a skill? It has nothing to do with concealing at all!

I feel hurt because of this misunderstanding, that I am trying to hide some occultic secret from everyone. 😦 I told you that I’m done with it! All I really want to do is write about God, and that’s it.

wipes tears Anyways, I hope this clarifies things.
Okay. I’m done crying.

What should I do to give up all this supposed occult that probably is tied with me (or trying to pull me down)?

I’ve taken away the alphabet.

What else should I give up?

I love God too much to give up on Him now.
You were very loving and caring in your responses to our young friend. It isn’t my intent to admonish you in the least. I was merely using your post as a ‘springboard’ (so to speak) for the GENERAL ideas that his hobby or interests are getting out of hand.

I did open my post with:

Which is how I understood your kind comments to mean. But there are others on this board reading this (and posting) who might eluded to the fact that he might be in a ‘phase’ or that his exploration was too intense (not their words, but mine). I was merely posting my perspective on those thoughts.

I apologize for putting your post in my own, but knowing that we both seemed to be on the same page with Silverwings, I thought that my post was clearer.

This is one of the apparent shortfalls of an internet forum 🙂

Peace and Blessing on you and yours…
Dearest Shiann

I know this of you, I know your intention was good and I now realise that in this bad medium we have another silly misunderstanding between two people desiring the best for our friend silverwings.

So no need to apologise to me, who am I to apologise to anyway, I am no better or worse than the rest and as such am your equal in Christ Jesus as His love for us both is equal.

God has NO favourites at all, ever!

Dear friend I know what you are saying and I am sorry we misunderstood each other

Many many blessings to your very kind heart.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you always and to those you love and hold dear to you

Okay. I’m done crying.

What should I do to give up all this supposed occult that probably is tied with me (or trying to pull me down)?

I’ve taken away the alphabet.

What else should I give up?

I love God too much to give up on Him now.
Dearest dearest Silverwings

How glad I am to hear you cried and have given this pursuit up for love of God, this is a good lenten offering, indeed you are an example!

Tears are a very sincere offering indeed. Jesus will bless you for that.

Now you are indeed a brave and fearless follower of Christ Jesus, who will not let anything stand between you and Him, this is a good and blessed day for you.

Now think and pray upon the things I asked you to do concerning your vocation. Thank God for His help and graces to assist you in your efforts of detachment and love yourself and all those you meet. You are a fine young man and I am very proud of you

I recall the Christmas Hymn, the Little Drummer boy…this is God we are talking about, what on earth can we give Him that is sufficient?? In this hymn the drummer boy plays his best for Him, this is not enough, what in the end does he give Him? He gives his heart…give up yourself dear friend.

You will always remain in my prayers

God Bless you and much love and peace to you and those you love and hold dear to you

Dearest dearest Silverwings

How glad I am to hear you cried and have given this pursuit up for love of God, this is a good lenten offering, indeed you are an example!

Tears are a very sincere offering indeed. Jesus will bless you for that.

Now you are indeed a brave and fearless follower of Christ Jesus, who will not let anything stand between you and Him, this is a good and blessed day for you.

Now think and pray upon the things I asked you to do concerning your vocation. Thank God for His help and graces to assist you in your efforts of detachment and love yourself and all those you meet. You are a fine young man and I am very proud of you

I recall the Christmas Hymn, the Little Drummer boy…this is God we are talking about, what on earth can we give Him that is sufficient?? In this hymn the drummer boy plays his best for Him, this is not enough, what in the end does he give Him? He gives his heart…give up yourself dear friend.

You will always remain in my prayers

God Bless you and much love and peace to you and those you love and hold dear to you

Thank you gain for your kind words. I’ll write no more on this topic. I think the original intent is dead now… 🙂

:bounce: Now I just can’t wait to go into a seminary! :bounce: Yey!

God bless you all for helping me discern this troubling occultic practice…

Amen! :bounce:
Frankly, I’d just pray to my God. The Lord is my rock and my salvation
Which is exactly what I do when I cast a spell. I prayer to my God or Goddess with my request. If they see fit, I will be granted my request. If not, then it wasn’t meant to happen. For me, a spell is a different form of prayer. Granted, not everyone who practices magic is also religious, but that makes it no more wrong or right. Only the intent does.
Which is exactly what I do when I cast a spell. I prayer to my God or Goddess with my request. If they see fit, I will be granted my request. If not, then it wasn’t meant to happen. For me, a spell is a different form of prayer. Granted, not everyone who practices magic is also religious, but that makes it no more wrong or right. Only the intent does.
Dearest Friend

I mean to cause no argument with you and I wish you well in every respect, so in this light may I ask you a question…

You have your beliefs yes; and we have our faith and the two are incompatible; this young man does not wish to practice your beliefs, so why are you, because he mentioned he used to practice your beliefs, persisting to post to this young man? He has rejected you beliefs and now holds the faith of God. It would of course now be respectful wouldn’t it, to leave this young man alone and keep your beliefs to yourself as they are contrary to the faith he now holds? Why do you continue to post to him?

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

You have your beliefs yes; and we have our faith and the two are incompatible;
That is true.
this young man does not wish to practice your beliefs, so why are you, because he mentioned he used to practice your beliefs, persisting to post to this young man?
I am merely stating my opinion. If he doesn’t hold the same beliefs as me, it makes no difference to me. I am merely replying to different comments I see.
He has rejected you beliefs and now holds the faith of God.
I hold faith in God and Goddess too.
It would of course now be respectful wouldn’t it, to leave this young man alone and keep your beliefs to yourself as they are contrary to the faith he now holds?
To imply I’m being disrespectful by posting my opinion is disrespectful in itself. I have no interest in converting him. Doesn’t interest me in the least. He made a comment, and then I replied to it - that is all. For example, he said that when he needs something, he prays to God instead of using magic. I merely commented that my practice is similar - when I perform a spell for a need I am praying to my God or Goddess, or both. Or, I will just pray to them without spell work.
That is true.
I am merely stating my opinion. If he doesn’t hold the same beliefs as me, it makes no difference to me. I am merely replying to different comments I see. I hold faith in God and Goddess too. To imply I’m being disrespectful by posting my opinion is disrespectful in itself. I have no interest in converting him. Doesn’t interest me in the least. He made a comment, and then I replied to it - that is all. For example, he said that when he needs something, he prays to God instead of using magic. I merely commented that my practice is similar - when I perform a spell for a need I am praying to my God or Goddess, or both. Or, I will just pray to them without spell work.
Dearest friend

Thank you for your kind reply. I did not mean you are disrespectful nor to imply that and I am sorry if that hurt your feelings because that wasn’t my intention at all.

I am glad you have no further concern for this young man and as such seeing as there is no further comment from him, the matter is closed as he said in his last post he will not be posting on this again.

May I take this opportunity to wish you well and that the Truine God may always remain with you and continue to draw you to Himself.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you always and to those you love

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