“See what things the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary.” Ps. LXXIII. 3
Since the New Mass…
Communion has been received standing and in the hand showing disbelief in the Real Presence
A table has replaced an Altar of Sacrifice, just as the protestants did
Girls have replaced altar boys, showing that they, too, can be priests
Eucharistic ministers have replaced priests in distributing Holy Communion, showing that that a priest and a layman are the same thing
The Mass has been turned around to face the people, showing that they are more important than the Tabernacle and what it contains
New “Eucharistic prayers” have been invented that do not even address Sacrifice, which are used to “get it over with,” whereas the Canon has existed from the time of St. Ambrose (“Eucharistic Prayer” Numbers 2-87 invented c. 1970)
Communion has been given to laymen under both kinds, showing that the Sacred Host is only half of Christ’s Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity
Laymen have acted as “lectors,” showing that there is no need for Orders since all are “priests”
Anyone has been permitted to touch the Sacred Vessels, showing a lack of belief in the Real Presence
The vernacular has replaced the language of the Church, Latin, showing that Mass is merely a “commeorative meal” just as the protestants belief
The rejection of Pope St. Pius V’s Quo Primum, which states that the Mass he codified should last for all times, showing the rejection of Papal authority
The New Mass was fabricated by a “committee,” showing that 2000 years of Tradition is useless and that we are actually based on Bible-alone, just like out “protestant brothers and sisters”
The prayers at the foot of the altar were destroyed because the Psalm Iudica Me makes use of the term altar, something that is unacceptable to “our separated brethren” as well as to the “modern Catholics”
Almost all Signs of the Cross have been removed, showing a rejection of the belief in priest’s power to impart blessing from God
All stand for the final blessing, again rejecting the belief in power of the priest’s blessing
Any mystery, ritual, symbolism, and sacredity has been destroyed to turn the perfect Sacrifice into a commemorative hum-drum communion service
Innovations are rampant, as the new Liturgy lends itself to such, as even the rubrics allow for “like words” rather than strict regulations of the Mass
The words of Our Lord were changed in the Consecration of Wine
A new “mystery of faith,” “Christ has died, etc,” has been invented instead in place of the Eucharist, again showing rejection of Real Presence
An audible Canon (“Eucharistic prayers”) have been invented, along with other parts of the Mass always said inaudibly in order to make Mass for people the people, a social event, rather than a Sacrifice for God
The Offertory was destoryed, which had existed since the very first Mass
There is but one Confiteor at beginning of Mass, showing that the priest and people are equal
Women no longer cover their heads, even though St. Paul says that “very nature” tells us this is necessary and it has been explicitly commanded since the second Pope, St. Linus
Women are seen as equal to priests, as they can serve the altar, be “Eucharistic ministers,” lectors, and hold any office a man can, thereby equating them to priests
The Minor Orders were destoryed, and it their place was left the “permenant deaconate”
The prayers of the Mass are no longer Catholic because they had to be changed in order to be acceptable to “our separated brethren”
Prayers from the very first written missals of Mass were destroyed in order to change the Mass from a Sacrifice that is pleasing to God and explicitly Catholic to what is seen as possibly Lutheran (other than the fact that even they have a Communion rail)
The last Gospel, also existing from the first days of the Church, was destoryed for no reason whatsoever except to shorten the length of Mass
There have been made disrespectful and ugly vestments, whereas before the new Mass, everything, even the veil for the missal stand was designed as beautifully as possible in order to foster devotion to the sacred and as a way to praise God
Protestant auditoriums have been built and replace Catholic Sanctuaries
(please continue to next message)
Since the New Mass…
Communion has been received standing and in the hand showing disbelief in the Real Presence
A table has replaced an Altar of Sacrifice, just as the protestants did
Girls have replaced altar boys, showing that they, too, can be priests
Eucharistic ministers have replaced priests in distributing Holy Communion, showing that that a priest and a layman are the same thing
The Mass has been turned around to face the people, showing that they are more important than the Tabernacle and what it contains
New “Eucharistic prayers” have been invented that do not even address Sacrifice, which are used to “get it over with,” whereas the Canon has existed from the time of St. Ambrose (“Eucharistic Prayer” Numbers 2-87 invented c. 1970)
Communion has been given to laymen under both kinds, showing that the Sacred Host is only half of Christ’s Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity
Laymen have acted as “lectors,” showing that there is no need for Orders since all are “priests”
Anyone has been permitted to touch the Sacred Vessels, showing a lack of belief in the Real Presence
The vernacular has replaced the language of the Church, Latin, showing that Mass is merely a “commeorative meal” just as the protestants belief
The rejection of Pope St. Pius V’s Quo Primum, which states that the Mass he codified should last for all times, showing the rejection of Papal authority
The New Mass was fabricated by a “committee,” showing that 2000 years of Tradition is useless and that we are actually based on Bible-alone, just like out “protestant brothers and sisters”
The prayers at the foot of the altar were destroyed because the Psalm Iudica Me makes use of the term altar, something that is unacceptable to “our separated brethren” as well as to the “modern Catholics”
Almost all Signs of the Cross have been removed, showing a rejection of the belief in priest’s power to impart blessing from God
All stand for the final blessing, again rejecting the belief in power of the priest’s blessing
Any mystery, ritual, symbolism, and sacredity has been destroyed to turn the perfect Sacrifice into a commemorative hum-drum communion service
Innovations are rampant, as the new Liturgy lends itself to such, as even the rubrics allow for “like words” rather than strict regulations of the Mass
The words of Our Lord were changed in the Consecration of Wine
A new “mystery of faith,” “Christ has died, etc,” has been invented instead in place of the Eucharist, again showing rejection of Real Presence
An audible Canon (“Eucharistic prayers”) have been invented, along with other parts of the Mass always said inaudibly in order to make Mass for people the people, a social event, rather than a Sacrifice for God
The Offertory was destoryed, which had existed since the very first Mass
There is but one Confiteor at beginning of Mass, showing that the priest and people are equal
Women no longer cover their heads, even though St. Paul says that “very nature” tells us this is necessary and it has been explicitly commanded since the second Pope, St. Linus
Women are seen as equal to priests, as they can serve the altar, be “Eucharistic ministers,” lectors, and hold any office a man can, thereby equating them to priests
The Minor Orders were destoryed, and it their place was left the “permenant deaconate”
The prayers of the Mass are no longer Catholic because they had to be changed in order to be acceptable to “our separated brethren”
Prayers from the very first written missals of Mass were destroyed in order to change the Mass from a Sacrifice that is pleasing to God and explicitly Catholic to what is seen as possibly Lutheran (other than the fact that even they have a Communion rail)
The last Gospel, also existing from the first days of the Church, was destoryed for no reason whatsoever except to shorten the length of Mass
There have been made disrespectful and ugly vestments, whereas before the new Mass, everything, even the veil for the missal stand was designed as beautifully as possible in order to foster devotion to the sacred and as a way to praise God
Protestant auditoriums have been built and replace Catholic Sanctuaries
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